Installation Instructions for AviLxp Window 95 From Windows Explorer or My Computer,drag AviLxp.exe to your favorite program group. You can open a program group by right clicking on the Start button. Select Open on the popup menu, then click on Programs, and so on until you have open the group in which you would like to have AviLxp. Then drag AviLxp.exe to that group. To associate avi files to AviLxp rather than to Microsoft media player click on My Computer/View/Options.../File Types/. Scroll the list to Video Clips and click on the Edit... button. Double click on Play, and enter: pathname\AviLxp.exe /play where pathname is the pathname where you have installed AviLxp and /play causes AviLxp to open the file and start playing it. Window NT From File Manager drag AviLxp.exe to your favorite program group. To associate avi files to AviLxp rather than to Microsoft media player, use the File Manager File/Associate... command. Select avi in the File with Extension Menu. Then click on the Change Type... button. In the field labelled Command: type: pathname\AviLxp.exe /play % where pathname is the pathname where you have installed AviLxp and /play causes AviLxp to open the file and start playing it. % tells the file manager to pass the movie filename to AviLxp as an argument. ----- Note: Keep AviLxp.exe and AviLxp.hlp in the same directory.