Intuition++ Contact : Brulhart Dominique 12, rue Lissignol 1201 Geneva Switzerland Phone : (41 22) 738 34 38 E-Mail : Intuition++ Reference Guide The list of all public methods for all I++ classes. Those members are for use just like the normal Intuition functions, without their first argument (generaly), wich is here the calling instance/object/class. This list is the list for each class of all his own methods and those of all class from wich it derives. This is very exhaustive... If you need to derive one of those classes, please see definitions of protected members in header files, and be carefull of multiple inher- itance for classes 'MGWindow', 'GfxWindow', 'WGSreen', 'GScreen' and 'WScreen'. Generaly, all methods have the same effect than standard Intuition corresponding functions. Some have little difference relying the fact that an object is "alive" even when it's closed. Please see tutorial for I++ specific functions that have no standard Intuition equivalent (all event handling functions in 'MsgWindow', 'Waiter', 'WScreen' and 'WGScreen', and all window linking to screen in 'CScreen'. All those methods have been created in lowercase because I just prefer like that, only 'I' has been typed in uppercase to manifest all my respect for Intuition's creators. CFont CFont(); CFont(STRPTR name, UWORD size, UBYTE style, UBYTE flags); ~CFont(); BOOL open(STRPTR name , UWORD size, UBYTE style, UBYTE flags); void close(); BOOL isopen(); CRastPortHdl CRastPortHdl(); CRastPortHdl(struct RastPort *validraster); ~CRastPortHdl(); BOOL hdlison(); void clear(); void setpenpos(int x, int y); void setapen(int color); void setbpen(int color); void setdrmd(int mode); void setdrpt(int pattern); void setrast(int color); ULONG setwritemask(ULONG mask); void setfont(STRPTR name, UWORD size, UBYTE style, UBYTE flags); void setfont(struct TextAttr *textattr); struct TextAttr *askfont(struct TextAttr *textattr); void writetext(char *string); void writetext(int x, int y, char *string); WORD textlength(STRPTR string, WORD stringlength); ULONG asksoftstyle(); ULONG setsoftstyle(ULONG mask, ULONG enable); void cleareol(); void printItext(struct IntuiText *itext, WORD x, WORD y); void writepixel(int x, int y); int readpixel(int x, int y); void drawline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawlineto(int x, int y); void drawrect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawrectfill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawcircle(int x, int y, int radius); void drawellipse(int x, int y, int radiusx, int radiusy); void drawimage(struct Image *image, int x, int y); void flood(int x, int y); void polydraw(WORD count, WORD *array); void scrollraster(WORD dx, WORD dy, WORD xmin, WORD ymin, WORD xmax, WORD ymax); CScreen CScreen(); CScreen(struct NewScreen *newscreen); CScreen(struct ExtNewScreen *extnewscreen); CScreen(struct NewScreen *newscreen, struct TagItem *tags); ~CScreen(); virtual BOOL open(); BOOL isopen(); virtual void close(); void resize(int sizex, int sizey); void setpos(int x, int y); void move(int x, int y); void tofront(); void toback(); void setviewmodes(UWORD modes); void showtitle(BOOL yesorno); void beep(); int leftedge(); int topedge(); int width(); int height(); int mousex(); int mousey(); virtual BOOL linkwindow(CWindow& window); virtual CWindow *rmwindow(CWindow& window); virtual void rmwindows(); void openallwindows(); void closeallwindows(); CWindow CWindow(); CWindow(struct NewWindow *newwindow); CWindow(struct ExtNewWindow *extnewwindow); CWindow(struct NewWindow *newwindow, struct TagItem *tags); ~CWindow(); virtual BOOL open(); BOOL isopen(); virtual void close(); void resize(int sizex, int sizey); void setpos(int x, int y); void move(int x, int y); void tofront(); void toback(); void activate(); void settitle(char *string); BOOL setlimit(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax); ULONG setflags(ULONG flags); void setpointer(UWORD *pointerdata, int heigth, int