#‚134› UTILITY PROGRAMS COMPILED BY JAX ATARI› COMPUTER ENTHUSIASTS (J.A.C.E.) group,› Florida.› [Side 1]: (JACE UTILITIES DIS‚ D2). 18› programs. (FILEREAD) Data file reader.› (TESTPAT) TV test pattern generator.› (MLTOBAS) M/L to BASIC DATA converte‚.› (AUTORUN) Autorun your disk menu.› (RENUMBER) BASIC renumber utility.› (CASDISK) Autoboot cassette-to-disk.› (KEYBOARD) F‚iendlier keyboard M/L.› (DUMPER) Examine Atari's memory.› (MEMTEST) Test your RAM memory.› (AUTOMATE) Builds AUTORUN.SYS fil‚s.› (PROGLIB) Catalog your diskettes.› (PROGSORT) M/L sort for PROGLIB.› (DISKLABL) Make your own labels.› (FILEINDX) Neat d‚sk indexing program.› (AUTOGEN) AUTORUN.SYS builder.› (MENUMKR) Disk menu. (RPMTEST) Check› your disk drive speed. (SMALLDOS‚› BASIC DOS system.›› [Side 2]: (JACE UTILITIES DISK D3). 14› programs. (MENUPLUS) Super disk menu› system. (DUPFAST) Fast d‚sk copy› program. (STICKTST) Test your old› joysticks. (DUPL2D) Disk duplicating› program. (TAPEDUPE) Backup your M/L› tapes‚ (NEWDUP.SYS) Advanced Atari DOS› 2.1. (DTESTEXE) M/L 810 disk test› system. (FORMATIX) Easy disk› formatting› system. (DISK‚EST) Test you drive and› diskettes. (DEDITOR) Disk sector› editor. (TVTEST) Test and align your› TV. (DISKCASS) Dump binary ‚iles to› tape. (POLYCOPY) SUPER multi-file copy› utility. (MLMENUMK) Build fancy color› menu for binary load programs.›› # 1‚5› UTILITY PROGRAMS COMPILED BY JAX ATARI› COMPUTER ENTHUSIASTS (J.A.C.E) group,› Florida.› [Side 1]: (JACE UTILITY DISK E9)‚ 10› more advanced utility programs.› (MENUPLUS) Super disk menu system.› (VRSLABLE) Print disk menu lables.› (DIETY) Send d‚sk sectors via modem.› (EDIT4TH) Edit FORTH files from BASIC.› (FIXXL) A binary load version of the› Atari Translator, with ‚ocs. (DIFCVT)› Converts between SYNFILE and other› types of data files. (DSKCAT) Catalog› your diskettes. (WRITER) Documenta‚ion› file writer. (FORTHCON) Converts FORTH› files to DOS files for sending via› modem. (MATTEDIT) Menu driven 40› column te‚t and character graphics editor.›› [Side 2]: (JACE UTILITY DISK G4). 9› Utility programs. (UNDELETE) Easy to› use utility to‚recover those "lost" or› mistakenly deleted disk files.› (DOSWIZ) SUPER disk utilities pack,› includes sector editor and mo‚e!› (COMPRESS) Most unusual compiler,› takes a standard Binary Load program› and compresses it› to use LESS DISK SPACE! Can ‚ree up to› 20% of the sectors originally needed.› (CONTEXT) Converts text files between› Letter Perfect format and DOS 2.0› ‚ormat. (XDISPLAY) 80 column display› for your Atari, with Docs. (MAILWIZ)› Converts Atari Maillist files to› Letter Wizard ‚ompatible. (LBL1020)› Print disk directory lables with your› Atari 1020 printer/plotter. (KEYPAD)› Driver for Atari Numeri‚ Key Pad.› (KEYPAD2) Driver for Atari Numeric› Key Pad- with "," for "Y".