***************************************************** Neverwinter Nights - README.TXT ***************************************************** NEVERWINTER NIGHTS Developed by BioWare Corp. C 2002 Infogrames Entertainment, S.A. All Rights Reserved. Manufactured and marketed by Infogrames, Inc., New York, NY. Portions C 2002 Bioware Corp. BioWare Aurora Engine copyright 1997-2002 BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved. BioWare, the BioWare Aurora Engine, and the BioWare Logo are trademarks of BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved. Neverwinter Nights, Forgotten Realms, the Forgotten Realms logo, Dungeons & Dragons logo, Dungeon Master, D&D, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. and are used by Infogrames Entertainment, S.A. under license. All Rights Reserved. Windows and Windows 95/98/2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. This file contains helpful information, late-breaking news and a description of certain functions which were not implemented when the On-Line Help feature and manual were created. System Requirements ------------------- *Minimum System Requirements Operating System: Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP for server/client; Linux for server; (Mac OSX pending in future) (note that 95 and NT are not officially supported, though the game may run for some users in NT) Processor: Pentium® II 450 MHz or AMD K6- 450 MHz Memory: Windows 98/ME 96 MB, Windows 2000SP2/XP 128 MB Hard Disk Space: 1.2 GB of install space is required CD-ROM Drive: 8x or better Video: 16 MB TNT2-class OpenGL 1.2 compliant video card Sound: Any Windows 98/2000/ME/XP compliant soundcard DirectX: DirectX® version 8.1 Peripherals: Keyboard, Mouse Multiplayer (not required): Connecting as a Client - 56k Modem Server Hosting 3 or less players (including server) - 56k Modem *Recommended System Requirements Operating System: Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP for server/client; Linux for server; (Mac OSX pending in future) Processor: Pentium® III 800 MHz or AthlonTM 800 MHz Memory: Windows 98/ME 128 MB, Windows 2000SP2/XP 256 MB Hard Disk Space: 2.0 GB of install space required CD-ROM Drive: 8x speed Video: NVIDIA GeForce 2/ATI Radeon Sound: Windows 98/2000/ME/XP DirectX® certified sound card DirectX: DirectX® version 8.1 Peripherals: Keyboard, Mouse Multiplayer (not required): Connecting as a Client - Broadband Connection recommended Server Hosting more than 2 players - Broadband Connection recommended Note: in order to enable Shiny water you must have a GeForce 3 or better video card. Installing Neverwinter Nights ----------------------------- To install NEVERWINTER NIGHTS just insert the NEVERWINTER NIGHTS INSTALL DISK 1 into your CD-ROM drive and follow the on-screen prompts to install the game. If the AutoPlay screen does not automatically appear after inserting the NEVERWINTER NIGHTS CD Install Disk 1 into your CD-ROM drive, follow these steps: 1. Close all running programs. 2. Ensure that the NEVERWINTER NIGHTS CD Install Disk 1 is in your CD-ROM drive. 3. Double-click My Computer on your desktop. 4. Double-click the CD-ROM icon. 5. Double-click on the Setup.exe icon to launch the installer. 6. Follow the on-screen instructions to launch the game. Note: you do NOT need to install GameSpy Arcade to play Neverwinter Nights on the Internet. After installing the game, you will be offered the choice to view the readme or play the game. The readme is a text file, which lists additions to the manual since printing. Optimizing Gameplay ------------------- The installer automatically detects the type of system you have and configures your option settings for optimal gameplay when you first install. You can adjust the option settings later but if you turn up your options this may cause slowdowns in gameplay if you are running on less than a recommended system (see above under System Requirements). Defragging harddrive makes saving the game much faster - we recommend you defrag your harddrive prior to installing and occasionally between play sessions. If you are experiencing slowdowns or poor performance, we recommend that you try turning down Options settings such as: (Video Options) Graphics quality (Video Options) Creature shadow detail (Video Options) Enable environment shadows (Video Advanced Options) Grass (Video Advanced Options) Creature wind (Video Advanced Options) Number of dynamic lights (Video Advanced Options) Shadow casting lights (Video Advanced Options) Anti aliasing (Video Advanced Options) Texture animations (Video Advanced Options) Environment mapping (Video Advanced Options) Visual effects high Certain options such as shiny water, dynamic lighting, and anti aliasing may only be available on the recommended video cards and higher. A recommended system will be able to play the game with most of the advanced options turned on while a minimum spec system may require some of these options to be turned off. The Official Campaign --------------------- The Prelude is designed as a purely single-player experience. The rest of the official campaign (chapters 1, 1e, 2, 2e, 3 and 4) has been designed as primarily either a single-player or one-party multiplayer experience. Modules you create using the toolset or download can of course be single-player, multi-player co-op/one-party, or multiplayer with