WARGAMES (Fox Interactive) While you're playing the game, hit 't' to bring up a message box, and then type in the following bunch of codes: Eyeofgod Enables extra level of zoom on lower level Machinessaladtossed Choose any mission (enter the code, exit the game back to the Main Menu, press 'CTRL', 'H' and 'W' simultaneously, then click on Load and choose a mission) Gimmiegimmie Can build everything, even without a Command Centre/Command Complex Twobyfour 'xxx' Builds any unit (replace 'xxx' with unit name, for example, type twobyfour dragoon for a dragoon tank) Hermes Speeds up ordering of units Donkeys Anything that shoots missiles now shoots Jeeps instead Morningafter Removes the 'fog of war' from the entire map Unclejohn God mode (your units can't be destroyed) Chaching Adds $10,000 to your percentage Mrmuscle Upgrades your armour percentage Bigsofty Downgrades enemy's armour percentage Coffee Upgrades your speed percentage Beer Downgrades enemy's speed percentage Shaft Upgrades your firepower percentage Shank Downgrades enemy's firepower percentage