It was a hot steamy July evening I invited a friend of mine over to do some BBSing. She arrived at my house around 8:30pm, and ready to do some nasty chatting on MSS. No sooner did Veronica get in the door than the skies grew dark. The storm struck with lighting and thunder. The lights began to grow dim, and eventually the went out, leaving us in the dark with no power to run our computer. Not knowing what to do (obviously were addicted), we lit some candles and placed them in different areas of my sunken living. With no power for the A/C the humidity was horrendous, unbearable with the heat. At least we were glad that we had a portable radio. We turned it on to a mellow station. Veronica said "Hey Jan,I can't stand this heat anymore. I hope you don't mind if I take off my pants." I said, "Hell no, it's too HOT to wear anything. I think I will take off mine too." Wearing only our t-shirts and panties, we sat patiently waiting for the power to come back on. As we sat in the flicking lights of the candles, we were really bumming. Hours went by and still nothing. Wondering what the hell to do we decided to write a story, because with no computer it was boring! Just then Jan remembered she had some private numbers of some other BBS users and made a suggestion to call and see if any of them had power. Jan got out her black book and looked up a few of the numbers by candle light. At least the phones worked. We dialed the phone; it rang and rang. Finally Brad answered his phone. Jan was excited to be hearing a voice she only had words to. Veronica got on the other phone, so we all could talk together. Brad said "Oh that's why you aren't on. Been looking for you both. I thought you forgot about our meeting tonight." We said hell no just can't get off no BBSing, we started to complain about the heat and Brad said that he was sorry to hear that. Brad had an idea, since he had three way calling he'd thought it would be a good ideal to call another BBS user, he's known for awhile. We ask who do we know him? Brad said yea you both do he's Greg. we said yea we like to talk to him too. So Brad called, him when he switched back over they both were on the line. We all said hi to each other. It was strange hearing voices. Both Brad and Greg were sitting in A/C. Veronica and I were sweating from the heat. We told the guys how HOT we were. They weren't sure if we meant the weather or our bodies. We continued talking for awhile. Brad suggests maybe getting together in person. Jan and I were shocked! We weren't sure if we should reveal our identities. We talked awhile longer, the conversation started getting suggestive. The ideal of meeting became more appealing for Veronica and I. We set our phones down to discuss this, we decided since we've chat with them for awhile it might be ok just this once. We went back to our phones to tell the guys the good news. On one condition we go pick them up, they said sure, no problem. Brad gave us directions to his condo.......... Brad said that he was sure Greg would meet us over at his house. Veronica and i got our tight tank tops, short shorts. no bra's our nipples liked staying hard. We got into Jan's new corvette. red, her favorite color. we drove off into the hot night. The guys didn't live far from us, so it didn't take long to get there. When we arrived, there was a couple of guys standing around. Veronica yelled "Brad?", "Greg". the guys came up to the car, with grins on their faces. Who, is who? Jan spoke first, hi. i'm Jan. brad said " i'm Brad" and your the one that know how to turn me on. Greg, leaned into the car, saying "so you are Veronica" i like you.. Veronica and i, looked at each other, and smiled. We had to tell the guys that there was something that they would have to do, before they got into the car. the guys said "what" me and Veronica laughed out loud and said "think you can handle what's to cum?" they looked at each other, in a puzzled look. they said "okay, girls what is it" we pulled out bandanas from our tank tops. smiling from ear to ear, we said, "you guys have to wear these. we want to keep our secret lives secret.. the guys, went along with that, laughing about it. Ver. and I took them by their arms. guiding them into the car. we put Greg in the passenger seat, Brad in the middle. Veronica jump in on Greg lap. I got to drive. with all of our bodies, so close together the night heat was very intensified. WE couldn't believe, they went along with the blindfolds, but if they wanted to cum over, that was the way it had to be. Me and Veronica chuckled, out of amusement. We got back to Jan's apartment. We told the guys they would only have to leave them on a little while longer, and there's no peeking. We lead them through the court yard,(so to confuse them) in one building to another. made it to our apartment. Jan unlocked and lead them into the darken livingroom. We hurried and