X-MAS 2001 Intro ------------------------------------------ copyright Satantronic 2001 date : 16.12.2001 code : Jookie / Satantronic music : Jookie / Satantronic graphix: Jookie / Satantronic (everything just me ;-) ) -------------------------------------------- Features: - one picture not well dithered, some texts from every member of Satantronic (everybody for him self - translated to English by Jookie) - SND music by Jookie of Satantronic... The first thing that I did compose in some tracker and I hope that it is the last one. GMX did not yet compose in SidSound designer, but he will in near future. MC Laser is too busy to compose for me and as he said, he hates X-MAS music. I could not make the Protracker-module-replay-rout work, so I composed this little shit (Im not musician, but coder...). It just have to be enough. - very lame code - heh, Im a lama-coder... Debuging or any other reverse engineering may cause a harmfull damage to your healt. Known bugs: - do not try to move the mouse when the text is displayed on screen. Doing this 10 or less seconds causes that the computer freezes with many many bombs... (hmm, the code it self doesn't do this, this bug show after music is added in the code). This bug isn't in emulators (WinSTon and PaCifiST), but they replay the music kinda bad. - it doesnt work correct in MagiC (something wrong with timing...). Use pure TOS as I do! - doesnt return correct colors back (and sometimes also resolution) on Falcon - bad syncing when the text is pulled down on about the 50th line (Im lazy to fix that and I dont use Double-Buffering). Message to all: This has been tested only on 1040 STE with 4MB RAM and under WinSTon and PaCifiST and runned there fine. Send feedback how it runs on your Atari. Used other code: Music replay - Animal Mine/The Independent ENIM LAMINA/The Independent Un-ICE rout - Axe/Superior Thanx to: - people on #atariscne for consultations (I don't remember all the names...) Greets to: MC Laser/tSCC, Evil/DHS, Baky, MiKRO, Griff/Electronic Images, DefJam / Checkpoint, Deez, MrPink/ReservoirGods, joZCo, Ejha, Janushik, Vikushik, ... (let me know if you should be here) These are the greets from -XI- that didn't fit in the intro because of lack of space: Avena, Checkpoint, Cobra, Cream, Dead Hackers Society, Dune, Elite, Escape, Fit, Fun, Mind Design, Mystic Bytes, Nature, New Beat Development, No Crew, Paranoia, Pyjama, Reservoir Gods, Sector One, Spice Boys, Trio, TSCC, T.O.Y.S, Vectronix, Wildfire, and all others... Send greets, feedback, opinions, money, etc. on: jookie@nextra.sk 16.12.2001, Jookie/Satantronic mailto:jookie@nextra.sk http://satantronic.atari.org