ADVFILES.TXT The files which are included in ADV97.ZIP are listed below. Refer to MANUAL.DOC for explanations of the functions of these files. Files Included in this zip file: README.1ST AVEXTRA.TXT MANUAL.DOC HISTORY.ADV ADVFILES.TXT REGISTER.FRM REGISTER.TXT ADV97.EXE ADV95.DAT THREED.VBX* SPIN.VBX* RESIZE.VBX* CMDIALOG.VBX* CUSTOMA.DAT GRAFXRFA.DAT APIC1.WMF - APIC9.WMF TEST1.ATS - TEST3.ATS *May be installed to the WINDOWS/SYSTEM subdirectory for other programs to use if desired to save disk space. A required file for use of this software is VBRUN300.DLL. It is not included in the zip file because it is not necessary to download this file for every program which needs it. You probably already have this file on your system. If not, it is probably available on a BBS which is local to you. However, if you can't find it locally, PRACTICAL-ly Software maintains a copy on its 24 hour BBS at (513) 523-8712. The following REQUIRED files are created by the program after it has been run the first time. They should NOT be deleted! DECK.GEN CROSDECK.GEN DEFAULTS.GEN