03/92-A D I S K D E S C R I P T I O N S A n t e n n a D e s i g n P r o g r a m s All programs provide graphics support to generate on- screen plots of computed results as appropriate. DISK 1 - Sloping Vee Antenna Programs to calculate optimum apex angle, input resistance, and radiation pattern for Sloping Vee antennas over real, lossy earth. Properly designed Sloping Vees provide exceptional gain-bandwidth performance. This antenna is useful from HF through UHF. DISK 2 - Yagi Antenna Programs to compute Yagi dimensions based on the famous National Bureau of Standards Tech Note 688, to create Yagi data files, and to compute input impedance, current distribution, and radiation patterns for Yagi-Uda antennas over real, lossy earth. These programs take into account both the effects of non-sinusoidal current distributions on the antenna elements and the effects of reflections from an imperfect earth. DISK 3 - Antenna Utilities 1 Three useful programs to compute the mutual impedance between dipole elements, maximum communication range based on virtual reflection height and take-off angle, and maximum obstruction height based on distance to obstruction and take- off angle. DISK 4 - Antenna Utilities 2 Three useful programs that compute the required capacitance for an antenna gamma match (based on user- specified dimensions for the matching elements); reflection coefficients for real, lossy earth; and propagation constant, input impedance and other properties for wires above and below the earth's surface. DISK 5 - Dipole Antennas 1 Three useful programs that compute the current distribution (in-phase and quadrature components and magnitude) and impedance and admittance of center-fed dipole elements. These programs are based on the Method of Moments to take into account finite element diameter and non- sinusoidal current distribution. DISK 6 - Math Utilities 1 Two useful mathematical utilities for inverting matrices and solving complex linear systems of the form Ax=B, where A is an NxN complex matrix, x is an Nx1 unknown vector, and B is an Nx1 known column vector. Systems as large as 50x50 can be solved in seconds even on 4.77 Mhz XT class PCs. DISK 7 - Math Utilities 2 Two useful programs for interpolating and plotting data using a Cubic Spline and for computing and plotting the complex-valued Exponential Integral function for complex arguments. The Exponential Integral occurs frequently in antenna analysis, and the spline interpolation is useful for managing any type of data where intermediate results are not available. DISK 8 - Antenna Utilities 3 Three programs that compute the dimensions of an optimized Log-Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA), the resistive and capacitive loading profile for broadband monopole and dipole elements (Kanda-King model), and the characteristics of hand-held radiators (Hansen model). DISK 9 - Antenna Utilities 4 Three programs that compute mismatch loss in dB as a function of voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), calendars in Phadean's popular Time Traveler program, and the value of the error function ERF(x) for real arguments. DISK 10 - Dipole Antennas 2 Two programs that compute the impedance and VSWR characteristics of "fat" center-fed dipoles and base-fed monopoles and Folded Dipoles. -2- 03/92-A DISK 11 - AsEasyAs Spreadsheet Excellent shareware spreadsheet program provided at no charge for 30-day evaluation. This program is very useful for analyzing and plotting antenna data generated by other programs. Even though Phadean's antenna programs include integrated on-screen plotting as appropriate, the spreadsheet provides yet another highly flexible analysis and visualization tool. If you choose continue to use this spreadsheet, you must register with its manufacturer. Phadean has no relationship with AsEasyAs' developer and derives no income from its distribution. DISK 12 - Draft Choice A powerful shareware CAD program distributed by the same company that developed AsEasyAs (DISK 11). This program is very useful for designing antennas. It's a full- featured CAD program that provides very impressive capabilities at nominal cost. If you choose continue to use this program, you must register with its manufacturer. Phadean has no relationship with Draft Choice's developer and derives no income from its distribution. DISK 13 - Yagi Antenna Designs Four programs that compute reflector, driven element, and director lengths, diameters, and spacings for different families of Yagi-Uda arrays (up to 40 elements). Output files are created in a format that is input-compatible with the modeling program YAGI_UDA.EXE (Disk 2) which computes current distribution, input impedance, and radiation patterns for Yagi arrays. A fifth program, BOOM.EXE, computes element length correction factors for through-the- boom insulated and uninsulated construction and for metal-to- metal mounting of elements on top of the boom. Disk 14 - Tower Array Pattern Program