========== Subject: Re: YAESU FT-50R PTT Button came off Date: 18 Jul 1996 12:17:58 GMT From: ydtlzmj@news.atglab.bls.combst.bls.com (Victor Gregg) The same thing happenned to my FT-51 after about 4 months of abuse. Don't risk losing it! Put it back in place and cover with black electrical tape. Mine still works fine 8 months later. dklaver@usa.net (Denny Klaver) writes: : Has anyone had a problem with the Push to Talk button on their FT-50R? : I looked down at my handheld this evening while scanning and noticed the : rubber PTT button was just dangling there. I have no idea how it : happened. I would expect the button to be tougher than this. I've : handled it with care the very few days I've had it. I'd sure be : interested to hear if anyone else has had this happen. : : Thanks, Denny WB0PYJ Tulsa ====================== Date: July 10, 1996 ;Have you tried to use the pl decoder in your ft-50r ? I have noticed that ;the decoder falses quite regularly even if no pl is present. Here are the ;two conditions that make it false and how to duplicate it....... ; ;1. during simplex operation when the other radio(s) first key up or as the ;carrier drops. (even if other radio is not using pl) ; ;2. during repeater operation (even when no one is using pl) when any of ;the following items occur ; ; A. repeater first transmits. ; B. repeater drops. ; C. person on repeater: ; I. during first transmit. ; II. carrier drops. ; III. is noisy into the system. ; D. In our case when there is is a link crash on the system. ; ;I have tried a wide range of pl's from low to high and they all do it. ; ;How to duplicate or test for condition: ;press (t.s.) twice to put radio in [T SQ] ;press (F) ; (t.s.) and select a tone that will not be in use. ;select menu item [BELL -18-] and turn on (mine is set to rPT). ;---- then key another radio up and down or listen to an active channel. ; ;Let me know, I have tried to contact Yaesu and have gotten no response !! ; Mark Cheavens (mcheaven@ix.netcom.com) ======== Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment Subject: Yaesu's Position on FT-50 Problems From: dddavis@atl.mindspring.com (Donald D. Davis, Jr.) Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 01:15:30 GMT I spoke to Yaesu today regarding the following problems with the FT-50R. 1. Wide FM receive does not work. 2. Voice message paging system with FTT-12 does not work. 3. Paging answer-back does not work IF the merson paging talks for more than about 2 seconds. Note that all of these features are described in their manual and their sales literature. Also, Yaesu tech. support has verified each problem and agrees they exist. Now the bad part: Yaesu in Japan has said they do not intend to fix ANY of these problems. In fact, they say, these are not defects in the radio, but in the manual and the sales literature. (I never really expected them to fix the wide FM thing, but I did expect a corrected FTT-12). I asked customer service if they would be refunding the money, and the response was " not us, call your dealer". This will be tough for those who bought the radio a few months ago in anticipation of the FTT-12 being available. Future Yaesu buyers, beware. Once a reputation is lost, what is left? ======== Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment Subject: FT-50 Noisy TX From: "David De Coons" <rocket@intercall.com> Date: Fri, 28 Jun 1996 17:47:15 -0400 I had a problem with my FT-50R with a crackling noise during tx. I took the radio apart (pretty easy) and found two possible culprits. One, the screws holding the two PC boards together were loose, possibly causing a poor connection between the boards. Second, and probably the real problem. They use a spring loaded pin on the center of the chassis mounted SMA connector that contacts a metal tab sticking out of the RF board. The SMA connector is does not flex as it does on the FT-40. I soldered the pin to the tab. The radio now works without the noise on Tx. -- David De Coons, KE2SL rocket@intercall.com ======== Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment Subject: FT-50R software? From: kpowe@oneworld.owt.com Date: 9 Jul 1996 12:19:29 GMT On Sun, 07 Jul 1996 bill-anderson.ke4vop said: ;I made the basic MARS/CAP mod as detailed by Bill Childers but lost ;the capability to download from the ADMS-1C software Ver 1.04 is ;this a bug in my radio or in the software? Also has anyone heard of ;a way to enable transmission/reception on the 222-225 Amateur band. ;I have heard that the reason this capability is not here is because ;of Public Safety frequencies in Japan are in this range. I don't have the 50r but have the 51r and had to start out by uploading from the radio into the computer to tell the program the equipment in the radio. If you bade any changes in the radio this will have to be reuploaded to the computer. Ken ======== Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment Subject: FT50r From: Alan Wanford Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 10:49:31 +0100 Can anyone explain the reasoning behind the gap in receive coverage between 200 & 300Mhz,its a bit of a nuisance when you like to listen to the UHF Airband now and again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a copy of the explanation from my dealer, Hi Alan, After further discussions with Yaesu it seems that the FT50 should not receive signals between 200-300 MHz although the display will show these frequencies. Generally the IF goes out of lock above 200 MHz. At the end of the day Yaesu say that they do not claim that this is within the scope of the receiver, so cannot offer any further advice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anybody know anything different i wonder?. Anybody know of any 'hidden key' functions?. Are there any Mod's yet?. Regard's Alan G6LTN Alan Wanford ======== Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment Subject: Yaesu FT-50R and ADMS-1c Software Down Loading To Radio From: "John Stinson" Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 05:44:43 -0600 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON USING ADMS-1C SOFTWARE (NOT DOCUMENTED) When using software to send information to your radio pay close attention to the following: I will try to keep it as simple as possible. A. When the program makes a template of your radio keep basic at first. Name it noname.rdf to start. You can change it later. B. After you have made your freq. and etc. enteries in the program and are ready to transfer them to the radio follow my instructions and I hope you will not have the trouble I ran into. 1. First click on memory. 