width, int x0, int y0); void clearpointer(); void refreshframe(); int leftedge(); int topedge(); int width(); int height(); int minwidth(); int minheight(); int maxwidth(); int maxheight(); unsigned long flags(); int mousex(); int mousey(); GfxWindow GfxWindow(); GfxWindow(struct NewWindow *newwindow); GfxWindow(struct ExtNewWindow *extnewwindow); GfxWindow(struct NewWindow *newwindow, struct TagItem *tags); ~GfxWindow(); virtual BOOL open(); BOOL isopen(); virtual void close(); void resize(int sizex, int sizey); void setpos(int x, int y); void move(int x, int y); void tofront(); void toback(); void activate(); void settitle(char *string); BOOL setlimit(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax); ULONG setflags(ULONG flags); void setpointer(UWORD *pointerdata, int heigth, int width, int x0, int y0); void clearpointer(); void refreshframe(); int leftedge(); int topedge(); int width(); int height(); int minwidth(); int minheight(); int maxwidth(); int maxheight(); unsigned long flags(); int mousex(); int mousey(); BOOL hdlison(); void clear(); void setpenpos(int x, int y); void setapen(int color); void setbpen(int color); void setdrmd(int mode); void setdrpt(int pattern); void setrast(int color); ULONG setwritemask(ULONG mask); void setfont(STRPTR name, UWORD size, UBYTE style, UBYTE flags); void setfont(struct TextAttr *textattr); struct TextAttr *askfont(struct TextAttr *textattr); void writetext(char *string); void writetext(int x, int y, char *string); WORD textlength(STRPTR string, WORD stringlength); ULONG asksoftstyle(); ULONG setsoftstyle(ULONG mask, ULONG enable); void cleareol(); void printItext(struct IntuiText *itext, WORD x, WORD y); void writepixel(int x, int y); int readpixel(int x, int y); void drawline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawlineto(int x, int y); void drawrect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawrectfill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawcircle(int x, int y, int radius); void drawellipse(int x, int y, int radiusx, int radiusy); void drawimage(struct Image *image, int x, int y); void flood(int x, int y); void polydraw(WORD count, WORD *array); void scrollraster(WORD dx, WORD dy, WORD xmin, WORD ymin, WORD xmax, WORD ymax); GScreen GScreen(); GScreen(struct NewScreen *newscreen); GScreen(struct ExtNewScreen *extnewscreen); GScreen(struct NewScreen *newscreen, struct TagItem *tags); ~GScreen(); virtual BOOL open(); BOOL isopen(); virtual void close(); void resize(int sizex, int sizey); void setpos(int x, int y); void move(int x, int y); void tofront(); void toback(); void setviewmodes(UWORD modes); void showtitle(BOOL yesorno); void beep(); int leftedge(); int topedge(); int width(); int height(); int mousex(); int mousey(); virtual BOOL linkwindow(CWindow& window); virtual CWindow *rmwindow(CWindow& window); virtual void rmwindows(); void openallwindows(); void closeallwindows(); BOOL hdlison(); void clear(); void setpenpos(int x, int y); void setapen(int color); void setbpen(int color); void setdrmd(int mode); void setdrpt(int pattern); void setrast(int color); ULONG setwritemask(ULONG mask); void setfont(STRPTR name, UWORD size, UBYTE style, UBYTE flags); void setfont(struct TextAttr *textattr); struct TextAttr *askfont(struct TextAttr *textattr); void writetext(char *string); void writetext(int x, int y, char *string); WORD textlength(STRPTR string, WORD stringlength); ULONG asksoftstyle(); ULONG setsoftstyle(ULONG mask, ULONG enable); void cleareol(); void printItext(struct IntuiText *itext, WORD x, WORD y); void writepixel(int x, int y); int readpixel(int x, int y); void drawline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawlineto(int x, int y); void drawrect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawrectfill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawcircle(int x, int y, int radius); void drawellipse(int x, int y, int radiusx, int radiusy); void drawimage(struct Image *image, int