Half-Life Add-ons ReadMe Once you have extracted the files, you will need to move some files to the proper location. Simply open the Half Life Maps directory and choose the .zip file you wish to add to Half Life (Mod, Level, Skin etc.) Open the file with WinZip (if you don't have WinZip installed, it is on this CD) then drag and drop the files inside the zip file to the relevant Half Life folders. Quick guide to where the files inside the zip file go : All .bsp files go into the Sierra\Half-Life\Valve\Maps directory. Please always open and read any .txt files found in the zip file as it contains details on the original author's work, and will also have full notes on what it can and cannot do in Half Life. Once you have done all this, launch Half Life and hopefully you will now have extra things to play with. Enjoy!