went to relight the candles, all around the room. we turned around, and found the guys had just took off their blindfolds. I said "sit down and make yourself at home." Veronica said "would anybody like anything to drink?, yelling from the dark kitchen, all we have is some lemon-ade. everyone said sure. she came in with a tray of drinks, sat it on the coffee table. when she sat it down i notice Greg was checking out her nice firm ass. i was sitting on the floor next to Brad. Veronica got the pillows, gave me a few of them. she sat down next to Greg getting close to his steamy body. We started talking about BBSing. Greg and Brad were talking about some conversation, that he had on the MSS board. Then Veronica and I brought up the car ride over here. the guys told us it was a first for them, and then we all laughed. they said that they couldn't believe they allowed us to do that (blindfold). Jan said in honesty, did either one of you peek? they gave us a shit-eaten grin, said no we were being good sports about it. Not that either Me or Veronica cared at this point. Greg couldn't help himself any longer and leans over and kisses Veronica softly on the lips. he thinks she's sexy, he want to do more, but doesn't want to make her scared. over in the other corner, was Jan and Brad, sitting and touching each other's bodies. not wasting any time.. Brad and Jan were both on the floor and feeling each others bodies. Jan grabs more pillows over to them and they both lay back on them and start kissing and entangling their bodies as the candle flames dance off the walls you can see there shadows an the wall. Veronica and Greg stare into each others eyes then he puts both of his hands on each side of her head and kisses her passionately. Veronica response to his kissing and puts her arms around his neck. In the candle light Greg's eyes glare at Veronica he says dam I've been wanting to meet you for so long and look at us now this is what I've fantasized about for months. Greg and Veronica notice that Brad has already removed Jan's tank top and his shirt. As they watch them, Brad thinks he's cute as he pours a little lemonade on Jan's full chest with them pressed together making a well, Brad goes down and sips it "that's very refreshing he says" and pours a little more, Jan wasn't ready as the lemonade runs off the sides of her body. Veronica and Greg turn back to each other they roll over and kiss and embrace each other closely. The candles started burning out so Veronica e asked Greg if he would mind if she got up to put more candles in. She says it's just so romantic with them burning. Jan and Greg didn;t seem to notice the candles nor anything else at that point, they were getting into themselves too much so. Veronica and Greg got some more candles and lit them they figured it would be best to leave them alone to have have some privacy, so they went into the kitchen with a single candle for themselves. As they left Jan's sunken living room they could see Brad getting down on Jan's full breast it turned them on to catch a glimpse of their foreplay and Greg started to wonder when he should make his move on his fantasy girl. Veronica is also wondering if she should be the aggressor or if Greg is ever gonna get his nerve up and to start something. They go to the kitchen and Veronica checks the fridge to see what's in there and can offer Greg " she says we got apples and oranges" Greg replies sounds real refreshing. No one seems to be noticing the heat anymore. Wonder why? Jan and Brad were still in the sunken living room, Veronica and Greg were still in the kitchen, where it was quite. Jan wanted more pillows, since the other two were gone. Bra got up and got more pillows, making sure to lay them neatly on the floor. He went over and took Jan by her hands and pulled her up to him. then led her over to them, where she laid down upon them. Brad got down on s knees, leaning over and kissed Jan softly on her full lips.. Jan opens her mouth just slightly, allowing his tongue to touch hers. he made it in her mouth, sliding his tongue in and around her tongue. While kissing her, Brad took Jan's arms, putting them over her head, slowly letting his hands slide down her arms, making their way to her shoulders, to her tits. Where he squeezed them firmly, this was turning Jan on. Then Brad lowered his mouth to her nipples, feeling them crinkle as his tongue touched them. sucking as much of her wanting titties, as he could, Jan then took her hands down and started to feel his hair, running her fingers through his hair, pulling it gently, he sucks them harder, one to the other he went. Nibbling on them, made Jan get wet. Brad goes up to her neck, biting her vein, she returns them same to him. She knows if he did it he must like it too. after a few minutes or so Jan reaches down and gives Brad's ass a firm squeeze, pressing him close to her hot body. --