Thank you for downloading CPL_Buddha and Moloch's scenario: Omaha 1247 A.D. Unzip the files into your Age of Empires II folder. This scenario is a fictitious account of events in the year 1247 A.D. To the best of our knowledge no such event ever happened. This is a first of 5 proposed scenarios. If there is sufficient interest we will do the others so please drop us a line and let us know what you think. We are not responsible for any damage this scenario may do to your computer, historical knowledge or brain. The contents of this scenario are free and may be distributed by anyone so long as this read me file is distributed with all the files in their original form. If you have any questions please contact CPL_Buddha and Moloch at Please visit our web sites at: This package contains 18 files: Omaha, 1247 AD.scn 30seconds.mp3 dogwood.mp3 coveringfire.mp3 deadman.mp3 burn.mp3 drawopen.mp3 whatthehell.mp3 swienhunde.mp3 raley.mp3 quiteaview.mp3 onthebeach.mp3 moveyourmen.mp3 mam2.mp3 10/12/99 mam1.mp3 10/12/99 scenariobkglogo.bmp Intro.avi Omaha1247Readme.txt