TROUBLE SHOOTING - Digital Graphics Dec. 1996 ================================================ <<<< SCREENSAVERS... >>>> There are some screen savers which are incompatible with this program. If this happens to you, there are three options.. 1) Disable your screen saver or, 2) Set the screen saver to a long time ( 20 min ). or, 3) Do not leave the program long enough to let the screen saver be activated. In the event that the error message does appear - just cancel the game screen and exit Windows 3.x or Shut Down the Computerin Windows 95. <<<< SOUNDS... >>>> Make sure your system has a Soundblaster compatible sound card. Also, make sure that your midi mapper is setup to play general midi files. If you can play most midi and wav files from Media Player then you should have no problems with Digital Graphic's programs. <<<< VIDEO... >>>> Programs created with Klik & Play use an accelerated program for displaying video graphics. If you have problems try reinstalling the program and selecting the Standard Windows Driver. If the colors are off and seem grainy, the video card on the system may not be set to 256 colors. This can be remedied by setting it to 256 colors. <<<< JERKY SCREEN MOVEMENT... >>>> Programs created with Klik & Play use the resources of the computer to their maximum abilities. If movement is not smooth it is probably due to a limited amount of main board RAM (only 4 MB) or a limited amount of video RAM (only 512K or 1 MB). This can be remedied by upgrading your system or installing additional RAM. A computer specialist should be contacted in either situation. <<<< DIVIDE BY ZERO >>>> If you receive this error message when trying to run a Digital Graphics program, simply close the program and reboot your computer. This error seems to result from remnants of other programs in memory interfering with Klik & Play's graphic drivers. ============================ Please report any other problems to RTCCPU@AOL.COM