========================================== NO ONE LIVES FOREVER Update to Version 1.002 March 1, 2001 ========================================== I. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS II. FIXES AND ADDITIONS III. USING ADD-ON MAPS AND MODS IV. FOR ADDITIONAL HELP AND INFORMATION This release will update version 1.0 and 1.001 of No One Lives Forever (NOLF) to version 1.002. This update primarily addresses networking issues found in earlier versions of the game as well as adds additional multiplayer features. In addition, a separate Map Pack Update which includes new multiplayer maps will be released shortly. In order to insure these new maps play as intended, you will need to first download Update 1.002. *PLEASE NOTE* Save games from version 1.0 will NOT work after this update is installed. However, it will be possible to restart the last mission completed. Saved games from version 1.001 should load without problems. I. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To install the update, click on the archive and extract the files to a temporary directory of your choosing. The default path is c:\NOLFUpdate. Once the extraction is complete, explore to the directory and click on setup.exe. Finish the installation wizard to complete the update. II. FIXES AND ADDITIONS * Improved object Interpolation/Extrapolation (helps remove players/rockets "jumping" around bugs) * Added server upload throttling code. The server throttling works by turning down the update rates of the clients when too much data is being sent for the connection to handle. NOTE: You MUST set this option appropriately on your hosted or dedicated server to avoid bandwidth saturation and overflow. To set this option on a hosted server go to the Host menu and select the "Bandwidth" option. The value you choose (56k,Cable,DSL,T1,T3) should match the maximum number of bytes per second that your connection can upload. If none of the available options match your connection's maximum upload bandwith, then use the "Custom" option to enter the correct value manually. For step by step instuctions for calculating your bandwidth limit and for instructions on using this feature with dedicated servers, please see the serverreadme.txt file in your main NOLF installation folder after installing the update. * Numerous bandwidth optimizations, including: * Removed guaranteed userflag updates being sent on object activation and deactivation * Removed guaranteed update of all ammo types when player respawns * Removed guaranteed userflag updates associated with ducking and swimming * Removed guaranteed update of grenade rotation * Fixed a number of join related bugs (i.e., the endless Loading screen bug and crashes when switching maps). * Added ability to set the server and client ports. The client port is controlled by the IPClientPort console command which defaults to 0 (which will cause NOLF to use the default IP range of 1024-5000). * Auto Ammo Selection option added. If this option is turned on (in the Player menu) and you pick up ammo for the weapon you currently have selected that is better than the ammo type you are currently using, the new ammo type is used. * Fixed Auto weapon selection so that a weapon is automatically selected when you are out of ammo and you pick up ammo. * Update so best ammo is auto selected instead of the "next" ammo type. * Fixed a bug that allowed you to move certain ammo types to other weapons (e.g., move explosive revolver ammo to AK-47). * Updated so that all player head/body textures are available in multi-player. * Added Elite Guard models to the model selection in multiplayer. * Added Target name display options to the Player setup screen. This allows you to display the name of the person you are currently targeting. * Fixed a bug in AmmoBox that caused them to sometimes stop giving out ammo if picked up a bunch of times. * Fixed a bug that caused progressive damage (i.e., stun, acid, sleeping) to sometimes be applied even after respawning. * Fixed a bug that caused players to not always play the swim animation when swimming. * Fixed ducking so it no longer feels lagged. * Fixed a bug that caused grenades to sometimes fly endlessly through the world. * Fixed a bug that caused projectiles (grenades and rockets) to sometimes disappear on the world. * Changed both Blizzard_AM and Beaujolis_AM so that players are now unable to illegally jump up the sides of the terrain, hide, and snipe at other players. * Launcher: Added "Customize" button under the Advance section which allows people to add Add-on .rez files more easily. * Stand Alone Server: Added "Customization options" dialogue which automatically appears if there are Add-on .rez files in the Custom folder. This allows Add-on .rez files to be used by the Stand-alone server. * Stand Alone Server: Added several command line paramaters to allow server operators to bypass the setup wizard. * Fixed a bug in the AmmoBox that caused a bunch of unnecessary messages to be sent to the client. * Fixed bug with not being able to pick up weapons when "weapon stay" is on. * Fixed a bug with PickupItems falling through world models when their MoveToFloor property was set to True. * Fixed a bug that caused the level to never end if Frag Scoring was turned off in H.A.R.M. vs UNITY games. * Fixed client bugs caused by the dimensions of crouching players. * Added a dedicated server (and in-game Host) option to limit bandwidth according to the type of connection being used. * Fixed a bug that caused the menu interface to disappear if the menu was left on for about 3 hours. * Updated the dedicated server window to display the correct version number. * Updated Internet Join and Lan Join interface screens so the F5 key will refresh the server lists. * Fixed a bug which made it so you couldn't bring up the in-game multi-player menu when dead. * Finally, based on our testing using the improved networking code, below are the recommended Player Limits for multiplayer: Connection Machine Spec # of Players ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56K | Minimum Server (Host) | 2 (including host) | ISDN (128 kb up/down) | Fast Server (Dedicated) | 4 | DSL/Cable* | Fast Server (Dedicated) | 4-8 | T1 | Minimum Server (Dedicated) | 8-16 | T3 | Minimum Server (Dedicated) | 8-16 | T3 | Fast Server** (Host/Dedicated) | 16 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. USING ADD-ON MAPS AND MODS: In order to use a player created map, the map designer must first add it to a custom .rez file that uses NOLF's directory structure. For instance, if the map designer were to create a .rez file from a folder named c:\mymod, then all of his deathmatch maps would need to be in the following folder: c:\mymod\worlds\multi\deathmatch For more information on creating .rez files, please refer to the Nolf Tools readme file. To use the .rez file and the maps contained within, just follow these steps: 1. Create a subfolder named "Custom" in your main NOLF directory. (i.e. (install dir)\custom) 2. Copy all custom .rez files into this folder. 3. Bring up the NOLF launcher. 4. Click on "Advanced". 5. Click on "Customize". 6. Select the .rez files you wish to use. 7. Launch NOLF. Assuming the directory structure in the .rez file is correct, any multiplayer maps contained within should now show up in the list of available levels for that game type along with all of the retail NOLF maps. NOTE: Singleplayer maps will not show up unless the mod maker has modified the missions.txt file appropriately! Instructions for creating custom maps and .rez files are available in the NOLF Tools documentation. The NOLF tools are not included in this update and must be downloaded seperately. IV. FOR ADDITIONAL HELP AND INFORMATION For the latest news, technical support and information on future updates, please visit the following websites. The Official Site http://www.the-operative.com The Official Community Site http://www.nolfnews.com FOX Interactive http://www.foxinteractive.com Monolith Productions http://www.lith.com For the latest news on compatibility issues and successful workarounds, please check out the FAQs at http://www.the-operative.com and http://www.nolfnews.com. As work progresses on future updates, we'll be updating the NOLF Team Plan file at http://www.lith.com. Thanks for playing and we'll see you online!