This is a story that is difficult for me to tell; but, Cindy has told me that if I didn't tell it she was going to really do some damage to me. It began with our being introduced by a mutual friend. I had told him in a conversation we were having that I thought these stories of women beating men in arm wrestling, wrestling and boxing were hog wash. He had told me that he knew a woman who could make a believer out of me. Thus the meeting with Cindy. She was beautiful and she certainly doesn't look like one would think a strong woman would look like. She started out when we shook hands as our friend, I'll call him Bill, introduced us. She began to increase the pressure of her grip as she smiled and winked sweetly and said, " I hear that you don't think a woman can beat you at arm wrestling, wrestling and boxing. Are you already having some second thoughts ? I'm going to take your ego apart and put it back together like I think it should be. I'm going to really put some power into this little demonstration, not too much because I don't want to break anything, yet. " And with that she did and the next thing I knew I was on my knees looking up into her laughing face. She let my hand go and walked over to the dinning room table. Cindy whistled at me and with the come hither gesture with her finger she motioned me to come over to her. I walked over and sat down where she pointed. " OK, big boy let's start the lesson. We'll go left handed first so your little right hand can recover some. Bill will count to three and start us off. My left hand is my weakest, but I promise you it will be way too strong for you. " She was right. Cindy let me give it everything I could as she taunted me about being too weak for her. Then she slowly began to lower my arm down to the table. " I could have done that in about two or three seconds, but I wanted you to see that it wasn't luck, or technique but simply that I'm much stronger than you are. Reach over here and I'll let you feel what a solid arm muscle feels like. " I reached over and her arm was as hard as steel, and that was her "weak" arm. As if reading my mind Cindy popped up her right arm and said, " Now feel this baby. " It was larger and just as hard and I was totally demoralized. I knew this woman was just too much for me; but my male ego would not let me say so. We arm wrestled right handed with the same results. The difference was before Cindy put my arm all the way down she increased the pressure of her grip and said, " Let's hear you beg me to not make pulp out of your hand and to please put your arm down. " It was hard to talk through the pain but I managed to say what she had asked me to say; but the pressure continued as Cindy looked up in a thoughtful pose. " That was fun. Wonder what else I can make you say? Oh, say Cindy you are too strong for me. I'm only a weak little wimp." I hesitated and she squeezed a little harder and I said it. She slammed my arm to the table and released me. She was gloating over her victory. She walked around the table to me and whispered in my ear, " Rest up little man while I change into some wrestling clothes and then you really get a lesson about who is the stronger sex. I think I'll carry you for about three rounds then pour it on. Look at these long legs and think about this, they are so strong that I have yet to scissor a man and not have him either beg for mercy or mostly they get knocked out. " I watched her walk away from me and I was dazed by how easily she had beaten me and the warning she had given me about what was going to happen. Cindy returned in a few minutes, she was wearing a robe as she approached me and told me to go take my shirt off. I did and we faced each other in the middle of the room, which had been cleared of furniture. Cindy smiled that knowing smile of hers and said, " Did you think about what I said ? Are you ready to see what you're up against ? I'll bet you are starting to feel very weak compared to me aren't you ? Well, you ain't seen nothin' yet. " And she slowly undid her robe and let it drop to the floor; I heard myself gasp as I looked at her standing there in a two piece. She turned her back to me and raised up on her toes causing her calf muscles to flex into their diamond shape. Then she turned toward me and flexed her thighs. "Ok, pee wee lets get it on. You're mine and I'm going to crush you into oblivion, then pin you and then knock you out again and make you humiliate yourself." Cindy walked over and wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed me with a sudden burst of power. Before I could react she threw me to the floor and before I knew what had happened she had those beautiful legs wrapped around my neck. " Now, I'm going to squeeze and we'll see how long you last. I'll bet you are asleep before you can give up. " I felt a tremendous jolt of pain and I instantly felt light headed and then blackness. When I came to Cindy was standing over me with a foot on my chest flexing for Bill, who had a video camera recording all of this. Cindy let me rest for a few minutes as she strutted around making fun of my masculinity. She came over and grabbed me by the hair and drug me back out to the center of the room. We wrestled around a little, but I had the feeling she was toying with me. Finally Cindy caught me in a body scissors and squeezed me so hard that I submitted several times. She kept the pressure up and as I would exhale she tightened the hold more. " What's the matter, big boy, can't you breathe ? Is this little girl too much for you. Feel how hard my thighs are. And you said it was hog wash that a woman could beat a man. Beg me to pin you or I'll break you in half. " I begged and she finally released me and pinned me flat on my back as she counted to ten instead of three; she could have counted to 100. " Just for your information I know a lot of holds that I could use on you like the grapevine, the sleeper hold, Boston crab and more; but then you wouldn't be able to box. And I'm better at boxing than I am wrestling. " Cindy once again let me go and rest for a few minutes. I was finished and we both knew it. I told her I had had enough and that she had won. But Cindy wasn't through yet, " Oh, no baby. It's not that easy. But you're learning. Crawl on your hands and knees and kneel before your superior and beg me to crush you unconscious again and then cut you to ribbons with my fists. Or we can keep on letting me think of ways to hurt you. " I could not believe that I was crawling on my hands and knees and kneeling before this beautiful woman begging her to knock me out and beat me up with her fists. Cindy laughed and then slid her thighs around my neck in a standing neck scissors and squeezed, then she let up and crushed again. Each surge of power was harder than the last and each time I would grunt and groan. Cindy loved to hear me make gurgling noises and would make me say things like I was a weakling, or a wimp, or that she was too much woman for me just to hear me croak. Finally she really poured on the power and I went back down into the pit of unconsciousness. I came to and Cindy was once again straddling my body putting on a victory show for Bill and the camera. " Now, you are about to feel some real power. I won't mess you up too badly but you will know you've been in a fight. Rest up and then we are going to box bare fisted. " I rested for about ten minutes and then Cindy stood in the middle of the room and motioned to me to come to her. She flexed her arms again and said, " Come and feel them again. Let's see your muscles, little man, mine seem to be much harder and better developed. You are about to feel how strong they are. " I tried to fight her, I really did, but she was stronger and quicker than I was and she pounded me in the body and the face at will. After she had landed shots to my body and face she backed up and said, " you haven't hit me once. So I'm going to let you take your best shot to my body and one to my jaw. Let's see what you've got. If you knock me down we'll quit, if you don't I'm going to knock you out. " I hit her as hard as I could and it hurt my hand. Cindy just laughed and then she hit me once in the jaw and I was out. As I came to Cindy lifted my head up with a handful of hair and said, " Now tell the camera who is the stronger sex and plead with me not to work you over anymore. Then get on your hands and knees and bow down to me and kiss my feet. Then I want you to kiss my leg muscles and finally pay homage to my arms and fists. Then I want you to write WOM about this little contest or I'll really do some damage to you. " I did as she commanded. This is one beautiful and powerful woman. I don't think women are the weaker sex anymore and since this fight with Cindy she has told me she has some friends that can also take me apart. Cindy did break my ego. --