›› =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=› THE FOLLOWING 5‚DISKS (NOS. 136 THRU› 140) HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FROM CLUB› CENACLE AN ATARI USER GROUP› REPRESENTING AND SERVING XL/XE OWNERS›‚THROUGHOUT FRANCE. THE PROGRAMS ON › THESE DISKS ARE PD PROGRAMS FROM› EUROPE AND THE USA, THERE ARE ALSO› SOME ORIGINAL FRE‚CH PROGRAMS. SOME› OF THE PROGRAMS ARE IN ENGLISH, BUT› THE MAJORITY ARE IN FRENCH › (TRANSLATED FROM NORTH AMERICAN› PROGRA‚S). › =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=›› # 136› CENACLE NEWS NO. 7 DISK CN7A1/7A2.› [Side 1]: 15 BASIC Printer Utility› program‚. (WYSIWYG!)-Cassette Jackets› by Chet Walters for Epson or Prowriter› Printers. (PSLABELS)-Ver 1.0 by Walt› McCrea/Ver 3.0 ‚y Jim Pierson-Perry.› (DRIVER)-Printer Control Set-Up for› Epson FX/LX-80 by Richard Browne.› (CHAREPSO)-Printer Character D‚sign› Aid by Len Golding. (LOADCHAR)-by Len› Golding. (FONTPRT)-Font Printer by› Remi Gallopin. (TEXTPRT)-Text Printer› by‚Remi Gallopin. (TILES)-Atari› Truchet Files by Frank Kweder,› (COCKTAIL)-The Pan-Galactic Cocktail› Bar by Ruth James (How‚to make Drinks,› -will print to printer).› (DUMPGR8)-Mode 8 Screen Dump by Remi› Gallopin for 62 sector graphics› with .PIC‚suffix. (DUMP1029)-Mode 8› Screen Dump for Atari 1029.› (LABL1029)-DOS Directory for Atari› 1029› "Small Font" by Terry Davi‚s. (LIST› 1029)-from Page 6 England, prints› listed docs. (POST1029)-Poster Printer› 1029 by J.C. Guerrier for 62 sector› im‚ges with .MIC suffix.› (DUMPGR15)-Epson Screen Dump by Phil› Cardwell; Page 6 Magazine-Micro› Painter Screen.› [Side 2]: Th‚s side contains 62 sector› graphics and Fonts for use with the› programs listed for side 1.› TIMEMACH.PIC, TWIN2.PIC, TEX.PI‚,› DOLLAR.PIC, ROCKY.PIC, DIPCHIPSP.PIC,› EYES.PIC, WILLIAM.PIC, FOG.MIC, and› the follwing Fonts: STYLISH, BLOCK,› OUTLINE‚ ULTIMON, ITALICS, GREEK,› SQUARE, STOP, ROMAN, DATA, ASPGOTH,› FANCY3, COMPUTER, SPECIAL, MEDEVAL and› DEVE.›› # 137› CLUB ‚ENACLE NEWS NO. 9 DEC. 1990.› [Side 1]: (UNARC.COM)-Super UnArc!› Ver. 2.8 by Robert Puff. One of the› best unarc programs‚ this one is in› English and menu driven. Also› contains 3 arced programs.› (DESSINS.ARC), (DIVERS.ARC)› and (TTX.ARC).›› ‚Side 2]: Super Loader V 5.0 with five› games: [A] (BLOKHEAD)-Block Head by› Paul Wheildon. [B] (CHARLIE)-Gun› Powder› Charli‚ by Stephen Broumley via ATARI› USER. [C] (GALACTIC)-Galactic Chase.› [D] (HOTBLOCK.S)-Hot Blocks by Paul C.› Lay. [E] (XEVI‚US)-Xevious by Paul &› I.C. Another arc program › ((FONTPRG.ARC) plus five graphic› demos which require Turbo-Basic to› ru‚: (DEMO2)-The Allen Demos-2,› (DEMO3)-The Allen Demos-2› saved as DEMO3, (DEMO1.TBA)-The Allen› Demos-1, (COLOURS.TBA)-Colo‚ Demo,› (SQURVES.TBA)-Demo Squrves.›› # 138› CLUB CENACLE NEWS NO. 7.› [Side 1]: Ten BASIC and three BINARY› GAMES. Run (MEN‚.OBJ) to load and run› the following ten Games:› [A](MAZE.BAS)-Maze Search by David› Bohlke. [B](CHICKEN.BAS)-Chicken by› J.‚. Guerrier. [C](PUZZEL.BAS)-Puzzle› Couleur via J.C. Guerrier from Michael› O'Connor. [D](MOTOR.BAS)-Mean Motor by› Gavin Da‚idson. [E](KTYPE.BAS)- K-Type› by Gareth Martin.› [F](AMAZING.BAS)-Amazing! for Atari› XL/XE by Trevor Prendergast.› [G](TEN‚IS.OBJ)-Tennis requires two› players and two joysticks.› [H](BLASTCOM.OBJ)-Blastcom.› [I](RIDER.OBJ)-Star Rider by Paul Lay.