faa [BaseName]

Fax auto-answer. Sets up the FaxModem to auto-answer and recognise Fax or data tranmissions. Incoming Faxes will be saved in AFAX format. the default BaseName is FAXREC:FAX, so that incoming faxes will be named



Note also that although faa recognises the difference between Fax and Data, it currently does nothing special with data. I hope to integrate this with the UUCP system in the future. Any other suggestion ?

To terminate the faa program, send it a CTL_C break. If you ran it directly from your shell, just type control-C and wait. If you used RUN or RUNBACK, send a break to its process number. (eg break 7 all)

Command Line switches are:

-dn	- Set debug on, level n 	(default 1)
-D name	- Use name for the device 	(default serial.device)
-U num	- Use device unit num 		(default 0)
-a	- Immediate Answer
-G	- Run from a Getty
-z	- Diagnostic, do not detach, so debug messages can be read

The Immediate Answer switch assumes phone is ringing, configures the modem & answers immediately. It probably makes sense to attach this to an alias if you use it this way. eg. alias fa "faa -a"

The Getty option specifies that faa was run from a Getty. It will not modify the serial port parameters. It assumes that the Getty has answered the phone, detected a Fax call, and set up the line accordingly. Faa will connect, collect a Fax document, and return control to the Getty.