x, int y); void flood(int x, int y); void polydraw(WORD count, WORD *array); void scrollraster(WORD dx, WORD dy, WORD xmin, WORD ymin, WORD xmax, WORD ymax); IEvent IEvent(); ~IEvent(); void clear(); ULONG eclass; ULONG ecode; ULONG equalifier; void *eitem; void (*ecallback)(IMessage *); IEvent *nextevent; IMessage IMessage(); ~IMessage(); void clear(); ULONG iclass; ULONG icode; ULONG iqualifier; void * iaddress; int imousex; int imousey; ULONG iseconds; ULONG imicros; MGWindow MGWindow(); MGWindow(struct NewWindow *newwindow); MGWindow(struct ExtNewWindow *extnewwindow); MGWindow(struct NewWindow *newwindow, struct TagItem *tags); ~MGWindow(); virtual BOOL open(); BOOL isopen(); virtual void close(); void resize(int sizex, int sizey); void setpos(int x, int y); void move(int x, int y); void tofront(); void toback(); void activate(); void settitle(char *string); BOOL setlimit(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax); ULONG setflags(ULONG flags); void setpointer(UWORD *pointerdata, int heigth, int width, int x0, int y0); void clearpointer(); void refreshframe(); int leftedge(); int topedge(); int width(); int height(); int minwidth(); int minheight(); int maxwidth(); int maxheight(); unsigned long flags(); int mousex(); int mousey(); BOOL hdlison(); void clear(); void setpenpos(int x, int y); void setapen(int color); void setbpen(int color); void setdrmd(int mode); void setdrpt(int pattern); void setrast(int color); ULONG setwritemask(ULONG mask); void setfont(STRPTR name, UWORD size, UBYTE style, UBYTE flags); void setfont(struct TextAttr *textattr); struct TextAttr *askfont(struct TextAttr *textattr); void writetext(char *string); void writetext(int x, int y, char *string); WORD textlength(STRPTR string, WORD stringlength); ULONG asksoftstyle(); ULONG setsoftstyle(ULONG mask, ULONG enable); void cleareol(); void printItext(struct IntuiText *itext, WORD x, WORD y); void writepixel(int x, int y); int readpixel(int x, int y); void drawline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawlineto(int x, int y); void drawrect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawrectfill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawcircle(int x, int y, int radius); void drawellipse(int x, int y, int radiusx, int radiusy); void drawimage(struct Image *image, int x, int y); void flood(int x, int y); void polydraw(WORD count, WORD *array); void scrollraster(WORD dx, WORD dy, WORD xmin, WORD ymin, WORD xmax, WORD ymax); ULONG setIDCMPflags(ULONG idcmpflags); ULONG getIDCMPflags(); struct Gadget * linkgadgets(struct Gadget *gadgetlist); struct Gadget * rmgadgets(); void refreshgadgets(struct Gadget *gadgetlist); void refreshglist(struct Gadget *gadgetlist, WORD count); BOOL activategadget(struct Gadget *gadget); void ongadget(struct Gadget *gadget); void offgadget(struct Gadget *gadget); struct Menu * linkmenu(struct Menu *menu); struct Menu * rmmenu(); void onmenu(UWORD menunumber); void offmenu(UWORD menunumber); void reportmouse(BOOL yesorno); BOOL linkIevent(ULONG iclass, ULONG icode, ULONG iqualifier, void *object, void (*callback)(IMessage&)); void rmIevents(); IMessage * getImsg(IMessage& imessage); IMessage * waitImsg(IMessage& imessage); void clearImsg(); IMessage * filterImsg(IMessage& imessage); IMessage * softcontrol(IMessage& imessage); void hardcontrol(); MsgWindow MsgWindow(); MsgWindow(struct NewWindow *newwindow); MsgWindow(struct ExtNewWindow *extnewwindow); MsgWindow(struct NewWindow *newwindow, struct TagItem *tags); ~MsgWindow(); virtual BOOL open(); BOOL isopen(); virtual void close(); void resize(int sizex, int sizey); void setpos(int x, int y); void move(int x, int y); void tofront(); void toback(); void activate(); void settitle(char *string); BOOL setlimit(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax); ULONG setflags(ULONG flags); void setpointer(UWORD *pointerdata, int heigth, int width, int x0, int y0); void clearpointer(); void refreshframe(); int