› o=o=o=o=o=›› Dominion is based on the Parker› Brother's game, DOMAIN, and is a› variation of the traditional game of› REVERSI. The object of the game is› to occupy the largest area of the 9 x› 9 game board, thus scoring the most› points.›› To start the game connect a joystick› to each port. Joystick 1 is the› white player and joystick 2 is the› blue player. The computer randomly› picks who goes first. That player› chooses a piece and places it› anywhere on the board. The next› player does the same. Any opponent's› pieces adjacent to the piece just› placed are 'flipped' to show the› present player's color. Play› continues until no more pieces can be› played.›› I hope you enjoy this game. If you› have any comments, complaints or› suggestions, leave a message for SHOE› in the message area.›› (NOTE: I don't know who SHOE is or› how to contact him. He obviously› assumed that the game-player would› know which bbs to call, too -- Ed.)›› o=o=o=o=o=›››