/* Atari Nuq Benchmarks */ - Benchmark: time from double-click on the desktop to when you see the torch on wall on the demo (just when the console at start is nearly faded out). OS SDL-drv Machine Cpu Freq Fpu-prg Time Coef to Falcon no fpu TOS xbios Falcon 68030 16 no 4mn 11s 1 TOS xbios Falcon 68030 32 no 3mn 28s 1.21 TOS xbios TT 68030 32 no 2mn 11s 1.92 TOS xbios Aranym K6-2 533 no 1mn 47s 2.35 Magic xbios TT 68030 32 no 1mn 44s 2.41 TOS xbios Pacifst K6-2 533 no 1mn 18s 3.22 TOS xbios Falcon 68030 32 yes 1mn 17s 3.26 TOS xbios TT 68030 32 yes 1mn 07s 3.75 TOS xbios STonX K6-2 533 no 1mn 01s 4.11 Magic xbios TT 68030 32 yes 0mn 45s 5.70 TOS xbios Aranym K6-2 533 yes 0mn 36s 6.97 TOS vdi Milan 68040 25 no 0mn 33s 7.61 Linux X11 PC K6-2 533 yes 0mn 03s 83.67