Basic Configuration

There are many possible ways to operate the AmigaFax software. You may wish to operate it as the only software using your FaxModem, or have it share the modem with other software such as AmigaUUCP. The AmigaFax spooler may be started when you boot up your computer, or only when you want to send a fax. Fax Auto-Answer may be left on all the time, started only when you are expecting a fax, or not used at all.

If you want the fax-spooler to start when you boot up your system, you must add the line

run >nil: <nil: AFAX:C/afaxspl

to your startup sequence. This can be done in the AFAX:s/AFaxAssign file, for example. Normally this would only be necessary if you send a lot of faxes with delayed spooling, and your computer may be rebooted often, as the spooler is automatically started when sending a fax.

If you want auto-answer with Fax detection running constantly in background, you may either use the modified Getty command, or use faa directly, by adding the line

run >nil: <nil: faa
somewhere in your startup sequence.

Note that the modified getty will allow you to receive data and fax calls effectively, and is the recommended approach. However if you only wish to receive faxes, faa is effective and may be started by double-clicking on the FaxAutoAnswer icon.