>*<>*<› PSINDXER.DOC›› (Adapted by R.R.S. from the original› "PSINDXER.DOC" as downloaded and› UN-ARCed from GENIE file #6649)› and reprinted by THE OL' HACKERS AUG› File will be found on the Sept/Oct› 1995 newsletter disk!›› PRINT SHOP DISK INDEXER V2.0 10/12/91› Program & Documentation› by Steve A. Walker› 15629 East Asbury Place› Aurora, Colorado 80013›› This program is SHAREWARE. I› have spent a great deal of time› designing, coding, debugging, and› modifying it. A minimum donation of $6› that I might receive for my time and› effort will encourage me to continue› supporting this program, as well as› writing new software for Atari 8-bit› computers. Thank you. Release 1.0 was› written as a utility program to index› all of my PS ICON disks. The program› was written for myself without much› design and to be used only a few times› (originally). Release 2.0 is a› complete re-write to allow more of a› user interface. It was submitted to› the Atari Club of Denver programming› contest of October 1992, and took› first place; but that may be due more› to the way I did the Demo (to avoid› errors). Suggestions or comments › about the program can be posted via› the Atari Club BBS:-(303) 343-2956.›› PURPOSE:› The main reason that I have for› this making this program was to save› my time searching for an ICON to use› for my family newsletter. I had› printed out all of the ICONS but with› over some 2000 to go thru I ended› up wasting more time paging through my› notebook instead of writing the news-› letter. So I decided to write this› program with the idea of pulling the› PS ICON names from each P/S disk and› writing it to a file with a special› identifier and disk side label and› then sorting by the PS ICON name.› › I ended up with twenty files that› identified each of my twenty PS ICON› disks I gave up on sorting the files› and uploaded all of them to the DEC› /VAX at work and appended all twenty,› sorted and printed out the listing,› which is now in my notebook along with› PS ICONs. I did download the single› file which took up over 700 sectors. › Now I have since acquired several more› PS ICON disks which I have not added› to the main listing. I may in a› future release allow combining of› existing sorted files to be joined› into one sorted file for print out.›› REQUIREMENTS:› This routine is in Atari Basic and› requires (naturally) a disk drive and› PS ICON disks. Besides the PS ICON› disks, you'll need a formatted Atari› or Spartdos disk for saving your› indexed files.›› HOW IT WORKS:› Basically the routine performs a› directory of PS Icon names and saves› them in memory, by the dimensioned› variable name PSNAME$. Depending how› often you want to save to disk, you› may want to increase the size of the› PSNAME$ (Line 80). This would allow› you to index several PS ICON disks› under one file name. Beware that you› may receive Error-5 "string length› error" when you try and index more› names than PSNAME$ can hold. If you› save the index, after the string› length error, the last entry may not› be indexed. You may press "ESC" and› clear out the whole PSNAME$ variable› and re-run.›› MENU:› N Tag Record D1:Source› N Sort Record D1:Destination› Y Trim Record ON Screen Prt› 1 Disk # A Disk Side›› To move around on the menu just› use your arrow keys (without control).› It allows for wrap around.›› To make your selection just move› your arrow key to the desired option› and press [RETURN]. Most options will› toggle back and forth. The following› identifies the settings:›› Y/N-Tag Record: Saves names with› disk ID (Index). When set to "N" only› the name is saved (i.e. disk ID is › not added). This option was allowed to› create a data output file for another› program.›› N-Sort Record: NOT AVAILABLE› › N/Y-Trim Record: Setting this option› to "Y" will save disk space. The name› will have the disk ID right after it.› It may be little hard to read the name› ("FLOWER#001A") I prefer to set it to› "N", this will pad blanks to the right› of the name, when it is less than 15› characters ("FLOWER #001A"). When the› name is 15 char. the disk ID will be› right after it.›› 1 Disk #: Pressing RETURN will give› you a "?". Enter your disk Identifier› (ID) number. YOU MUST KEEP TRACK of› your own numbering. The largest value› is "999". If less then 3 or 2 char-› acters the ID will be filled in with› leading "0" (i.e. "001") DO NOT ENTER› LEADING "0".›› D1:Source: Toggle 1-4 for source› drive that contains your PS ICONS to› read.›› D1:Destination: Toggle 1-4 for› output drive. Press OPTION and enter› your index filename after the "?".›› ON/OFF Screen Prt: Prints PS ICON› names at the bottom of the screen.›› A/B Disk Side: Part of the disk› Identifier (ID). YOU MUST KEEP TRACK› of which side you Indexed.›› OPTION: Index filename › SELECT: Save index › START: Read PSICON disk ›› RUNNING PROGRAM›› START:› Insert your PRINT SHOP Graphics disk› and Press [START] to read. Once the› PSICON disk side has been read, you› may elect to save or continue with› another PSICON disk. Be sure to change› your disk #ID and side number before› running again.›› SELECT: › Pressing SELECT will check to ensure› that you have a filename available for› saving, if not you will be prompted› for a filename.›› OPTION: › This is used to enter your filename› to save as. DO NOT include your drive› number ("D?:"), the toggle is used to› change drive assignment.›› STATS › 0 0 The stats› display to the left is the running› total of bytes saved in the PSNAME› variable. The display to the right is› the total number of PS ICON name› records read.›› NOTES: Pressing "ESC" will› perform a CLR of memory. The machine› language routine for reading the PS› ICON disks does not perform any error› trapping, so make sure you have PS› ICON disk in the correct drive. The› cursor posit- ion is incorrect after› you input the filename, it will› display over the "Trim Record" toggle› option. This is misleading, it is› still sensing over the last entry› before the filename was entered.› Haven't been able to figure out how to› get the cursor display where it should› be after the INPUT command. >*<>*<›