‚ [J](HEADBANG.BAS)-Head Banger by Bill› Halsall. The following three have to› loaded and run from BASIC:› (BOWLTRAP.BAS)-Bow‚ Trap by Nigel› Llewellyn from Page 6 Magazine.› (PACMATHS.BAS)- Pac-Maths via J.C.› Guerrier by Gary Tinsley.› (SUNPLOT.BAS‚-Sun Plotter for Atari› XL/XE by Scott Welch from Page 6, a› sunrise/sunset finder on a world map› you pick the date and tim‚ in GMT.› [Side 2]: Loaded with utilities, demos› and docs in both French and English.› (ONEPASS.COM)-130XE One Pass Disk› C‚pier for Single Density Only, menu› driven, three separate operations;› Read-Format-Write. (XLBANK.BAS)-Bank› Switching for ‚tari XL Hidden Memory› by Kevin T. Pate via Remi Gallopin.› (XLALPHA.BAS)-Bank Switching of XL› Memory via Remi Gallopin.› ‚XLMEM.BAS)-Single Byte Access to› Atari XL Hidden Memory by Kevin T.› Pate via Remi Gallopin. (XLDEMO.BAS)› -Bank Switchin‚ of Atari XL Hidden› Memory by Kevin T. Pate via Remi› Gallopin.› (ALPHA1.BAS)-by Remi Gallopin, Loads› and sorts disk dire‚tory.› (Calendar.BAS)-Calendar II by Slimane› Khelifa Karim. (CALENDAR.DTA)- part of› CALENDAR.BAS. (GENE.BAS)-Genealogy via‚ Delatorre Thierry. (GENEALOG.IE) and› (GENE.DOC) use with GENE.BAS.› (FILANA.ASM) Assembly Language.› (MDRIVE.OBJ)-Sets up ‚tari 800XL Ram› Disk. (AWDSK2.OBJ)-Cause AtariWriter› formatted output to be directed to a› disk file (e.g. prints to disk w‚th or› without printer controls, see .DOC).› (AWDSK2.DOC)-Documentation in English› by John Navas II. Printer drivers for› A‚DSK2: (ATAR1027.ATW), (EPSNMK80),› (GEMO10X), (MANNMANN), (ATAR1020),› (EPSNFX80), (EPSNRX80), (OKI92A) and› (MX100FT3). (AT‚.DOC)-Printer Driver› instructions in French.› (EDTMAGIC.OBJ)-Edit Magic an editing› utility.›› # 139› (From Club Cenacle)› ‚Side 1]: "FOUR TRACKS" a music› program. Instructions on disk in› French. Contains 7 demo selections.› [Side 2]: Contains 63‚SEQ files for› use with "FOUR TRACKS". Documentation› in French included on this side.›› # 140› [Side 1]: (From Club Cenac‚e) "GRAPH› MASTER" Version 4.0 by P. Falton.› Written for the Atari 1029 Printer and› supports the following programs: ATARI‚ ARTIST, REMBRANDT, MICROPAINTER, FUN› WITH ARTS, KOALA PAD, MOVIES MAKER,› PRINT SHOP and Boot Sectors. Also› contains a Mi‚i DOS. Written in› French.›› [Side 2]: From the Bournemouth and› Poole Atari User Group (BaPAUG)› England-Disk #004. "TMB Dr‚w" Version› 2, The 8 bit Mouse Drawing Program› that uses a Joystick (Port 1) or a ST› Mouse (Port 2).A Manual, Utility an‚› Update documentation on disk. Also› included are TBMOUSE6.OBJ› PICLOADA.OBJ and P1029.OBJ.›› # 141› [Side 1]: ADDRESS P‚OGRAMS. Received› from England, two version of the› program are on this side, one is in› English the other is in Polish. The‚ program is menu driven allowing you to› (1)Enter Address, (2)Search Address,› (3)Load Address, (4)Save Address,› (5)Address‚List and (6)End of Program.› The English version is self booting.› (KART.BAS), (KARTKAS.BAS), (FILE.DAT).