leftedge(); int topedge(); int width(); int height(); int minwidth(); int minheight(); int maxwidth(); int maxheight(); unsigned long flags(); int mousex(); int mousey(); ULONG setIDCMPflags(ULONG idcmpflags); ULONG getIDCMPflags(); struct Gadget * linkgadgets(struct Gadget *gadgetlist); struct Gadget * rmgadgets(); void refreshgadgets(struct Gadget *gadgetlist); void refreshglist(struct Gadget *gadgetlist, WORD count); BOOL activategadget(struct Gadget *gadget); void ongadget(struct Gadget *gadget); void offgadget(struct Gadget *gadget); struct Menu * linkmenu(struct Menu *menu); struct Menu * rmmenu(); void onmenu(UWORD menunumber); void offmenu(UWORD menunumber); void reportmouse(BOOL yesorno); BOOL linkIevent(ULONG iclass, ULONG icode, ULONG iqualifier, void *object, void (*callback)(IMessage&)); void rmIevents(); IMessage * getImsg(IMessage& imessage); IMessage * waitImsg(IMessage& imessage); void clearImsg(); IMessage * filterImsg(IMessage& imessage); IMessage * softcontrol(IMessage& imessage); void hardcontrol(); Waiter Waiter(); ~Waiter(); virtual BOOL linkwindow(MsgWindow& window); virtual MsgWindow * rmwindow(MsgWindow& window); virtual void rmwindows(); MsgWindow * softcontrol(IMessage& messagenothandled); void hardcontrol(); WGScreen WGScreen(); WGScreen(struct NewScreen *newscreen); WGScreen(struct ExtNewScreen *extnewscreen); WGScreen(struct NewScreen *newscreen, struct TagItem *tags); ~WGScreen(); virtual BOOL open(); BOOL isopen(); virtual void close(); void resize(int sizex, int sizey); void setpos(int x, int y); void move(int x, int y); void tofront(); void toback(); void setviewmodes(UWORD modes); void showtitle(BOOL yesorno); void beep(); int leftedge(); int topedge(); int width(); int height(); int mousex(); int mousey(); void openallwindows(); void closeallwindows(); BOOL hdlison(); void clear(); void setpenpos(int x, int y); void setapen(int color); void setbpen(int color); void setdrmd(int mode); void setdrpt(int pattern); void setrast(int color); ULONG setwritemask(ULONG mask); void setfont(STRPTR name, UWORD size, UBYTE style, UBYTE flags); void setfont(struct TextAttr *textattr); struct TextAttr *askfont(struct TextAttr *textattr); void writetext(char *string); void writetext(int x, int y, char *string); WORD textlength(STRPTR string, WORD stringlength); ULONG asksoftstyle(); ULONG setsoftstyle(ULONG mask, ULONG enable); void cleareol(); void printItext(struct IntuiText *itext, WORD x, WORD y); void writepixel(int x, int y); int readpixel(int x, int y); void drawline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawlineto(int x, int y); void drawrect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawrectfill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawcircle(int x, int y, int radius); void drawellipse(int x, int y, int radiusx, int radiusy); void drawimage(struct Image *image, int x, int y); void flood(int x, int y); void polydraw(WORD count, WORD *array); void scrollraster(WORD dx, WORD dy, WORD xmin, WORD ymin, WORD xmax, WORD ymax); virtual BOOL linkwindow(MsgWindow& window); virtual MsgWindow * rmwindow(MsgWindow& window); virtual void rmwindows(); MsgWindow * softcontrol(IMessage& messagenothandled); void hardcontrol(); WScreen WScreen(); WScreen(struct NewScreen *newscreen); WScreen(struct ExtNewScreen *extnewscreen); WScreen(struct NewScreen *newscreen, struct TagItem *tags); ~WScreen(); virtual BOOL open(); BOOL isopen(); virtual void close(); void resize(int sizex, int sizey); void setpos(int x, int y); void move(int x, int y); void tofront(); void toback(); void setviewmodes(UWORD modes); void showtitle(BOOL yesorno); void beep(); int leftedge(); int topedge(); int width(); int height(); int mousex(); int mousey(); void openallwindows(); void closeallwindows(); virtual BOOL linkwindow(MsgWindow& window); virtual MsgWindow * rmwindow(MsgWindow& window); virtual void rmwindows(); MsgWindow * softcontrol(IMessage& messagenothandled); void hardcontrol();