I m p o r t a n t : Please install DECOMP.PRG once for online decompression of CD-INF-textfiles. Use only a copy of your disk(s)! Contents (as freeware) of more than 60 CD-ROMs (in the folder PROG: ACC, APP, CPX, GTP, PRG, TOS, TTP, in the folder PROG\1MB_PART cut down for 1MyteB-ATARIs) as structured textfiles, in the folder PROG sorted for names und length (updates become increasingly longer), to be read by any editor or textprogram. In the folder PROG more than 70 000 lines with filenname, type, length, topic (50 topics), month, year, folders, tpye of computer if not (only) ST, e.g. FALCON, sometimes abbreviated comments (secondary topic, else German only). All additional informations are from magazines, catalogues, names of folders etc. Everything 100% without any responsibility whatsoever! 105 000 KByte of texts are compressed to 1/3 in the average! DECOMP.PRG (PD, tested on ST/E to Falcon), added here, decompresses in the background, same as if all texts were uncompressed! With 4 MB und economic editors such as TEMPUS.PRG oder EDITOR.PRG (PD), belonging to the uncomplete GFA-Basic4, you can read every text-file. CD_INF.PRG generates CD_INF-like files from your own silver-disks. Please read CD_INF.TXT (trilingual, compressed) for more detailed information! 07/1998