multiple parties/PVP. Before moving between any of the Chapters or End Chapters in our campaign, be aware that you can never go back to the previous chapter (to collect discarded equipment, or complete subplots). Take what you need before you leave a chapter! The official campaign has been designed with the following level progression in mind: Prelude: Levels 1 to 3 Chapter 1: Levels 3 to 8 Chapter 2: Levels 7 to 15 Chapter 3: Levels 13 to 17 Chapter 4: Levels 15+ Manual Errata ------------- (1) Index of Charts & Tables (p.0) - In some printings of the manual, the coil ring binding has punched through the page numbers listed in the Index of Charts & Tables. The Index is reprinted below: Table 1: Monster difficulty Categories...................36 Table 2: Ranger Favored Enemy Groups.....................66 Table 3: Ability Scores..................................72 Table 4: Quickchat Commands.............................104 Table 5: Movement Speed Penalties.......................112 Table 6: Toolset Layout.................................158 Table 7: Skill Points Per Class.........................173 Table 8: Weapons List...................................173 Table 9: Armor Stats....................................176 Table 10: Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties.................177 Table 11: Lore Values...................................178 Table 12: Use Magic Device Skill........................178 Table 13: Base Saves and Base Attacks for All Classes...179 Table 14: Bard Known Spells and Spells Per Day..........180 Table 15: Cleric Spells Per Day.........................181 Table 16: Clerical Domains..............................182 Table 17: Druid Spells Per Day..........................184 Table 18: Fighter Bonus Feats...........................185 Table 19: Monk Attacks, AC and Speed Bonuses............186 Table 20: Paladin and Ranger Spells Per Day.............187 Table 21: Rogue Bonus Feats.............................187 Table 22: Sorcerer Known Spells and Spells Per Day......188 Table 23: Wizard Spells Per Day.........................189 Table 24: Wizard Bonus Feats............................189 Table 25: Alignment Grid................................190 Table 26: Racial Size...................................190 Table 27: Skill Chart...................................191 Table 28: Feats by Type.................................192 (2) Direct 3D support (p.5) NWN does not support Direct 3D rendering (3) Monk Abilities (p.61) - Monks gain Cleave as a free bonus feat at Level 1. (4) Ranger Abilities (p.66) - Rangers do not receive the benefits of their Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting bonus feats when wearing medium or heavy armor. (5) Ranger Abilities (p.66) - Some specific examples that fall into the different Favored Enemy groups are as follows: Aberration..........Hook Horror Animal..............Chicken Beast...............Grey Render Construct...........Iron Golem Dragon..............Gold Dragon Elemental...........Fire Elemental Fey.................Sprite Giant...............Hill Giant Goblinoid...........Bugbear Monstrous Humanoid..Minotaur Orc.................Orc Reptilian Humanoid..Lizardman Magical Beast.......Gargoyle Outsider............Baalor Shapechanger........Wererat Undead:.............Zombie Vermin..............Spider (6) Skills (p.76), Feats (p.87), Associates (p.111), Spell Icons (p.193) - Many icons have been updated since the printing of the manual. To see the icons as they appear in-game, view the NWN_OnlineManual.pdf file in your Docs directory. (7) Skills (p.77) Be careful when using the Disable Trap skill. If you fail your Disarm check by 10 or more while distracted by combat, you will trigger the trap instead. (8) Feats (p.95) - The Rapid Shot feat does not apply to crossbows, due to the long reload times on these weapons. (9) Feats (p.95) - For balancing reasons, the Sap feat was cut subsequent to the printing of the manual. (10) Feats (p.97) - The Base DC for the Stunning Fist feat is 15, not 10. (11) Feats (p.98) - Ranged weapons always apply Dexterity modifiers to their attack rolls. For that reason, the Weapon Finesse feat has no bearing on light crossbows, shuriken, slings, and throwing axes. (12) Spells (p.113) - Spell durations may vary according to the Difficulty Settings defined in the Game Options interface. If a spell has a duration that is less than or equal to 3 rounds, however, its duration will remain static across all settings. (13) Bard Spells (p.125), Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (p.138) - The Ghostly visage spell now also applies a 10% concealment bonus. (14) Bard Spells (p.126), Cleric Spells (p.128), Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (p.139) - The Find Traps spell no longer modifies your search skill. It now detects and destroys all traps within 30 meters of the caster. (15) Bard Spells (p.127), Druid Spells (p.133), Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (p.140) - The Ice Storm spell now does an additional 1d6 cold damage for every 3 caster levels. (16) Bard Spells (p.127), Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (p.142) - The Ethereal Visage spell now also applies a 25% concealment bonus. (17) Cleric Spells (p.130) - Only clerics of the Death domain receive the 5th-Level Summon Shadows spell. It is not available as