*****› THOUGHTS FROM› A› MAIL ORDER› MEMBER› By LARRY TISCHBEIN,› Member of THE OL' HACKERS A.U.G, Inc,› and L.V.A.U.G.›› September 10, 1992›› Hi, I am Larry Tischbein of› 1210 W Broad St, Quakertown, PA› 18951-1230, Phone 215-536-5737.›› This is how I became a member of the› OL' HACKERS Atari USERS GROUP, Inc.!› I have belonged to the LEHIGH VALLEY› ATARI USERS GROUP for a couple of› years and in the course of events I› agreed to try and become the editor› of their newsletter when no one else› wanted the job. (ED. NOTE: SOUNDS› FAMILIAR?) As a result of this I had› access to the other newsletters that› the LVAUG received from the other› clubs that we exchanged newsletters› with; particularly the disk with the› OL' HACKERS newsletter on it, and I› think that they are really very› worthwhile and interesting, and I› look forward to receiveing them.›› I know that a lot of effort is put› into that disk that is sent out all› over the world, every two months,› even if I can't always operate› everything they put on that disk, and› I still enjoy it, anyway.›› In August of 1991, I joined› the OL' HACKERS club and have been› very pleased and happy with the› results of being a non-local member› and in January 1992 I re-enlisted for› another year, (that is a joke folks› as I was a 4-F for World War II and I› can't enlist in anything at 71 years› of age.)›› By mail and telephone I› became acquainted with ALEX PIGNATO› and RON FETZER and when I told them I› had trouble with my 800 XL and› Atariwriter in printing columns for› my newsletter job they quickly sent› me a word processor that does a› wonderful job of all of my printing› needs for all of my LVAUG newsletter› work, and especially since I have› managed to upgrade to a 130XE it› really has taken care of my printing› two columns when I TRY and publish a› newsletter.›› Also I have received a copy› of the OL' HACKERS disk library (over› 300 double sided disks) and have› purchased a few disks thru OUR club. › ALEX and RON have also sent me a few› disks on their own and out of the› kindness of their hearts to try and› help me out, since I am a slow› learner and it is hard for me to› catch on to something by myself. So,› when I got in a jam a few times I› either wrote letters to ALEX or RON› or called them on the phone for help› and I must say that they have always› taken the time to either call or› write to me to try and bail me out of› the hole that I have most recently› dug for myself.›› That is why I am glad I› have become a MAIL ORDER member and› since ALEX and RON are also retired,› its easier for me to get hold of them› than it is for my buddies in LVAUG as› most of them are still gainfully› employed, also, since they are in› Allentown it is a long distance call› anyhow. So that is another advantage› of ME belonging to the OL' HACKERS› even if the club is all the way up in› New York state.›› ALEX has been kidding me,› and asking that I should write an› article for OUR newsletter, so now I› have tried to do that and hope that› it will be helpful to any of you who› might be considering joining as a› MAIL ORDER member. I can assure you› that you won't be neglected and you› will be pleased that you have joined› the OL' HACKERS and you will be very› pleased with the gains that you will› have made by joining this BEST OF THE› 8 BIT clubs.›› By the way, I am also› interested in receiving letters from› anyone that is willing to write, and› I promise faithfully that if you› write to me I will find time to› answer you. So how about it my› fellow/gal club members, write! Also› I would appreicate any articles that› you can give me to put in the LVAUG› Newsletter. I had better quit now› while I am ahead.›› Larry Tischbein,› (a HAPPY OL' HACKER!)› 1210 W Broad St› Quakertown PA 18951-1230› 215-536-5737››