I remember watching her.....the way she moved. Her skirt gently folding to the crease of her ass. Her legs tight from the spikes she wore...the fish nets accenting her calves with a spider web of shadow. As I stood there memorized the world passed me by...lost in my vision of lust..I could almost feel her warmth...smell her sweetness. Her shoulders rocking...and barely a hint of her generous bosom when she moved just right. She must have felt my eyes upon her for she turned and looked straight at me. Fastened...my vision caught with her own. I smiled and she winked with just a hint of a smile...my eyes moved down taking in her high lights...letting her know what was on my mind. Her long dark hair floating from around her face...those ruby red lips slightly parted showing a hint of white from within...eyes the color of grass on a warm spring hillside. She stood staring...the tight leather skirt and top suggesting what lay beneath. Long thin arms to match her legs...nails red as her lips long and wicket. Wishing I could experience her just once...for a lifetime. I felt myself stiffen as my mind wondered...oh how I wanted to feel her. To know her flavor the taste of her body. The sweet essence of her passion....my cock hard...my palms sweating...I moved toward her. She stood her ground looking to my crotch..as I moved..I knew she wanted me too. I reached out my hand and gently touched her cheek with the back of my index finger...moving a strand of hair from her eyes. She looked deep into my eyes searching..I too searched. She put her hand to my chest and slid her fingers through my shirt..feeling the hair and muscle hidden there. I could see her nipples rise through the leather of her top..breasts growing firm and erect. I took her hand and lead her to the privacy of my apartment. She followed willingly...knowing what lay in store. We just got through the door and could hold back any longer. I took the back of her head and moved my mouth to her's...probing ...finding her tongue. We moved in rhythm..tongues dancing..enjoying the excitement. She slid her hand down my chest and over my rock hard cock...pressing her breasts against me. I moved from her mouth to her neck..behind her ear. I could taste her sweat..smell the perfume she put on earlier that day. She grabbed at my shirt and tore the buttons loose...kissing my chest..licking from one nipple to the other. I pulled the leather top up over her head and found her mounds hard and sweet...taking them with both hands and massaging gently...kissing them, first from the center...then slowly out to the stiffened ends. Demanding the most of the moment. She unfastened my belt and pushed my pants to the floor. She knelt..taking my pride into her hands...looking up at me with a sinister grin...she kissed the head of my cock...moaning as she did. I felt a shiver run through my body emanating from her touch. Moving her tongue in small flicks just around the ridge..drooling she slowly took the length into her mouth and moved down...down...down. I closed my eyes and shuttered...then opend them as she moved her hands up my thighs to clasp the cheeeks of my ass...squeezing as she worked her magic. I felt weak and leaned back against the wall...then down to the floor. She lay back and I moved to her...taking her skirt away. The fish nets were secured by a garter and she wore no panties. I fondled her feet while kissing her long sinuous legs. As I moved closer to her hidden pleasure I could smell the fragrance of her passion. Filling me with desire...anticipation. I ran my hands gently along the length of her legs moving ever closer...savoring every touch. She spread her legs and seized my head forcing me closer...agonizing for what I would do. I kissed her on the inner most thigh just out of reach of her womanly joy. I could taste her sweat...vowing never to forget...I nudged my nose to her lips. Slowly probing with my tongue..I parted her love...flicking madly. She jerked and struggled...arching her back...pushing my head...as if to force me inside. Her over flowing juices mingling with my saliva. I thust my tongue deep...tasting her essence. I moved my hands near...helping my advancement...massaging her clitoris. She let out a scream and stiffened as I now worked my magic. She pulled at my hair and growled...breath moving rapidly. She said I want you....I want you deep inside...now! I teased her not doing what she wanted right away...still I worked my tongue...moving from top to bottom...my cock so hard it hurt. Then I stopped....looking into her rage filled eyes I lay on top of her...forcing my mouth to hers...still full of her sweet juices.. She groaned...I skillfully manauvared my hardness...around her thighs...slowly pressing...her nails digging into my back. I moaned as I slid my shaft deeply in...she clutched at me and screamed..Oh my god! Yes...Yes...Yes...I shott my wad as I could hold back no longer. We rocked for quite some time still longing for more. I moved slowly as to not to losse my hardness...not that I would with such a creature as this! Then she clenched my arms...wild fire in her eyes...spasms twitching her body. My cock again moved with the skill of my existence...and once more I let myself release into her...preying upon one another... commanding the satisfaction we both needed. ........Hawk............