part of the standard Cleric spell list. (18) Druid Spells (p.134) - The Storm of Vengeace spell has been added to the Druid's 9th level spell list. Storm of Vengeance does 3d6 acid damage each round. (19) Druid Spells (p.134) - Druids do not gain the spell Greater Restoration as a 7th level spell. (20) Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (p.139) - The Negative Energy Burst spell now does an additional 1 point of Strength damage for every 4 caster levels. (21) Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (p.140) - The Lesser Spell Breach spell now also lowers the target's Spell Resistance by 3. (22) Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (p.142) - The Greater Spell Breach spell now also lowers the target's Spell Resistance by 5. (23) Equipment, Magic items, and Treasure (p.149) - When you mouse over an item icon, it will be highlighted in one of three colors, the colors and their significance is as follows: Blue = Unidentified Red = Unusable/Unequippable (note that some objects may show up as red until you place them in your inventory) White = Useable (24) Weapons (p.152) - The Bastard Sword is an Exotic Weapon, not a Martial one. (25) Table 8: Weapons List (p.174) - Spears and Quarterstaffs are both classified as Large weapons. This means that small creatures, such as gnomes and halflings, will not be able to wield them. (26) Table 8: Weapons List (p.175) - Bastard Swords are Medium-sized weapons, not Large ones. This means that small creatures, such as gnomes and halflings, will be able to wield them. (27) Table 23: Wizard Spells Per Day (p.189) - The correct spell progression for Wizards is as follows: -----Base Spells per Day------ Spell Level: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------ 1 | 3 1 - - - - - - - - 2 | 4 2 - - - - - - - - 3 | 4 2 1 - - - - - - - 4 | 4 3 2 - - - - - - - C 5 | 4 3 2 1 - - - - - - l 6 | 4 3 3 2 - - - - - - a 7 | 4 4 3 2 1 - - - - - s 8 | 4 4 3 3 2 - - - - - s 9 | 4 4 4 3 2 1 - - - - 10 | 4 4 4 3 3 2 - - - - L 11 | 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 - - - e 12 | 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 - - - v 13 | 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 - - e 14 | 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 - - l 15 | 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 - 16 | 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 - 17 | 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 18 | 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 19 | 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 20 | 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Spell-caster Hints ------------------- Spellcasters need to have high ability scores to cast high level spells. The prime attributes for the various spell casting classes are as follows: Wizard: Intelligence Bard, Sorcerer: Charisma Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Paladin: Wisdom When you create your character and hit the Recommended button at the ability score page, you will be given an appropriate number of points in the prime abilities for your chosen class. The way the formula works is that the character can cast spells if their required ability score is equal to or greater than 10 + the level of the spell. For example a wizard with only 10 intelligence could only cast cantrips (level 0 spells). A sorcerer with a 19 charisma could cast up to 9th level spells. Extra Functionality -------------------- TAB KEY: Pressing this button will highlight all objects in the visible area. Any creatures in this area will display their name and health above their heads. TYR'S POOL OF LOST ITEMS: In each chapter there is a pool -- normally found in the temple of Tyr. This pool will contain a temple store, where for a small fee, players may purchase 'lost' items. These 'lost' items are items that have been taken away in a multiplayer game by players who have logged off, or which have been dropped elsewhere in the singleplayer campaign. The items are marked as 'plot' and hence are necessary to complete the module. In this way, if you ever find that you have 'lost' a critical path or required quest item in either singleplayer or multiplayer in the official campaign, you can obtain the missing item for a small fee from the pool in the temple of Tyr in the current chapter. DATE and TIME: IF you move the mouse over the compass it will tell you the month day and time currently in the game. General Multiplayer Info ------------------------ Please also see the Neverwinter Community webpage for more information on multiplayer at nwn.bioware.com. Firewall Information -------------------- If you are trying to connect to a Neverwinter Nights server through a firewall, NAT, or router, here is some information for you to help you get connected. First, please read the manual that came with your firewall or router. Neverwinter Nights uses UDP, not TCP for its connections. If you think that your firewall is preventing you from connecting to the game servers, please make sure that the following ports are open: Ports 5120 through 5300 If you are wanting to make sure that your NAT is set up to allow the game to play here are some details: Outgoing packets: Source port: 5120-5129 Destination port: 5121-5300 Incoming packets: Source port: 5121-5300 Destination port: 5120-5129 On the Game Client side, you