Installing the Software

Information on installing the AmigaFax software on your system is given in the ReadMe file on the distribution disk. Insert the distribution disk, and from the WorkBench double-click on the ReadMe icon for instructions.

The installation script should automatically handle most installations. To use it, from the WorkBench double-click the Install_Now icon, or from a Shell window type amigafax:install. The script will prompt you for information required to complete the installation.

If you are updating to a later revision, the installation procedure will not overwrite your configuration or alias files, so you will not lose information. However in this case you may want to examine the files in the directories lib.user and s.user on the distribution disk for examples of more recent configuration options.

The AmigaFaX software requires certain logical assignments to be made. The installation procedure will create a file afax:s/User-Startup. You must edit your S:User-Startup (2.0) or S:Startup-Sequence (1.3) to include the contents of that file, which will be typically something like:

assign afax: Work:AmigaFax
mount null:                        
run >nil: <nil: l:fifo-handler     
if exists afax:s/AFAX-Startup      
        execute afax:s/AFAX-Startup

If your devs:MountList doesn't contain an entry for the NULL: device, append the MountList file from the devs directory on the AmigaFax to it.