to compute and plot the FCC "theoretical" groundwave pattern for an array of base-fed tower (monopole) radiators. The program allows any tower configuration and any excitation (each tower excited separately). The groundwave radiation pattern (field strength) is computed on a perfect ground plane at a user-specified range. An output data file is created for saving the pattern if desired. This program is designed specifically for evaluating MF broadcast station antennas, but it is useful in other frequency ranges as well. -3- 03/92-A DISK 15 - Dipole Over Ground Input impedance of center-fed dipoles over real, lossy earth. Plots of Zin (R+jX) vs dipole length, element radius, operating frequency, and height above ground. Calculations are based on Method of Moments current solution that accurately models non-sinusoidal source current. -4- 03/92-A P A Y O F F L O A N S O F T W A R E PAYOFF is a powerful financial planning program for IBM PC or PC-compatible DOS computers. It is designed for individuals, businessmen, bankers, accountants, attorneys, loan and mortgage originators, financial planners, or anyone who needs to know: - the cost of borrowing money - the options available in doing so - the details of how borrowed money is paid back. PAYOFF tabulates detailed, payment-by-payment payback (amortization) schedules for almost any conceivable type of loan. The program is user-friendly and context-evident. PAYOFF combines several useful features generally unavailable in a single program. In addition to standard direct reduction loan schedules, PAYOFF computes repayment schedules with any combination of variable interest rates, prenegotiated and/or random skip payments (with or without payment of interest only), and accelerated payments (additional amounts credited toward principal). The program summarizes all user-supplied input data in a convenient easy-to-read format, and it tabulates a detailed repayment schedule, along with overall amortization statistics, including interest saved (or additional interest paid) and effective interest rate. PAYOFF also includes prepaid interest calculation, days before dates calculation, Rule of 7/8ths rebate, and tabulated monthly payment for any combination of interest rates and loan terms. PAYOFF is one of the most powerful and flexible financial analysis and planning tools available anywhere. It is distributed on a single 5.25" or 3.5" IBM/DOS diskette. PAYOFF costs $27.00 and can be ordered by mailing your payment plus $3.00 Shipping & Handling within the U.S.A. (add $1.00 for 3.5" diskette) to Phadean Engineering Company, Inc., P. O. Box 611, Shrewsbury, MA 01545-8611 U.S.A. Tel. (508) 869-6077. -5- 03/92-A ANTENNA DESIGN/ANALYSIS and FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PROGRAMS PRICE LIST (Effective Oct. 1, 1992) Price Ea. PAYOFF(tm) LOAN AMORTIZATION PROGRAM (described in Inc. Magazine, September 1992, page 40): Complete loan analysis. $27.00 DISK 1 - Sloping Vee Antenna (3 pgms): optimum apex angle, input resistance, and radiation patterns for SVs on real, lossy earth. $24.95 DISK 2 - Yagi Antenna (3 pgms): dimensions using NBS TN688, imped- ance, current distribution, and rad patterns on real, lossy earth. $19.95 DISK 3 - Antenna Utilities 1 (3 pgms): mutual impedance of dipoles; max communication range for smooth earth; max obstruction height. $13.95 DISK 4 - Antenna Utilities 2 (3 pgms): gamma match design and performance; reflection coefficients for real, lossy earth; propagat- ion const, impedance, other properties for wires above/below ground. $13.95 DISK 5 - Dipole Antennas 1 (3 pgms): current distribution (in-phase/ quadrature); impedance and admittance of center-fed dipole elements. $ 9.95 DISK 6 - Math Utils 1 (2 pgms): matrix inversion; lin systems Ax=B. $ 9.95 DISK 7 - Math Utils 2 (2 pgms): spline interp/plots; exp integral. $ 9.95 DISK 8 - Antenna Utilities 3 (3 pgms): Log-Periodic Array dimen- sions; broadband radiator Z-loading profile; hand-held antennas. $13.95 DISK 9 - Antenna Utilities 4 (3 pgms): mismatch loss vs SWR; Time Traveler (tm) time management program; error function. $ 9.95 DISK 10 - Dipole Antennas 2 (2 pgms): impedance and VSWR "fat" dipoles/monopoles; folded dipole impedance. $13.95 DISK 11 - AsEasyAs: excellent shareware spreadsheet. N/C* DISK 12 - Draft Choice: excellent shareware CAD program. N/C* DISK 13 - Yagi Antenna Designs (5 pgms): families of Yagis (up to 40 elements); length corrections for different construction techniques. $19.95 DISK 14 - Tower Array Pattern (1 pgm): FCC "theoretical" groundwave pattern for base-fed tower array. $29.95 DISK 15 - Dipoles Over Ground (1 pgm): Impedance properties of cen- ter fed dipole antennas over real, lossy earth. $19.95 * Available only with orders of $25.00 or more; add S&H per diskette shown below. ** S&H: $3.00/diskette to destinations in North America; $5.00 to Europe; $6.50 elsewhere worldwide. MAIL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID.