+---------------------------------------------+ | ANIPLAYER 2001 | | Movie Player AVI/MOV/FLI/MPEG | | Sound Player AVR/WAV/AIF/RA/MP1/MP2/MP3/OGG | | JPEG viewer | +---------------------------------------------+ Files: ------ SETUP.APP: Program install by Joachim Fornallaz. SETUP.RSC: Resource install. SETUP.GSC: Configuration install. ANIPLAY.PRG: Program. VERSIONS.TXT: Versions in french. HISTORY.TXT: Short history in english. TESTS.TXT: Tests players AVI/MOV in english. ICONS.RSC: Icons for desktop. Directory FRENCH: ANIPLAY.HYP: Documentation for ST-Guide in french. Directory ENGLISH: ANIPLAY.HYP: Documentation for ST-Guide in english. N_FRENCH.TXT: English file for ANIPLAY.PRG. Directory GERMAN (thanks Joachim Fornallaz): ANIPLAY.HYP: Documentation for ST-Guide in german. N_FRENCH.TXT: German file for ANIPLAY.PRG. Directory SWEDISH (thanks Mille Babic): ANIPLAY.HYP: Documentation for ST-Guide in swedish. N_FRENCH.TXT: Swedish file for ANIPLAY.PRG. Directory DUTCH (thanks Karel de Bruijn and Karel Post): ANIPLAY.HYP: Documentation for ST-Guide in dutch by Karel de Bruijn. N_FRENCH.TXT: Dutch file for ANIPLAY.PRG by Karel Post. Directory POLISH (thanks Rafal Kawecki): N_FRENCH.TXT: Polish file for ANIPLAY.PRG Directory ITALIAN (thanks Lodovico Zanier): N_FRENCH.TXT: Italian file for ANIPLAY.PRG Directory PANEL: Some IMG files for personify main window and Playlist. You can copy this files inside the same directory than ANIPLAY.PRG like N_FRENCH.TXT. PANEL16.IMG: File for screen in 16 colors. PANEL256.IMG: File for screen in 256 colors. PANEL.IMG: File for screen in 32K, 65K, or 16M colors. Directory LAME_ENC: COPYING: GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Directory 68881: LAME_ENC.SLB: Shared Library of libmp3lame library (FPU 68881/2). Directory 68060: LAME_ENC.SLB: Shared Library of libmp3lame library (FPU 68060). Directory OPENDIVX: COPYING: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE and OpenDivX license. OPENDIVX.SLB: Shared Library of libdivxdecore library from ProjectMayo. Directory JPEG: LEGAL: LEGAL file from The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software. OPENDIVX.SLB: Shared Library of libjpeg library. Directory VORBIS: COPYING: COPYING file from Xiphophorus. Directory 68881: LAME_ENC.SLB: Shared Library of libvorbis-1.0rc2 library (FPU 68881/2). Directory 68060: LAME_ENC.SLB: Shared Library of libvorbis-1.0rc2 library (FPU 68060). Directory PROG: STARTANI.C: Demo for start ANIPLAYER with control. Directory SYNCHRO.CPX: SYNCHRO.C: Demo for GEM messages to ANIPLAYER. SYNCHRO.HD: Header for CPX. CPXSTART.O: Header for CPX. SYNCHRO.PRJ: Project file. SYNCHRO.CPX: CPX for XCONTROL, synchro with another program. Directory MANIPLAY.MID: MANIPLAY.C: Demo for GEM messages to ANIPLAYER. MANIPLAY.MID: Module MID screen-saver for HORLOGEP. MANIPLAY.INF: Configuration file. Directory SLB (some files for use SLB): SLB_CALL.S: SLB calls inside ANIPLAYER. Directory LAME_ENC: LIBHEAD.S: Header of LAME_ENC.SLB. Directory OPENDIVX: LIBHEAD.S: Header of OPENDIVX.SLB. DECORE.H: Header for the libdivxdecore library from ProjectMayo. README: Readme for the libdivxdecore library from ProjectMayo. Directory JPEG: LIBHEAD.S: Header of JPEG.SLB. JPEGLIB.H: Header for the libjpeg library from The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software. JCONFIG.H: Widely used configuration options for JPEGLIB.H. JMORECFG.H: Seldom changed options for JPEGLIB.H. EXAMPLE.C: Example for call the shared library. Directory VORBIS: LIBHEAD.S: Header of VORBIS.SLB. VORBISFI.H, OGG.H, CODEC.H: Headers for the libvorbis-1.0rc2 library. Directory BUBBLE: BUBBLE.APP: BubbleGEM is a program by Thomas Much for bubble help with right mouse button. BUBBLE.CPX: Config. Directory PSOUND for HADES: PSOUND.DOC: Documentation PSOUND card/driver of Loic Sebald. PSOUNDC.PRG: Create cookie 'PSND' for test/play Aniplayer with PSOUND card. PSOUNDC.S: Source asm. Directory SCRIPTS: GEMScript commands examples. CHECKCOM.SIC: Test if the command is supported. CLOSE.SIC: File and main window closed. CONTROLK.SIC: Send KEY code. CONTROLP.SIC: File selected for get informations and send new position. CONVERT.SIC: File conversion: MPG in MOV, MPG in AVI, or MP3 in WAV. CONVERTD.SIC: Files conversions from a directory. COPY.SIC: Copy current picture in the clipboard. DIASHOW.SIC: Slide-show for JPEG pictures. FF.SIC: Send Fast Forward command in seconds. GETALBUM.SIC: Get Album information of the current file (tag ID3). GETALLCO.SIC: Get all commands supported. GETAUTHO.SIC: Get Author information of the current file (tag ID3). GETFILEP.SIC: Get path+name of the current file. GETLISTT.SIC: Get current and total tracks played of the Playlist. GETLONGN.SIC: Get Aniplayer name. GETTITLE.SIC: Get Title information of the current file (tag ID3). GETYEAR.SIC: Get Year information of the current file (tag ID3). LISTPLAY.SIC: Playlist started and displayed. LISTSTOP.SIC: Playlist stopped. OPEN.SIC: Open file. PAUSE.SIC: Send Pause command. PLAY.SIC: Send Play command. QUIT.SIC: Send Quit command. REW.SIC: Reverse command in seconds. SAVE.SIC: Save current file in AVI/MOV/AVR/WAV/AIF/MP3. SAVEIMA.SIC: Save image(s) in IMG/TGA/JPG. Lastest version of Aniplayer is on: http://aniplay.atari.org http://perso.wanadoo.fr/didierm/ (french/english) http://www.omnis.ch/jf/aniplayer.shtml (german) ftp://chapelie.rma.ac.be/atari/ You can see my others realisations on my WEB page: SONDIGIT, HORLOGEP, PICDESK, MAGXSND, etc... You can found ST-Guide by Holger Weets on: http://members.aol.com/VJanzen/software/weets.html You can found OLGA by Thomas Much on: http://www.snailshell.de/OLGA/index.html You can found a demo of Scripter (GEMScript from ASH) on: http://www.application-systems.de/scripter/download.html ENGLISH/GERMAN/SWEDISH/DUTCH VERSIONS: -------------------------------------- Before use ANIPLAY copy N_FRENCH.TXT and ANIPLAY.HYP (documentation for ST-Guide) in same directory of ANIPLAY.PRG. You can put only ANIPLAY.HYP in your directory for HYP.