This utility allows you to split and merge AFAX format fax files. A typical use is where you have a complete fax document, perhaps generated by TeX->dvifax, or received as an AFAX fax-file and you want to sent it with an attached cover page, or you want to extract one or more pages from the document.

The command-line format is:

fxfx infile [-range] [infile[-range]] [...] outfile

Some examples:

fxfx file1 file2

 copies fax files file1 to file2

fxfx file1 file2 file3 file4

 merges all pages from file1-3 to create file4

fxfx file1 file2 -1,3,5-7,9- file3 -4 file4

 merges all pages from file1, pages 1,3,5-7 and 9 on from file2, and
 page 4 from file3, to create file4

The range is currently sorted, so to reverse page order is currently
not simple, eg

fxfx file1 -3 file1 -2 file1 -1 file2

 to create file2 from pages 1-3 of file1 in reverse order.