› [Side 2]: WINDOW ‚L/XE by Joerg Forg,› Megamania Software instructions in› German/English. An excellent windows› program using the joy stick f‚r› control. Areas include =› INFO/COPY/LOCK/UNLOCK/RENAME/DELETE,› = SUB DIR, = CALCULATOR,› = ‚L/XE PAINT (a Paint› Program)/NOTICE BOARD AND . Also› the DOS on this disk is SUPERDOS V2.9› by Paul Nicholls. (GEOS.‚RG),› (GEOS.PIC), (EINSTELL.PRG),› (PRINT.PRG), (CALC.PRG), (CALC.DAT),› (DATCLOCK.INF), (GEOS.INF),› (HELLO.PRG), (INSTALL.‚RG),› (PAINT.PRG), (PFEIL.DLI), (NOTIZ.DAT),› (USER.INF), (DOS.SYS) and (SDUP.SYS).›› # 142› BIT BYTER ABBUC MAGAZIN NO. 25.‚ Another great disk from the Atarians› in Germany. For a description of the› programs on this disk, refer to the› July/Augu‚t 1991 issue of The› OLl'HACKERS Newsletter.› [side 1]: INFO.TXT, PROG.TXT,› GAMETES.TXT, USNEWS.TXT, RESIDEN.TXT,› BASKURS.‚AS, BASKURS.FNT, EPSON.BAS,› DEUTSCH.FNT, SPRACHEN.DAT,› SPANURL.BAS, TITEL.COM, LESER.BAS,› DEPACK.OBJ, PDEKE.TXT, AUFGAB‚.TXT,› KYAN.TXT, USBEST.TXT, INSERAT.TXT,› BASKURS.ASC, BASKURS.BEI,› KARTVDEU.BAS, ATARIXL.DAT,› RAMCOPY.BAS.›› [SIDE 2]:‚BIGHOUSE.COM, ART.COM,› BINOMIAL.TUR, BREAK.COM, DIRPRINT.2XO,› MUSIKBOX.BAS, TETRIS.UP, KURS4.COM,› RUDY.ART, BREAK.LST, DI‚PRINT.BAS,› START.PIC, QUNERASE.BAS.›› # 143› [Side 1]: (COMMUNICATIONS I)I (JACE #› F4). MENUPLUS, HOMEBOOT.OBJ,› HTCUST.OB‚, TD1030.LST, MPPNOTES.DOC,› FOREM.MES, HELP, HTCUST.DOC,› LEBREAK.OBJ, ETMODEM, TSCOPED.› [SIDE 2]: (PR:CONN› TELECOMMUNICA‚IONS). AMODEM72.BAS,› AMODEM72.DOC, AUTGEN72.BAS,› RSCOPE.COM, RSCOPE.DOC,› PRC.SYS, RS232.SYS, README.DOC,› PRINTDOC.BAS.‚› # 144› [Side 1]: (ANTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS -› PD024). AUTOGEN.BAS, AMODEM.BAS,› AUTODIAL.NUM, BOOT232.OBJ, DLINK.DOC,› DIS‚LINK.OBJ, TSCOPE.OBJ, TSCOPE.DOC,› AMODEM.DOC, HELP. ›› [Side 2]: (TELECOMMUNICATION 1)› (AMODEM 7.1). BBS.LST, AUTODIAL.BA‚,› RHANDLER, HNDLR850, THANDLER,› MHANDLER, HANDLER.DOC, AMODEM71.DOC,› AMODEM71, TSCOPE.DOC, TSDIAL.DOC,› TSCOPE, MSCOPE‚ DOC.›› # 145› [Side 1]: (COMMUNICATIONS 1A) (1030› EXPRESS). XPRS1030.OBJ, XPRS1030.DOC,› INSTRUCT.ION, README.DOC, AMODEM‚2,› AMODEM42.DOC.›› [Side 2]: (COMMUNICATIONS 1B) (850› EXPRESS). AMODEM7.22, XPRS850.OBJ,› XPRS850.DOC, DIAL7.2, AUTO1030.7‚.›› # 146› J.A.C.G. BATCH # 4 (231D). MISC.› [Side 1]: (ATAS2A.BAS)-UTILITY:› converts ATASCII code in ATARIWRITER› PLUS doc‚ments to ASCII,› (SUBTRA.BAS)-EDUCATIONAL: elementary› subtraction program with sound› effects,› (SUNSET.BAS)-GRAPHICS: Pict‚re,› (SCROOL.LST)-GRAPHICS: scrolling› colors, (HITMISS.BAS)-GAME: similar to› PONG, requires joystick,› (COMOKI.BAS)-GRAPHI‚S: cartoon,› (PCBDRW.BAS)-UTILITY: PLOTTING program› originating on COMPUSERVE,› (CNFGXE.DAT)-DAT FILE: use with› PCBDRW.BAS‚ (PCBXE.DAT)-DAT FILE: use› with PCBDRW.BAS, (TREKST.BAS)-GAME:› GRAPHICS w/sound StarTrek Mission, use› keyboard, (TREKST.D‚C)-companion› DOCumentation for TREKST.BAS.›› [Side 2]: (CRAPS.BAS)-GAME:› craps/dice,› (BUSNES.BAS)-UTILITY: home/Business,‚ (HUSKY.BAS)-GRAPHICS: Animals,› (JULY4.BAS)-GRAPHICS: Cartoon w/sound,› patriotic display, (TRON.BAS)-UTILITY:› GRAPHICS, d‚aws with joystick and› trigger press, (MAZEM.BAS)-GAME: MAZE,› requires joystick,› (XEDUP.BAS)-UTILITY: uses 130XE› RAMDISK ‚o copy one or more› files from a dick onto another› preformatted disk,› (SANTABBS.BAS)-GAME?