can select what port your client uses. Go to your nwnplayer.ini file in your NWN Client Beta install directory. Find the following section: [Profile] Client Port=5120 Change this number if you need to force Neverwinter Nights to connect as a client on a different port. Gamespy ------- If you want to get a server listing via GameSpy, you’ll need additional ports to be open: 6667, 80, 27900, 28900, 29900, 29901, 13139, 6500 Advanced Multiplayer setup and NWMain, NWServer Console Commands ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please see the Neverwinter Community webpage for more information on the advanced multiplayer setup and how to set up a persistant world at nwn.bioware.com. Banning and UnBanning in Multiplayer ------------------------------------ Please also see the Neverwinter Community webpage at nwn.bioware.com for more information on banning and unbanning. If you accidentally ban someone and want to allow them back on your server, don't panic, there's a simple fix. Find the nwnplayer.ini file and open it with a text editor (notepad works well). Inside, you will find 3 headings: [Banned Ips] [Banned Players] [Banned CD Keys] These represent the lists that any new server started on that machine will use. If you want to clear them out, just delete the 3 headdings and everything within them. If you know who you want to "unban" just remove that specific IP, Player Name, or CD Key and make sure to renumber any following entries so they're in order. For example, given: [Banned Players] 0=Trent 1=Scott 2=Paul 3=Derek If you want to unban Paul, but make sure that no evil Trent's, Scott's or Derek's can get into your machine, change it to the following: [Banned Players] 0=Trent 1=Scott 2=Derek As well, if you want to add a group of people to the banned list, there is limited use of wildcards in two of the lists. For IP's, you can enter partial starting IP's to ban entire domains: [Banned Ips] 0= 1=199.168.1 2=199.168 - these are all valid, as is 3=199.168.2.* and even 4=199 For Player names, you have 2 wild cards, one at the start of the name and one at the end of the name, both can be used simultaneously. For example: [Banned Players] 0=Trent 1=*Trent 2=Trent* 3=*Trent* All of these are valid entries and will work as you would expect wildcards to work. For example: "*Trent" will ban everyone with a "Trent" at the end of their name - "Trent*" will ban everyone with a Trent at the start of their name - and "*Trent*" will ban everyone with a "Trent" in their name at all (don't add the quotes). The entries are case sensitive. Instruction Manual ------------------ Included on this product's game disc is an electronic version of the game's Instruction Manual in .pdf format, Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 (which enables you to view the manual in .pdf format), and an Install Guide file explaining how to access and use these features. Please refer to the Install Guide file by clicking on the Start button on your Windows(r) taskbar and then selecting Programs > Neverwinter Nights > Install Guide (or the location you selected in your Start Menu during installation). CD Key Troubles --------------- If you are having problems with your CD Key, please contact INA Support through the methods listed below under the Technical Support section of this readme. Game Known Issues ----------------- Please see the BioWare Neverwinter Community website (nwn.bioware.com) for a list of known compatibility issues, and work-arounds, if available. Also see the Infogrames support website (listed below, under the Technical Support section of this readme). The game uses CD copy protection. This type of protection occasionally has incompatibility issues with certain CD and DVD drives. If you are experiencing difficulties with launching the game post-install, try rebooting your computer and try running the executable again - this seems to work in the majority of cases. 3DFX is no longer in business; although some Voodoo 5 cards may work occasionally they are no longer supported by 3DFX and available drivers do not generally include complete OpenGL support required for Neverwinter Nights. Hence, 3DFX graphics cards are not supported by NWN. The movie player may not work properly under Windows 98 or Windows ME with certain video cards. Updated drivers may help. If you are having slow movie playback under Windows 98 or Windows ME you can edit the "SafeMovie=1" entry in your nwn.ini file to "SafeMovie=0" - this will improve playback speed in-game but may introduce problems where the sound plays but the movies visuals do not. We mention this purely as an option for the advanced user. The game may crash if you Alt-Tab while loading or saving a game. The game window will not render properly if you attempt to play in a window while your desktop resolution is set to 800x600 or less. The default video drivers provided with Windows XP do not have robust Open GL support. Upgrade your drivers if you have Windows XP as soon as possible. Sounds may not play correctly or the game may crash under Windows XP if you are using the default drivers for the Creative Labs Soundblaster Live Cards. Please upgrade your drivers as soon as possible. Neverwinter Nights was designed to run under 32 bit color depth. Running under other bit depths will reduce the performance of the game. There are 4 incorrect