These notes will help you in setting up and using your antenna modeling software. Please read them carefully. You must select the type of graphics supported on your computer and create the file HDWRE.CFG by copying one of the graphics file from the following list into HDWRE.CFG: PC Video Mode File to Copy into HDWRE.CFG Text mode VIDEO0.CFG 320x200 medium resolution CGA, 4 colors; text width 40. VIDEO1.CFG 640x200 high resolution CGA, 2 colors text width 80. 720x348 HGC monochrome graphics. VIDEO2.CFG 720x348 HGC monochrome graphics. VIDEO3.CFG 320x200 EGA medium resolution, 16 colors. VIDEO7.CFG 640x200 EGA high resolution, 16 colors. VIDEO8.CFG 640x350 EGA enhanced resolution with enhanced display (4 or 16 colors, depending on memory). VIDEO9.CFG 640x350 EGA high resolution using monochrome monitor. VIDEO10.CFG 640x480 VGA or MCGA high resolution, 80x30 text, monochrome mode. Use for black/white on IBM PS/2 systems. VIDEO11.CFG 640x480 VGA high resolution, 80x30 text, 16 colors. Use on IBM PS/2 models 50, 60 and 80. VIDEO12.CFG HGC - Hercules Graphics; CGA - Color Graphics Adapter; EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adapter; VGA - Video Graphics Array MCGA - Multicolor Graphics Array Note: The demo distribution disk contains the file HDWRE.CFG copied from VIDEO12.CFG (high resolution VGA). Change it as required for your system. After selecting the appropriate VIDEO*.CFG file from the list, create the file HDWRE.CFG using the DOS COPY command; for example, COPY VIDEO3.CFG HDWRE.CFG sets up Hercules monochrome graphics. If you encounter a problem, it is almost certain that you selected the wrong video mode, in which case you should try copying another VIDEO*.CFG file into HDWRE.CFG. Whenever you change video modes, you must recreate HDWRE.CFG using this procedure. Be sure that HDWRE.CFG is located in the same working directory as your programs. The programs will not run unless HDWRE.CFG is contained in the working directory and is properly configured for your system. If your computer supports only monochrome text, the programs will terminate execution with an error condition, but they will create the ASCII output file XYPLOT6.DAT (or one using the same format) that contains tabulated results. It is advisable to write protect the executables (EXE extension) and HDWRE.CFG after installation. This prevents accidental deletion of an important file. You can do this by using the external DOS command ATTRIB to set the file attribute to +R. Do NOT write protect XYPLOT6.DAT! If you wish to execute programs from a floppy diskette, be sure that the diskette contains HDWRE.CFG in the working directory. As a general rule, 50 to 75 KB of space is more than adequate to create the data file XYPLOT6.DAT; but, depending on the specific case, more space may be needed. If you encounter errors from from diskette, check all file sizes to be sure that enough storage is available. Hints and Tips The programs prompt you for all required input data. If you enter an illegal value, for example, zero in a calculation that will be singular (divide by zero), the program flags the incorrect data by beeping and repeating the prompt. Just reenter correct data. If you are interested in values close to an illegal input, enter a slightly different number. For example, instead of entering "0", try something very small, such as "0.000001". Also, note that these programs use 299.8 megameters/sec as the velocity of light, which is more accurate than the 300 megameters/sec that is commonly used. When several numbers are requested, each one should be separated by a space or a comma. Enter the entire sequence of requested data before pressing RETURN, which terminates data entry. Plotting Curves You can plot screen plots on your printer using the SHIFT PrtSc keys. Before printing, you must load the DOS GRAPHICS.COM external command file to set up the screen for printing. Refer to your DOS Reference Manual for details on using GRAPHICS.COM. If you encounter difficulty in printing a plot, the problem is almost certainly an incorrect printer mode (in which case you should carefully set up the printer while referring to its User's Manual). An flexible alternative approach to generating plots is using a spreadsheet. All programs use the same ASCII output file format. By using the "File-Import-Value" option available on most spreadsheets, you can read an entire data file, including header data, into numerical or ASCII values, as appropriate, in a spreadsheet. Your data can then be plotted in a variety of ways using the spreadsheet's plotting utilities. Users who don't have a spreadsheet program may wish to contact TRIUS, Inc., 231 Sutton Street, Suite 2D-3, P. O. Box 249, North Andover, MA 01845-0249 Voice (508) 794- 9377, FAX (508) 688-6312, BBS (508) 794-0762, 1200/2400,N,8,1. TRIUS supplies an inexpensive shareware spreadsheet with excellent capabilities (AS-EASY-AS, Ver. 5). TRIUS also supplies a useful CAD program called DRAFT CHOICE. Please note that there is no relationship between Phadean and TRIUS and that this information is provided only for your convenience.