CHANGE/EXTENSION LIST v1 -> v2 ============================== [18/7/93] As you no doubt already know (always run first & read later don't you ?), CLA has acquired a new GUI in the journey from v1 to v2. What you may not have spotted is the new features hidden away inside this dazzling array of user interface. o Multiple drawing windows - all on the same diagram, but each can be on a different block of a drawing. o Scrollable / scaled windows. o Iconify windows (for when you get to cluttered). o Multiple toolbars - you can have lots of toolbars open at once & even have several copies of the same toolbar. o 'Rollup' toolbars (like under MSwindows). o Multiple Logic Analyser windows (which can update in the background). o Non-blocking dialogs in windows - open a dialog, then leave it open until you've finished with it, but still carry on using anything else within the program. o GEM pull down menus (though I don't like them, some people did ask...). o Pop-up menus. o Faster block delete. o Named inputs. o New human readable(ish) file format. o Logic analyser probes are stored with design to allow return to the exact point you left off. o Move Component (at last). o Word Generator (by popular demand :) ). o Support for GDOS fonts. o .GEM metafile output. o Resolution independant - works in all modes with Min 400 vertical Res. including TT & extended Falcon modes (800*600, etc). o Color support (not ST low or ST medium though, sorry they're just too small to work in). o FontGDOS compatible. o MultiTOS compatible. If MultiTOS is running, then you can also task switch at any time - even during printing with FontGDOS. o FalconScreen compatible. o NVDI compatible. o Resources utilise the MSwindows/Motif style 3D switches of TOS 4.x & MultiTOS, if present, and a seperate RSC file if not. [21/9/93] Lots of little glitches ironed out of the enviroment now. Additions: o Status window. o Up/down/left/right pointing gates. o Limited VHDL support via the CLA-VHDL compiler, and locking of VHDL blocks in a schematic (they don't mean anything anyway if you do look at them, all the gates are dumped at one location & there are no visible wires). o A new librarian o A new Object Editor for defining new gates sets. o Proper gate outlines using Arcs & circles for better printed output. [14/9/93] Mostly bugfixes after Beta release 1 (testers: Julian Coleman-TT, Chris Forker-MegaST, Simon Harrison-STE) o TT/Crazydots card gfx mode detection bug removed. o Dialogs & alerts now centred on screen when displayed. o NEW: Editor display scaling implement at x1,x2 & x4. o NEW: Component rotation after Place implemented for gates. o Scrolling of windows & general screen update speeded up by removed floating point calculations from display algorithm. o Colour highlighting of wire links in cut link mode & improved point to point connection reporting o NEW: Boot sequence window added to report configuration at start-up. [25/11/93] o Scroll speed improved again (installed WINX and needed the realtime scroll to work). o Windows now titled up properly with 'FILENAME.NET:[BLOCKNAME]'. o Alert windows now always topped (by popular demand). o Only one copy of each toolbar allowed (by popular demand), and this can be topped by selecting it's pull-down menu option. o WINX2.1 compatibility problems ironed out. o NEW: Wow - a totally new tool. The first version of the FSM designer is now included as well. This also serves as a simple synthesis tool as well. [29/11/93] o Setable page sizes. Not saved yet though...... o Fixed the scaled display. o Background access to toolbar window buttons is allowed (only on machines supporting wind_set(handle, WF_BEVENT,...) - ie TOS4/MultiTOS). [5/12/93] o I'm still having problems finding these multiple redraw messages - TOS4 merges pending redraws rather efficiently so I tend to only get one redraw message on my machine where everyone else can get as many as 3. I killed as many as I could spot, but if you still find multiple redraws occuring, WINX will sort you out. o GDOS is now fixed, and now checks for missing drivers instead of crashing. [6/12/93] o VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 goes out into the world. =============================================================================== CHANGE/EXTENSION LIST v2r1 -> v2r2 =================================== [7/12/93] o NEW: Block move has been added. [15/12/93] o NEW: NVDI off-screen bitmap support has been added. This improves the screen update rate mightily. (NVDI 2.5 required) o NEW: A '1st Guide' hypertext help file has been added. [24/12/93] o Close drop down menu redrawn to TOS4.x 3D spec. [27/12/93] o GDOS output fixed AGAIN for SpeedoGDOS compatibility. o Internal changes to main program as Call-Back functions are added to GUI Library. o Word Generator 'Clock' selection implemented & enabled. All clock signals in system are now done in 'proper' frequencies, with the maximum frequency being set in the Configuration dialog. [29/12/93] o Text positioning of Gate Labels has been fixed to give rotated text. [9/1/94] o NEW: Bit images used to improve the speed of screen redraw. All gates are drawn once at startup and the image is cached & blitted to the screen when needed. This does not affect the NVDI support. [14/1/94] o NEW: A D-Type Register primitive has been added to the basic gates. this is to allow for registered logic in the VHDL compiler, and to help in providing an import facility for FSMedit state machines. o The standard Text-Entry window is now a dialog. [30/1/94 