entries in the Standard Sounds Palette. This is an error since they are large looping ambient beds not meant for positional sfx. These are: Weather: Wind Cave Loop Wind Chasm Loop Wind Grass Loop Draft Interior Loop The "Memory Level=1" setting in the nwn.ini may have unintended consequences when set to values greater than 1. Known BioWare Aurora Neverwinter Toolset Issues ----------------------------------------------- Check the BioWare Neverwinter Nights Community Website (nwn.bioware.com) for an in-depth tutorial and reference manual on the BioWare Aurora Neverwinter Toolset. For design purposes, the level of compliance with the 3rd Edition D&D rules differs between the game and the toolset. This means that it is possible to design creatures and items that exceed limits that the game may enforce. Overriding TGA files via a Hak Pak may not have any visible effects, because the texture packs use DDS files, which the graphics engine uses in preference to TGA files. DDS is an internal proprietary compressed texture format. When doing UpdateAllInstances from a blueprint, you may opt to see a list of instances for each area. Selecting Cancel when presented with each list does not cancel the entire process, just the update for the current area. When checking in the Build Module dialog, it doesn't catch all cases where a script may be used. It doesn't take into account module scripts, area scripts, Scripts on placeables, or conversation end scripts. i.e. scripts that are assigned to these fields appear in the list of unused scripts. If you edit one of our campaign modules and save it as a .mod file without giving it a new name, you will not be able to select that module in order to load it in the game. Certain tiles occasionally exhibit a strobing effect in the toolset - this is not visible in-game. There is an issue with large volumes of text in Name, Description, and similar fields being cut off (or potentially crashing the game). If you stay under 1024 characters (approx. 200 words) it should be fine. Changing the number of undo levels in the Tools->Options dialog doesn't actually change the number of undo levels. It is currently set to the default of 32 levels of undo. Flames for the tile source lights may not always be created (but can be placed manually). If you have more about a dozen or more 3D sound objects placed in an area, they may not all play due to there being a limited number of available 3D voices. This number varies by sound card, drivers, and Sound Provider that you pick in the Game's Advanced Sound Options. To force the nearest sounds to play, if they're not already playing, turn off playing of placed sound objects and then turn it back on. 3D sounds in the toolset are quieter relative to 2D sounds than they are in the game. Remember this when balancing sound volumes. In general, it's a good idea to test an area in game to make sure that it sounds right. Pressing the Ctrl key in the conversation editor may lead to an access violation when editing multiple files. You will still be able to save your current conversations. You will need to close down the conversation editor and reopen it for it to function properly again however. Trademark and Copyright ----------------------- NEVERWINTER NIGHTS was developed by BioWare Corp. C 2002 Infogrames Entertainment, S.A. All Rights Reserved. Portions C 2002 Bioware Corp. Manufactured and marketed by Infogrames, Inc., New York, NY. BioWare Aurora Engine copyright 1997-2002 BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved. BioWare, the BioWare Aurora Engine, and the BioWare Logo are trademarks of BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved. Neverwinter Nights, Forgotten Realms, the Forgotten Realms logo, Dungeons & Dragons logo, Dungeon Master, D&D, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. and are used by Infogrames Entertainment, S.A. under license. All Rights Reserved. Windows and Windows 95/98/2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Disclaimer ---------- You may not modify, enhance, supplement, create any derivative work from, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to human readable form. TECHNICAL SUPPORT (U.S. & Canada) --------------------------------- Help Via the Internet at Infogrames: Up-to-the-minute technical information about Infogrames Interactive products is generally available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the Internet at: http://www.ina-support.com Through this site you'll have access to your FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) documents, our FTP (File Transfer Protocol) area where you can download patches if need, our Hints/Cheat Codes if they're available, and an E-Mail area where you can get help and ask questions if you do not find your answers within the FAQ. In addition, the BioWare Community website provides detailed online information about Neverwinter Nights. The official forums for Neverwinter Nights are located at forums.bioware.com, the Neverwinter community is located at nwn.bioware.com or www.neverwinternights.com, and you can also look at www.bioware.com for more information about the game. Help Via Telephone/Fax or Mail in the United States & Canada For phone assistance, call Infogrames Interactive Tech Support at (425) 951-7108. Our Interactive Voice Response and Faxback system is generally