2. Click on merge from. 3. Radio file for merge select noname.rdf. 4. Click on Radio. 5. Click on Send Data To. 6. Follow instructions on starting FT-50R. Make sure the following steps take place: i. Template File_Box Does not have a X in it. ii. You are using noname.rdf template. iii. You must understand that while the word WAIT is on your radios display you can not remove the link cable. If something goes wrong retry until you see CERR then turn the radio off. You can then safely remove the link cable and try again. 7. Now click on OK. Lots of luck I hope you have a successful transfer. But remember not to remove the link cable while the radio is on. 73 John Stinson VE6BOS ============ Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 20:38:02 +1200 From: Sean Nixon Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 21:46:42 -0700 Does anyone know if the ADMS 1-b cable (for FT-10/40) is the same cable used for the FT-50 as the 1C cable? a guy at the ham store told me they are different electrically?????????? IT would be nice if they are the same and I would only have to try and find someone to get a copy of the 1C software. duane park wa6eik ======== Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment Subject: FT50 huge birdy and more From: trop@alantec.com (Troy Pummill) Date: 2 Aug 1996 23:29:31 -0700 Netlanders, Last week I asked if anyone else was having trouble scanning between 590 and 650 MHz. Two of four responses were positive. Since then I have discovered that the problem is actually larger. I am unable to scan any frequency within the Wide FM arena. Further, reception of signals in the 590-650+ region is nil. My Icom 2SRA receives signals full scale while the ft50 receives nothing. AM and NFM scanning appear to be OK. I'm pretty sure that I've found birdies in the 155MHz region also. Yaesu did not know of any problems in the 590 region, but did admit there was a repair of a known birdy @ 146MHz. they also state that there is an error in the manual regarding the FTT12 DVR. New manuals are being printed. There is currently no word from Japan on a fix for the known to narrow WFM problem. I'd like to hear from anyone else with regards to how their unit works. Thanks.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Troy T. Pummill, N6XMV | trop@fore.com | | Fore QA Department | LAN Switching Division | | (408) 467-4684 | 2115 O'Nel Drive, Silicon Gulch | | San Jose, CA 95131 | Fax: (408) 441-0272 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======== Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment Subject: FT-50R MOD differances From: tsarah@gwis.com (Ted Sarah) Date: Sun, 04 Aug 1996 21:59:19 GMT I have tried some of the mods for the FT-50R that I have seen posted on this newsgroups and I'm seeing differant results than those listed. First of all the "Internal Systems Alignment" MOD: After pushing LAMP, PTT, KnoB, and PWR at the same time I do not get the "BAND xxxxxx" display. I get "ALRST Pr 5", if I turn the Knob the radio goes back to the VFO that I turned it off on. I'm going to assume that the Pr 5 is telling me that the max watts are 5. Also, if you push the Knob with the ALRST displayed it goes back to the VFO. Second, the "Extended U.S. Receive" MOD: If I do as instructed and hold down the Knob and LAMP while turning on the radio, I get the same thing as above "ALRST Pr 5 F". Now my serial number begins 6F04...., did they make some unknown modifications to later models? Ted KC8ENM ======== Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment Subject: FT50 ADMS bug From: Joakim Gustafsson Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 07:58:11 +0200 There must be a bug in the ADMS-1C software. If You chose Wide FM or AM for receive mode in memory programming will it be changed to Narrow FM when You click OK. So fare I can see is there no way to program a memory position to anything else than Narrow FM using the ADMS-1C ver 1.01 or is there ? My way is to program all memory frec offsets etc from the softw and after sending it to the FT50 manually select recv mode for each memory positon and resave each position that needs anything else than Narrow FM. If You then reload the memory from FT50 to the PC will the new receive mode be there BUT !!!!! Dont click OK after viewing the memory. Then will it be back to Narrow FM !!!! Is RT system Inc and/or Yaesu aware of this bug? 73 de SM7LOQ Joakim Gustafsson Sweden ======== Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment Subject: Yaesu FT-50R and ADMS Software From: Bill Anderson Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 20:42:49 -0400 Can anyone tell me about the format or the layout of the debug table that comes up after executing WFT50.exe /DEBUG. The additional commands are located under the FILE pull down. I called RT Systems but they either couldn't or wouldn't tell me anything about the layout. I suspect that it is the band plan and that modification can alter the characteristics of the radio. Perhaps even make it a tri or quad bander. I will continue hacking away at this and if anyone else has any success please let me know. Bill Anderson KE4VOP ============================