o STARTUP file added to allow configuring of defaults such as memory allocation,etc. o Keyboard shortcuts fixed. [3/2/94] o Setable page size support is now fixed, working & saved with a design. [8/2/94] o Internal Pseudo-multitasking added. This allows CLA to run the interactive simulator as a background task, whilst staying totally GEM legal, and NOT needing MiNT/multiTOS to do it. You can now start a simulation and then work on other things - change the propogation, clock speeds, etc. But you cann't edit the designs without stopping the simulator..... [22/2/94] o Ta da - indicator bulbs finally get fixed. o NEW: Input Control dialog is added for controlling interactive simulation. o Word Generator & Input Controller made scrollable. [28/2/94] o FSMedit has a monochrome resource file added & a few changes to the selection highlighting to allow for use on a mono-system. [3/3/94] o VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 goes out into the world (better late than never). - but only to registered users. =============================================================================== CHANGE/EXTENSION LIST v2r2 -> v2r2a ==================================== [21/3/94] o Changed external inputs to be placable just like normal components, and fixed the 'delete input' bug from v2r2. Thanks to Mike White for the bug report. o File format changed to support the new style inputs - NET2NET.TTP updates old style files to use new format. [22/3/94] o VERSION 2 RELEASE 2a replaces v2r2 as the update sent to users registering. =============================================================================== [15/4/94] o Fixed bug in GDOS output dialog (>15 fonts installed no longer crashes CLA). [16/4/94] o Newcastle Atari Show release. =============================================================================== [19/4/94] o GDOS printout fixed for rotated text (GDOS fonts only). o GDOS output of bulbs fixed. [17/5/94] p Bug in word generator text display fixed. o FSMedit now exports VHDL as well. o Fixed bug in CLA-VHDL which caused system to hang if brackets used. [25/5/94] o Moved over to ST-Guide for the HyperText Help system. o Implemented AV_PROTOCOL for calling up ST-Guide from inside CLA. o Finished Manual. o House Keeper task implemented to detect remote services coming online under multiTOS. [29/5/94] O Help made context sensitive. [5/6/94] o New version of Logic Analyser window added to make it easier to use (adds Set/Clear Probe as widgets in the window, and adds a direct print button like the old v1 print analyser function. [8/6/94] o Trace manipulation functions added to logic analyser (COPY/MOVE/SWAP/DELETE) and the old trace numbering system has been replaced with automatic traces. o Components with Logic Analyser probes set on them now have a probe symbol drawn over them. [10/6/94] o This will come as a shock to everyone - Peter Brooks-Johnson's SPICE convertor & stimulus generator for CLA designs SPOUT makes it's first public appearance at version 0.1. [17/7/94] o Various fixes, the most major being to fix the MOVE bug which sometimes corrupted the wire links. An update of NET2NET is included to fix this bug in older files. [18/7/94] o CLAVHDL gets Visual Basic style syntax highlighting on colour machines. o Fixed a bug in the CLA->STGUIDE interaction. [20/7/94] o VERSION 2 RELEASE 3 becomes the current version, and review copies are sent to UK computing press. ================================================================================= CLA v2r3 developement ceased at this point - CLAv3 is a complete rewrite on a clean codebase. Bugfix releases from the v2 codebase & tools may occur until v3 is released. ================================================================================= Bugfixes to the v2r3 release have been made to correct small bugs & fix problems with certain TOS versions. [16/7/94] Following bug reports by Micheal White (is he the only user who has problems?). o Boot sequence window removed, and replaced with the BOOT.DBG file (as in CLAv3). This should allow easier fixing of problems (folks can mail me the BOOT.DBG file to help me sort them out). o TOS 1.4 compatibility fixed by taking into account to form_alert/form_do() bug which hung the machine if a form_alert was done with the mouse button down. o Current version now v2r3a. ================================================================================= Extended stuff & bugfixes from me using CLA to design my Masters project at Uni. [20/1/95] o Took the FSMedit PAL synthesis code and rewrote it with a modified algorithm and more checks & features, the result is a command line driven compiler christened FSMsynth which produces much better PAL designs than before. (Did this so I could use it for my individual project this year.) [20/2/95] o Added a delete transition function to FSMedit 'coz I was getting pissed off with the lack of editting functions (I do actually use CLA for real design work). o Increased linebuffer size in CLA to allow me to load really big synthesised state machines compiled with CLA-VHDL (previously CLA would crash if a line in a .NET file was longer than 1K - this is now 6K, which should be big enough for most purposes). [2/4/95] o Fixed & extended the simulation model compiler to handle larger designs. o Changed the logic analyser printout format slightly to look a bit more tidy. o Extended to handle arbitrary length stimulus strings correctly in logic analyser reports (only when printed). At present these must be hand crafted :(