available 24/7, providing automated support and allowing FAQ documents to be faxed to you immediately. Live support is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM until 6:00 (Pacific Time). Note: We may be closed on major holidays. Before making your call, we ask that you be at your computer, have the following information available, and be ready to take notes: System Make and Model Processor Type Operating System, including version number if possible (such as Windows(r)95; Windows(r)Me) RAM (Memory) Any screen or error messages you've encountered (and where) You may also fax in your Technical Support questions or problems to: (425) 806-0480, or write to the address below. Product Return Procedures in the United States & Canada In the event our technicians at 425-951-7108 determine you need to forward materials directly to us, please include a brief letter explaining what is enclosed and why. Make sure you include the Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA#) supplied to you by the technician, and your telephone number in case we need to call you. Any materials not containing the RMA# will be returned to you unprocessed. Send your materials to the following address: Infogrames Interactive, Inc. Attn: TS/Cs Dept. 13110 NE 177th Place Suite #B101, Box 180 Woodinville, WA 98072-9965 RMA#: END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT -------------------------- INFOGRAMES, INC. ("INFOGRAMES") AND BIOWARE CORP. ("BIOWARE") ARE WILLING TO LICENSE THE SOFTWARE (as defined below) TO YOU ONLY ON THE CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS IN THIS LICENSE (the "License") AND INDICATE YOUR ACCEPTANCE BY CLICKING THE "I ACCEPT" BUTTON. PLEASE READ THE TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE CLICKING THE "I ACCEPT" BUTTON. BY CLICKING THE "I ACCEPT" BUTTON, AND/OR BY LOADING OR RUNNING THE SOFTWARE, BY PLACING OR COPYING THE SOFTWARE ONTO YOUR COMPUTER HARD DRIVE, COMPUTER RAM OR OTHER STORAGE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LICENSE, UNDERSTAND IT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE AND PROMPTLY RETURN THE DISC OR CARTRIDGE IN ITS ORIGINAL PACKAGING TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE. "Software" shall mean the game, toolkit, and all other software contained on this disc or cartridge, all updates and/or patches thereto, any accompanying documentation, all on-line components, restricted-access NEVERWINTER NIGHTS community websites, and other BioWare or Infogrames game-related services (including all CD-authentication components). 1. Grant of License. The Software is licensed to you, not sold, by Infogrames, and its use is subject to this License. Infogrames grants to you a limited, personal, non-exclusive right to use the Software in the manner described in the user documentation. If the Software is configured for loading onto a hard drive, you may load the Software only onto the hard drive of a single machine and run the Software from only that hard drive. You may permanently transfer all rights Infogrames grants to you in this License, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all of the Software (including all component parts, the media and printed materials, the CD-authentication key, and any upgrades), and the recipient reads and accepts this License. Infogrames and BioWare reserve all rights not expressly granted to you by this License. 2. Restrictions. Infogrames, BioWare, and/or their suppliers own the title, copyright, and other intellectual property rights in the Software. The Software contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and other proprietary material. You may not delete the copyright notices or any other proprietary legends on the original copy of the Software. You may not decompile, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reproduce the Software. You may not copy, rent, lend, lease, sublicense, distribute, publicly display, create derivative works based upon the Software (except as provided in Section 3 below) or otherwise commercially exploit the Software (including, without limitation, hosting pay-per-play servers). You may not electronically transmit the Software from one computer, console or other platform to another or over a network. 3. End-User Variations. So long as you fully comply, at all times, with this License, Infogrames grants to you a limited, personal, revocable, non-exclusive right to: (i) use the Software's toolset feature to create your own NEVERWINTER NIGHTS modules ("Modules"), and (ii) create your own modifications to work with the Software (e.g., custom data files not created using the toolset) (the "User Conversions", and together with the Modules, the "Variations"). Your rights to create Variations are subject to the following restrictions: (1) your Variations must only work with the full commercial version of the software game NEVERWINTER NIGHTS; (2) your Variations must not contain modifications to any executable file; (3) your Variations must not contain any libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or other illegal material, material that is scandalous or invades the rights of privacy or publicity of any third party, or contain any trademarks, copyright-protected work or other property of third parties, or contain any viruses, worms, or other malicious code; and (4) you may not