*NEW* GizmoTick v3.50 by GizmoSoft Productions. The ultimative Tick-clone for the StarNet BBS-system. Special features in StarTick v3.50: - Message function. Generates user-defined messages when files are hatched/received. - Replace function. Removes older version of the same program when a new one is received. - TickFix function. Works just like AreaFix for EchoMail, TickFix is just used on FileEchoes instead. Includes password-check and security-levels. - HatchDoor. Use it on your system, so your CoSysop can add files while he is online via modem. - Can execute script on incomming files, so it is possible for you to add a commercial for your BBS in the file (The file.txt.displayme way) - Can automatically add files to FREQ.CTL - Can automatically add file to StarNet fileareas. - Can mark received files as free-downloads. - Can generate a user-defined list of received files. - Optional CRC32 checksum on the sent/received files, even possible to enable/disable CRC-checking for each fileecho. - Possible to adjust for local timezone (so time will be inserted as GMT). - Can split description into 2 lines if needed, and even place the description in a long-description if needed! You can decide yourself where GizmoTick should split the line. And it won't split the line in the middle of a word! - Support of App/Application entries. This is usefull for people designing new functions for Tick-processors. - Support for SOURCE-entries in .TIC-files. This is used to specify the fido-address of the creator of the program, if he/she doesn't have the same fido-address as the place where the file was hatched. Improvements in future revisions (mainly v4.00): - Release. Specify day/time for when file should be accessable for people. (I don't know how many Tick-programs that support this, but GizmoTick v4.00 will!). - Replace. Will be changed so it also can handle wildcards. - Magic. Specify a MAGIC-name for the file if file-requested. - GizmoTick v4.00 will become more and more FSC-0028 compatible, so watch out for the release! The GizmoTick package is ShareWare (price US$ 20,- DM 30,- or DKr 115,-) and can be ordered by obtaining the registration-formular and program by contacting GizmoSoft Productions or by downloading the GizmoTick-evaluation packet on MicroAmiga BBS, 2:231/126. For further information on the GizmoTick v3.50 package contact: GizmoSoft Productions c/o B. Ipsen Lyngens Kvarter 117, st.tv Dk-7400 Herning Denmark Or via fidonet on 2:231/126.97