viewafax [opts] <FaxFile>
The fax viewer is normally started automatically by from the NewFax window. When invoked from the CLI, it takes the options:
-d debug_level
-p Page_Number
-s Scale

The current version of the viewer keeps one entire fax page in memory. If the page will not fit in the requested scale, it tries to reduce the resolution until it finds one that will fit. Once a page is displayed, you can move about the page using the arrow keys. There is a scale gadget at the top left of the window, in the form of 1:n, where n is the current scale (say 3). You can click on the gadget, delete the current scale, and enter your own, in the range 1 to 8, where 1 is 1:1 (full size), 2 is 1:2 (half size) etc. To the right of that gadget is another of the form Page: n where n is the current page displayed. Again you may enter the required page number in this gadget.

To the top right of the window is a group of gadgets of the form | < < - - > > |. These are actually four gadgets, which allow moving through the pages of the fax. From left to right they are First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, and Last Page.

You may use the windows sizing gadget to resize the window. However with the current viewer, sizing the window larger than the fax page will result in the window shrinking to the page size at the next movement.

Several keys are active in the viewer window.