rent, sell, lease, lend, offer on a pay-per-play or timesharing basis or otherwise commercially exploit or commercially distribute your Variations (including, without limitation, hosting pay-per-play servers, hosting pay-per-download web-sites for Variations including sites that charge for bandwidth use, and independently selling Variations online, at retail, mail order, etc.). Without limiting the foregoing, you expressly acknowledge and agree that in no event shall you have the right or license to make any modification (whether using the toolkit or otherwise) to any portion of the Software for the purpose of creating any data file, executable, or other derivative work that is intended to operate in a stand-alone mode, with any pre-release or beta version of NEVERWINTER NIGHTS, or any software program other than NEVERWINTER NIGHTS. 4. Distribution and Serving of Modules and User Conversions. So long as you fully comply at all times with this License, Infogrames grants to you the limited, personal, revocable, non-exclusive right to: (i) distribute your Modules or User Conversions by means of providing a copy of the actual Module or User Conversion code to other users (e.g., via ftp, email, disc copies, etc.) (collectively "Distribute"); and (ii) to allow other users to play your Modules by means of hosting your own NEVERWINTER NIGHTS server whereby you retain sole possession of your Module (collectively "Serve") (Serving User Conversions is not possible). 5. Infogrames' and BioWare's Use of Variations. If you Distribute, or permit others to Distribute, your Variations, you hereby grant back to Infogrames and BioWare an irrevocable royalty-free right to use and distribute such Variations by any means, and to make such modifications thereto as Infogrames and/or BioWare deem are necessary to package, combine, and otherwise distribute such Variations. If you do not wish to grant these rights to Infogrames and BioWare, you must not Distribute your Variations (although you may Serve your Modules). Infogrames and BioWare will make a reasonable effort to provide credit to you in the event it uses or distributes your Variations, but you acknowledge that identifying you and/or other Variation creators may be difficult, and any failure by Infogrames and/or BioWare to provide credit to any person shall not be a breach of this License and shall not limit Infogrames' or BioWare's rights to use and distribute any Variation. 6. Revocation of Rights. Infogrames and/or BioWare may at any time and in their sole discretion revoke your right to make your Variations publicly available (whether you are Distributing or Serving), provided that Infogrames and/or BioWare shall not revoke your right to Distribute a Variation if Infogrames and/or BioWare is, at the time of such revocation, using or distributing such Variation. 7. Termination. This License is perpetual and may not be terminated except by mutual written agreement of the parties hereto. However, your rights to use the Software, as set forth above: (i) may be terminated by you at any time, by destroying the Software; or (ii) will terminate immediately without notice from Infogrames or BioWare if you fail to comply with any provision of this License (in which event, you must destroy the Software). 8. Disclaimer of Warranty on Software. You are aware and agree that use of the Software and the media on which it is recorded is at your sole risk. The Software and the media are provided "AS IS." Unless otherwise provided by applicable law, Infogrames warrants to the original purchaser of this product that the Software storage medium will be free from defects of materials and workmanship for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase. This warranty is void if the defect has arisen through accident, abuse, neglect or misapplication. 9. Disclaimer of Other User Conduct and Gameplay Risks. You agree and acknowledge that an integral feature of NEVERWINTER NIGHTS is the ability to play online with other game users, including playing Variations created by other users. Infogrames and BioWare specifically disclaim any warranties relating in any way to such user-created content, and you agree that neither Infogrames, BioWare, their assignees or successors, nor any of their licensors or suppliers shall in any way be responsible for the content or functionality of such user content. You further agree and acknowledge that while playing multi-player games, you may be subject to conduct of other users that may impact your own gameplay and characters, or that you may find objectionable or offensive. Infogrames and BioWare also specifically disclaim any warranties relating to the conduct of other users (including in-game, and in game-related forums, chatrooms, etc.), and you agree that neither Infogrames, BioWare, their assignees or successors, nor any of their licensors or suppliers shall in any way be responsible for the conduct of other users. 10. Disclaimer of Other Content. As a service to you, Infogrames and BioWare may include with the Software third party drivers and other software utilities intended to assist you with installing and operating the Software (collectively, the "Drivers"). Infogrames and BioWare specifically disclaim any warranties relating to the Drivers, and you agree that your use of the Drivers is at your own risk. The Drivers are not part of the Software and shall not be governed by the terms and conditions of this License except for and to the extent of this disclaimer. 