(continued docs for SUPER SKETCH (SS)› by T.J. ANDREWS)›› PART B›› Install the new switch in the top› cover, position the cover on the base,› and replace the screws. Check the arm› for freedom of movement once more, and› go back to the computer and test as› before. If all goes well, you're› done!›› USING IT:› When you operate the modified› Super Sketch with a KoalaPad driver,› just turn the switch ON whenever you› would lift the stylus from the Pad.› In Micro Illustrator, you do this› to go from menu to drawing screen and› back, and to move the Magnify window.› For programs that automatically› sense whether you're using a KoalaPad› or Atari Touch Tablet, like Print Shop› Companion, have the switch ON during› the initialization or the program will› think you have the Atari Touch› Tablet.› With the switch OFF, the tablet› will act as a normal, unmodified Super› Sketch, just in case you want to use› the cartridge that came with it.›› ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **› **››