NTFILES.TXT The files which are included in TECH97.ZIP are listed below. Refer to MANUAL.DOC for explanations of the functions of these files. Files Which apply to both Novice and Technician Class Managers: README.1ST AVEXTRA.TXT MANUAL.DOC NTFILES.TXT THREED.VBX* SPIN.VBX* RESIZE.VBX* CMDIALOG.VBX* REGISTER.FRM REGISTER.TXT HISTORY.NVT 11.HLP Files Specific to Novice Class Manager: NOV97.EXE NOV97.DAT CUSTOMN.DAT GRAFXRFN.DAT NPIC1.WMF - NPIC11.WMF TEST1.NTS - TEST3.NTS Files Specific to Technician Class Manager: TECH97.EXE TECH97.DAT CUSTOMT.DAT GRAFXRFT.DAT TPIC1.WMF - TPIC11.WMF TEST1.TTS - TEST3.TTS *May be installed to the WINDOWS/SYSTEM subdirectory The following REQUIRED files are created by the program after it has been run the first time. They should NOT be deleted! DECK.NOV DECK.TEC CROSDECK.NOV CROSDECK.TEC DEFAULTS.NOV DEFAULTS.TEC