› o=o=o=o=o=›› MINUTES OF MAY 10, 1997 OHAUG MEETING›› GENERAL MEETING› AL SHARKIS reported that there were› only a couple of our members at the› Suffolk Club meeting. There were› also some LVAUG members from› Pennsylvania at this meeting. At› this meeting Mark Glicksman› demonstrated a video card on a PC and› spent time trying to get it to switch› back and forth between an Atari and› the PC emulator program - but we› never got to the emulator program› because we were so interested in the› graphics the video card produced. › You can do many things with this› card. All who were there also› discussed the BBS and Internet› affairs and had a great time.›› TREASURY REPORT› RON FETZER reports we are in the› black and there was no› correspondence.›› POTPOURRI› Plans were discussed for a barbecue› or picnic at the park this summer.› Nothing was decided in detail.›› HARRY TUTHILL gave a report on the› computer show in Trenton, NJ.›› AL SHARKIS announced that PAT MULVEY› wamts everyone to log onto the BBS on› Monday, May 19 (all day.) There'll be› big surprises on the New Nest BBS,› phone #(516) 783-4634. Alan Sharkis› advises calling before that date to› see what the BBS is like normally,› and then calling on 5/19 for the› surprises.›› DEMONSTRATIONS› First JACK GEDALIUS announced a new› demo of our Newsletter which we then› ran part of and AL SHARKIS read aloud› from the February minutes and› suggested members review minutes for› March and April.›› AL SHARKIS ran the DOS side of this› disk running Frank Walters7 Area Code› first - it's fairly up-to-date - then› we tried the Backgammon program. › Side 2 is a Newsletter review and a› number of interesting programs such› as the Hangman game (probably one of› the better ones around).›› DOOR PRIZES› JACK won a disk, HARRY won a box of› books, AL won a disk, HAROLD won a› printer, RON won a disk.›› Next meeting date is June 21, 1997.›› o=o=o=o=o=››››