NOTE: Be sure to read the file SET_UP.TXT for video display configuration!! YAGI_UDA Ver. 2.0 creates two output data files, "ELEVPATT.DAT" and "AZIMPATT.DAT". The first contains elevation pattern data, and the second azimuth pattern data. Each file uses XYPLOT6.DAT format and can be plotted by XYPLOT6.EXE by renaming or copying the file into XYPLOT6.DAT. A companion disk (DISK #11), which must be ordered separately, contains four Yagi design programs that include 55 different Yagi configurations which may be customized for your operating environments, frequencies, and applications. These programs compute the dimensions and spacing of all elements for up to 40 element arrays. They create an output file that is directly compatible with the modeling program YAGI_UDA.EXE.