/TEXT? Pseudomodem› converstaion‚with Santa, Cute!--Rear› (DOCS) on this disk for instructions. ›› # 147› NOVATARI (Northern Virginia ATARI› Users Group) GA‚ES Disk # 4 (JACG› BATCH #5), [Side 1]: MAZE GAMES- 7› programs: DMAZE.BAS, HIDMAZE.BAS,› ICECAVE.BAS, KINGMAZE.BAS,› MA‚TMAZE.BAS, MAZERACE.BAS and› OMAZE.BAS. ›› [Side 2]: UTILITIES/GAMES: BIKER DAVE› (BIKER.BAS), DEMO (PRISON.BAS),› CHECKBOO‚ MANAGER (CHECK.BAS), JEANIE› ROWE'S ATARI COMPUTER MUSIC› (HAVEN.BAS), THE LABELER VER. 4.0› (Mail & Disk Label Creator by‚Ken› Watson, Canada) (LABEL4.BAS), FILE› INDEX 3.0 by Stacy Goff (Master Index› to Files) (FILIDX.BAS) and LUCKY› LOTTERY‚NUMBER GENERATOR (LOTTO.BAS).›› # 148› [Side 1]: NEW SPECIAL PROGRAMS. Boot› Directory Maker (BOOTDIR.BAS), Number› of Piec‚s in a Roll (ROLLQTY.BAS),› Address Envelope & Label by Alex› Pignato, OL' HACKERS- (ADDRESS.ENV).› The following programs ‚re by Thomas› Andrews: (member OL' HACKERS and ACE› of SYRACUSE)-- Customer List Manager› (MANAGER2.BAS),› PrintStar 1.2 Mul‚i-Column Text› Printer (Look for PRINTSTR3.BAS,› Upgrade) (PRNTSTR2.BAS), Program› Lister-1025 File Lister › (PROGLSTR.BAS‚(PSTR1025.BAS) and› Reformat 2.0 (REFRMAT2.CTB).› [Side 2]: MORE PROGRAMS. (SYNTAB.BAS)› reads your program very slowly befo‚e› printing an analysis of the program.› (TITLCARD.BAS) Title Card Generator› makes fancy main titles. EXC. prog.› (GASMILES‚BAS) by Alex Pignato, (OL' › HACKERS)-- Computes cost per miles.› (PRINTER.BAS) EPSON Printer› Options-sends Control Code ‚ combinations to MX-80 printer.› (TOPRINT.BAS) File Printer-prints a› file on printer or screen 40/80› column.› (PRNTRSET.BA‚) PSET Ver 8.2 by M.M.!› set-up Epson or Panasonic printer for› printing text or doc. files in any› setting. (SYSTAT.BAS) At‚ri System› Status for your particular setup.› (PRNTHAND.BAS) Printer Handler for› Epson, C. Itoh Prowriter or other.› (HELPM‚DS.BAS) by Alex Pignato, › (OL' HACKERS)- shorties of different› methods. (COLR40.COM) Color Helper by› M.M.! assists progra‚mer to figure out› color codes.› › # 149› BOBTERM VER 1.22 (Shareware).› [Side 1]: BOBTERM.CNF, BTPLU.COM,› BOBTERM.PH1, AUT‚RUN.SYS.› [Side 2]: Complete documentaion for› BOBTERM: BTPLU.DOC, DOCS.TXT, READ.ME,› UPDATE.TXT, XM.COM, BTRAMDSK.DOC,› CP‚BTM, MPP.COM, RVERTER.COM, XEP.BTM,› BTRAMDSK.BAS. ›› # 150› [SIDE 1]: LOGOS MAKER by Thorgal,› Shareware from Poland, with ‚omplete› English documentation. Stores pictures› in text mode for faster operation.› [Side 2]: BASIC UTILITIES from› Stourbr‚dge Users Group (England).› (INVEST.BAS) Capitol and Expense› Program by Tom Lowry. (CAD.BAS)› Computer Assisted Design Prog‚am with› Help instructions. › (MATTED14.BAS) MATT*EDIT Rev. 14.› (BIORHYTM.BAS) Personal Biorhytm by› Russell A. Gill. (CALC‚LAT.BAS) Atari› Calculator Simulator by Wallace› Duvall.››› ---------- END -------------------› end of listing D:NEW‚IB5B.A39› -----------------------------›