11. General Disclaimer. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH ABOVE, INFOGRAMES AND BIOWARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NEITHER INFOGRAMES NOR BIOWARE WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY INFOGRAMES, BIOWARE OR ANY INFOGRAMES OR BIOWARE-AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 12. Limitation of Liability. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL INFOGRAMES OR BIOWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING THOSE THAT RESULT FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF INFOGRAMES OR BIOWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF THOSE DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL INFOGRAMES' OR BIOWARE'S TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES AND CAUSES OF ACTION (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE) EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE SOFTWARE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 13. Indemnity; Injunctive Relief. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Infogrames, BioWare, and each of their respective officers, employees, directors, agents, licensees (excluding you), successors and assigns from and against all losses, lawsuits, damages, causes of action and claims relating to and/or arising from your breach of this License, distribution or any use of any Variations, and/or any other use of the Software. You agree that your unauthorized use of the Software, or any part thereof, may immediately and irreparably damage Infogrames, BioWare, or both of them such that neither Infogrames nor BioWare could be adequately compensated solely by a monetary award and that at Infogrames' or BioWare's option, Infogrames and/or BioWare shall be entitled to an injunctive order, in addition to all other available remedies including a monetary award, appropriately restraining and/or prohibiting such unauthorized use without the necessity of Infogrames or BioWare posting bond or other security. Your obligations set forth in this Section shall survive the cancellation or termination of this License. 14. Choice of Law and Venue. THIS LICENSE SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONTROLLING U.S. FEDERAL LAW AND THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCLUSIVE OF ITS CHOICE OF LAW AND/OR CONFLICTS OF LAW JURISPRUDENCE. THE EXCLUSIVE VENUE FOR ALL LITIGATION REGARDING OR ARISING OUT OF THIS LICENSE SHALL BE IN NEW YORK COUNTY, NEW YORK, AND YOU AGREE TO SUBMIT TO THE JURISDICTION OF THE COURTS IN NEW YORK COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR ANY SUCH LITIGATION. 15. Miscellaneous. Nothing herein shall be deemed to supercede or derogate from Infogrames' or BioWare's remedies at law for any violation of this License or applicable law. If any provision of this License is unenforceable, the rest of it shall remain in effect. This License constitutes the entire agreement between you, Infogrames, and BioWare with respect to the use of the Software and the support services (if any) and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications and representations with respect to the Software or any other subject matter covered by this License. NEVERWINTER NIGHTS Developed by BioWare Corp. C 2002 Infogrames Entertainment, S.A. All Rights Reserved. Portions C 2002 Bioware Corp. Manufactured and marketed by Infogrames, Inc., New York, NY. BioWare Aurora Engine copyright 1997-2002 BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved. BioWare, the BioWare Aurora Engine, and the BioWare Logo are trademarks of BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved. Neverwinter Nights, Forgotten Realms, the Forgotten Realms logo, Dungeons & Dragons logo, Dungeon Master, D&D, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. and are used by Infogrames Entertainment, S.A. under license. All Rights Reserved. Windows and Windows 95/98/2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Windows(r) and DirectX(r) are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Pentium(r) is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Final Special Thanks from BioWare --------------------------------- Since the manual and credits movie were completed prior to the game being completed, certain people may not be listed in the manual who are listed in the credits movie. Please view the credits movie for the most complete list of development (BioWare) and publisher (Infogrames/Atari) credits. In addition to the people listed in the manual and credits movies, BioWare wishes to also thank Jason Booth and others at BioWare for providing quality assurance testing and suggestions, and also to thank our hundreds of beta testers for their valuable input, bug reports and suggestions. In memory of Dan Walker. Finally, BioWare wishes to thank our fans for their support over the years for all of our products - we have worked very hard to try to make Neverwinter all that it could be, and we humbly hope that you enjoy the game! Sincerely, Trent Oster - Project Director/Producer; Ray Muzyka - Co-Executive Producer/Joint CEO; Greg Zeschuk - Co-Executive Producer/Joint CEO; and the rest of the Neverwinter Nights team at BioWare Corp.