› o=o=o=o=o=›› ??? EDDD ???›› Okay, okay, so what's with this EDDD› stuff already?›› EDDD is simply our way of saying,› "Enhanced-Density Debut Disk." Yes,› folks, that's correct. This is the› first in what promises to be a long› line of Ol' Hackers newsletter disks› produced in enhanced density. Your› editor, always a glutton for› punishment, has taken on the› challenge of cramming more into each› issue. It is delightful to be able› to report that I've exceeded even my› own expectations on this disk.›› I'd be overly optimistic, however, to› assume that I, alone, can provide› enough material to fill both sides of› each future issue now that the disks› have expanded. Therefore (you knew› it was coming) I'm asking for› contributions from each and every one› of you.›› What I'd like to see contributed is› articles, articles, articles! We› have enough programs, between our› copy of Pool Disk 1 and sources on› the Internet to take us well into the› next century. I will steal, and you› will see examples in this issue, all› the humorous material I can get. I› really need hard articles from you.› Share your experiences with a› particular program or piece of› hardware. If the venture has been an› unqualified success, that's fine. But› even if you didn't totally succeed,› or perhaps had a disaster, we'd still› like to hear about it. You may be› conveying a helpful warning. You may› be stimulating others to help you› with your problem. You just never› know when an article you send will be› a springboard for discussion,› thought, rescue missions, etc. Read› the article I wrote about modems. If› the process is similar to one you've› experienced, share it with the rest› of the membership. You'll get the› feedback you wish you had all along.›› If you need help writing the article,› just send me an outline and I'll help› you put it into words.›› Alan› o=o=o=o=o=›››