ZyXEL U-1496

The ZyXEL U-1496 provides data rates to v32bis and higher, with v42bis error correction and compression. It is capable of facsimile data rates greater than 9600bps, currently up to 14400bps. ZeroOne makes ROM upgrades available through their BBS, with frequent upgrades. They are very helpful and responsive to customer requests.

The latest ROM version we have used is V5.00.

With this ROM, it is possible to lock the DCE/DTE data rate for fax with the sequence ATS38=8S18=n, where n is the DTE speed as per the S20 register list, eg 2 for 38.4Kbps, 3 for 19.2Kbps.

There is a Voice-mode ROM for the ZyXEL currently in Beta-test. When this is released, we will try to integrate it with AmigaFax. this will allow you to send and receive voice messages, as well as fax and data calls, all from your Amiga.

A few more tips on configuration, with getty. In my standard startup line I have been setting the page-length to A4, as my printer is A4, which is the standard here. However, it appears that my fax (and most others) when appending their header/footer lines, force the page past A4. This has not been a problem in the past, but now the U1496 must be obeying the page-length setting, and forces out an extra very short page for each A4 page. This causes handshake problems, etc.

So for now, the best solution seems to be setting up for unlimited page-length. The AmigaFax software has no problem with this, but your printer may, if single-sheet type.

Another option allows fax data-rates greater than 9600. Not many fax machines support this yet, but we may as well use it, just in case.

The +FDCC options are as follows:

      ^ ^ ^ ^
      | | | +- Page Length: 0=A4(297mm) 1=B4(364mm) 2=unlimited
      | | +--- Page Width : 0=1728 Pixels in 215mm (Current AmigaFax Limit)
      | +----- Bit Rate   : 0=2400 1=4800 2=7200 3=9600 4=12000 5=14400
      +--------Vert. Res. : 0=Normal(98 lpi) 1=Fine(196 lpi)

Other options cover compression format, error correction mode, binary file transfer, and scan time. These are not yet supported, probably not until the standards are finalized.

The line I use to start up Getty is:

RunBack Getty -Mh -B19200 -x8 -F6 AT&C1&D3+FDCC=1,5,0,2

As I have the FaxModem running from a AS2232 multiport serial card, with a maximum baud rate of 19200, I must limit the DCE/DTE rate to that.