The Following is a GENERALIZED procedure for the COPYING a a GAME located on the CDRom to a directory located on a fixed hard drive. ( Substitute dirname with the Directory name of the game ) 1. Exit the Micro Star menu. ( Press the ESC key ) 2. Type X: and Press Enter. ( X = Destination Hard Drive letter ) ( Change to the Hard Drive where program will be saved to. This would normally be your C: ) 3. Type CD\ and Press Enter. ( Change to Root Directory of X: in step 2 ) 4. Type MD dirname and Press Enter. ( Make a Directory on Hard Drive X: ) 5. Type CD dirname and Press Enter. ( Change to Directory on X: made in step 4) 6. Type XCOPY Y:\dirname\*.* /S and Press Enter. ( Y=CDRom Drive letter ) ( Copy program files from CDRom drive to Hard Drive directory on X: from step 4) 7. Type .exe and Press Enter. ( Run program using this .EXE ) We have alse provided an automated way of doing the above procedure. Change to ROOT directory of the MEGA HITS CDRom and Type the following: COPYDIR X: DIRNAME Example: COPYDIR C: SANTOO The above example will copy SANTOO to your hard drive C:.