Trivimiar 32 - Read me file ----------------------------- Licence ------- There are several files in this package which are distributed together which will from now on will be referred to collectively as the "game". This game is copyright of Peter Balmforth. You may make as many copies as you like so long as all the files are copied, without amendment, omission or addition. The files are: TRIVIMIAR32.EXE (TRIVIM~1.EXE) - Win32 version GUNWAY.EXE - DOS version README.TXT - This file OBJECTS\*.DAT - 3D object files This game is freeware. It is not for sale or resale. You may not copy, disassemble, reverse engineer or alter components of this game. No warranty is offered for this game. Unzipping --------- Unzip the file using "PKUNZIP -d TRIVIMIA.ZIP" This will ensure that the directory structure is maintained. About the Author ---------------- Since graduating in 1992, I have been interested in 3D graphics and games. I have spent the last 3 years working at Leeds University as a Programmer/ Research Officer. I am also currently a web page administrator. I have experience of the following: Borland C 4.5, Microsoft C 6.0, Visual C 4.0 2D and 3D Graphics Win32 API Borland Graphical Interface Visual Basic Pro 3.0 HTML, VRML Fortran 77/Clearwin+ Windows 95 Javascript I can be contacted at: Email: Web: About the Game -------------- This 3D graphics engine and game was written in my spare time over 3 years in C. This Win32 version was developed from the DOS version and uses GDI functions. The 3D graphics engine is very simple though portable enough that I could convert the DOS version to Win32 in about a week. Control ------- The mouse controls your firing sight and your rate of turn. The more you move the mouse, the higher your turn rate. The left mouse button fires your lasers. The up and down cursor keys control your speed which is displayed in the cockpit. Red indicates you are flying backwards. Hints and Tips -------------- To destroy the station, shoot off the 3 red shield generators. These re-grow so be thorough. Then you can fly inside through the launch bay. At the same time you must fight off the fighters and the bomber and avoid the latter's missiles. Avoiding Missiles - Fly straight and away from the missile at full speed. Watch it on your left hand radar. It should approach from behind at high speed. When it gets close, turn sharply and as it flies past reduce speed and use your right hand radar to zero in on it. It should take one shot to destroy it. You can't avoid a missile at low speed though once it has passed you it will not be able to zero in on you immediately. Shooting the Enemy Fighters - It takes more than one hit to destroy a fighter. You may find that while you are chasing one, another shoots you from behind. It is best to try and destroy the one that is approaching to shoot at you next. One that has already fired will not be able to circle round to shoot you straight away. A good technique is to fly near to the station and then past it. (You can combine this with an attack on the shields). Try to get the station between you and the fighters. Then turn round and go to full reverse speed. The enemy ships will slow and avoid the station, making them easy targets. Inside the station - Shoot at the reactor until it explodes. Then fly out as quickly as you can. You will also have to destroy the plasma bolts it fires at you.