[A] PREMIER MANAGER 3 READ.ME Read this file for any last minute changes to the manual or hints on getting PREMIER MANAGER 3 running on your system. Contents [1] Sound Cards [1-1] My sound card is not on the menu [1-2] Unsupported Interrupt and DMA Channels [2] Trouble Shooter [2-1] The mouse [2-2] CD-ROM suggestions [2-3] Memory Management [2-4] Error message - NOT ENOUGH BASE MEMORY [2-5] Error message - NOT ENOUGH FREE EXPANDED MEMORY [2-6] SmartDrive [2-7] Other Problems [3] Hints and Tips --------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Sound Cards [1-1] My sound card is not on the menu If your sound card is not on the list of supported cards, but can emulate one of the supported cards. Select the card that can be emulated. [1-2] Unsupported Interrupt and DMA Channels It is possible that the install program will not support the PORT, IRQ or DMA channel that your card is set to. If this is the case you can edit the configuration file created by the install program, it is called CONFIG.INI and will be in the directory that you have installed PREMIER MANAGER 3 to. You can alter this file with any text editor, look for the lines: MusicPort=xxx Port for Music Card SoundPort=xxx Port for Sound Effects Card SoundIRQ=xx IRQ for Sound Effects Card SoundDMA=x DMA for Sound Effects Card [2] Trouble Shooter If you are having trouble running PREMIER MANAGER 3 here are some hints to help get you started. [2-1] The mouse You will need a mouse and a mouse driver installed to play PREMIER MANAGER 3. To do this you must insert a line into AUTOEXEC.BAT. Consult the documentation which came with your mouse for the exact command line needed. (Occasionally a mouse driver needs to be added to CONFIG.SYS. Once again this will be explained in your mouse documentation). [2-2] CD-ROM Suggestions To use the CD-ROM version of PREMIER MANAGER 3 you need the correct CD-ROM driver. To do this you must insert a line into CONFIG.SYS. Consult the documentation accompanying your CD-ROM drive for the exact command line needed. You will also need to add the Microsoft CD extensions driver (MSCDEX.EXE) in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. [2-3] Memory Management If the program is not booting correctly, or crashing in game it is possible you do not have enough memory available for the game to run. The first thing to do is to make a boot disk. If this does not help, or you do not want to create a boot disk follow these hints: PREMIER MANAGER 3 needs 550 KB of base memory and 1 Mb of expanded memory (EMS). You can determine how much memory you have available by running INSTALL /i. [2-4] Error message - NOT ENOUGH BASE MEMORY Premier Manager 3 requires at least 550K of base memory to run properly. If your machine hasn't enough base memory, when you try to run the game the following error message will appear on screen. NOT ENOUGH BASE MEMORY YOU NEED 550K TO RUN PREMIER MANAGER 3. If you are unsure as to the amount of BASE MEMORY you have, simply make sure your PC is at the DOS prompt and type MEM. This will present you with a list of different memory locations. The important one is LARGEST EXECUTABLE PROGRAM SIZE (in other words BASE MEMORY). If this is less than 550K then you will need to free some more memory up to play Premier Manager 3. Consult your DOS manual for more information on base memory and how to make more available, or follow the guide to make a DOS BOOT DISK. [2-5] Error message - NOT ENOUGH FREE EXPANDED MEMORY Premier Manager 3 requires 1 Megabytes of Expanded Memory (EMS) not Extended memory. You can use EMM386.EXE or other such drivers to emulate Expanded Memory using Extended Memory. You can do this by adding the line, DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 into your CONFIG.SYS. If you have configured your PC to have 1 Meg of EMS and are still experiencing the error message, then ensure that either programs like Smartdrive are not taking up your EMS memory; or simply add more than 1meg in your EMM386 line in your CONFIG.SYS e.g.. DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 2048 If after trying everything above you cannot get enough base memory try adding the following lines to your CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH,UMB These will allow you to use more base memory but at the expense of extended memory. This will only be needed in the case where your CD driver is very large. After all this, if you still have probles here are the BASE MEMORY requirements, according to sound card type, for PREMIER MANAGER 3. SoundBlaster - 557K Adlib/MT32/MIDI - 510K No Sound - 500K These are rough `guesstimates', and are only intended as a guide. [2-6] SmartDrive If you use Smartdrive with Premier Manager 3 the performance and speed of the game will be greatly enhanced. Try adding the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\DOS\SMARTDRV [2-7] Other Problems If you have persistent problems call the Gremlin Interactive Help Line on 0114 275 3423. [3] Hints & Tips Just one more item, below is a list of hints and tips which you might find useful. If you do not want to see the tips exit the README file NOW. . . . . . . . The following tips are not perfect but should at least enable you to finish in the top half of the table during your first season. - It is vital that you set your team tactics, as most teams will fail to win a single game at the default settings. - The best team to start off the game with is Halifax Town. - Always place your best attacker (Hanson in the case of Halifax) in the number 9 position, or at the centre of the pitch. - In the conference league the best formation to start with is probably 4-2-4. - Set your defensive players to long range shooting. - Set your midfielders and attackers to medium shooting, except for number 9 who should be on short shooting. - Youth team players are essential so always have a youth team coach (The best you can afford) - Ensure all players have played at least 4 matches by the end of the season or their stats will be decreased. - Set all defenders passing to around 70% - Set all midfielders passing to around 60% - Put attackers running at around 70-80% - Set defenders and midfielders to long, high passing aimed at the centre. - Put attackers to low, short, centre passing. That should get you going, if you want a few more hints/tips continue reading. . . . . . . . - Use the telephone as much as you can to find out of contract players. Players in contract are quite happy at their present club and will cost roughly twice their actual value to buy. Whereas out of contract players can be had for a nominal fee. - Keep players in training at all times, and build a gym to reduce the risk of injuries and improve training. - Use the player loan facility as much as you can. Note that you can only have 2 players on loan at any one time and no more than five loan players per season, so use them wisely. Try Norbury at Preston North End for a good on loan striker. - Always keep your players morale as high as possible. - Try to have an all seater stadium by the time you reach the higher divisions, otherwise you may find sections of your ground are closed by the authorities under the 1994 Safety Act.