› o=o=o=o=o=›› ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS›› This month, while exploring the› Internet, I learned of a "copy party"› and contest that was held in Orneta,› Poland. Within a few days, the› organizers of the party had a Web› page up, and from this Web page I was› able to download many of the entries.› There were four categories -- demos› (full disks in many cases,) music› programs, GFX (picture) files, and› so-called intros (short demos.) I've› included one such intro, Drunk› Chessboard, on this side. The› filename is DC.COM. Load it from› DOS, and remember that the action on› screen ends long after the music.›› The BASIC program activated by the› spacebar, in case you haven't already› discovered, is a comuter-generated› (and played) "Towers of Hanoi"› puzzle, from Analog Magazine,› September 1989, by way of our copy of› the Pooldisk CD-ROM. This program› doesn't seem to give the user an› opportunity to play, but just› watching the program gives you the› goal and rules of the Towers puzzle. › Start by typing in "2" at the first› prompt. When finished, the "READY"› prompt comes up and you can then type› "RUN"and "3", and take it from there.› If you like this puzzle and want to› try your hand at solving it, let me› know and I'll try to get another› Towers of Hanoi program into a› subsequent newsletter.›› There are two additional BASIC› programs on this side. Exit to BASIC› and try DOGBITE.BAS and JACKS.BAS.› They also came from our copy of the› Pooldisk CD-ROM.› › o=o=o=o=o=››››