REV 1.1 ======= Oups, the previous version would not run the program, even if you had the right microprocessor. Fixed now. DISCLAIMER ========== The software and accompanying written materials (including any instructions for use) are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. further, the author does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of use, of the software or written materials in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is assumed by you. CONTENTS ======== c010.o -> Custom startupfile for 68010 c020.o -> Custom startupfile for 68020 c030.o -> Custom startupfile for 68030 c040.o -> Custom startupfile for 68040 cres010.o -> Custom startupfile for 68010, resident version cres020.o -> Custom startupfile for 68020, resident version cres030.o -> Custom startupfile for 68030, resident version cres040.o -> Custom startupfile for 68040, resident version ReadMe.Txt -> This File ;-) HOW TO USE ========== The supplied objectfiles can be used instead of the original supplied c.o from SAS/C. The only difference between the original c.o/cres.o and these files is, that they will check if you have a specific microprocessor installed in your machine, when you try to run your final program. This is very usefull when compiling programs for 68020/030/040, which cannot run on a 68000/010-system. If you use these startup-files, the program will simply refuse to run, if your Amiga not is powerfull enough to handle it. BUG-REPORTS/SUGGESTIONS ======================= Should be sent to Brian Ipsen, 2:231/126.97@fidonet Flames/Complaints >NIL: /* EOF */