[][][] [][][]›› MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 1992 MEETING:› =====================================›› NEW MEMBERS:› ALWAYS A WONDERFUL WAY TO START A› MEETING!›› This month, we welcome 5 new› members to the club. They are:› WENDELL HELFRICK of Springfiled OH.;› CHARLES A COLE of Sierra Vista AR.;› WILBUR J. ZEMLICKA of Madison WI.;› DAVID LANG of Defiance OH.; and› JOSEPH HICSWA from Passaic N.J..› Fellows, I think you made a wise› choice and we hope you will enjoy› yourself.›› ITEMS of INTEREST:›› ALEX expressed the clubs thanks› to RON FETZER for the 3 DISK TURBO› BASIC PROGRAMMING KIT, and to RON and› STAN SCHENFELD for their› collaboration in producing the 2 DISK› SET called DISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.› Because of these programs we have› received wide publicity and many new› members.›› We will have 3 of our members› submitting article to the AC› magazine. TOM ANDREWS, ALAN SHARKIS› and RON FETZER have sent in articles› for the magazine.› ALEX read the instructions for› the AC DISK DISTRIBUTION MANAGER to› the club. We will be responsible for› mailing the AC disks to the› subscribers. ALEX is the DISK› DISTRIBUTION MANAGER for AC› magazine.›› ALAN SHARKIS urged the members› of the club to support the NEW NEST› BBS. Because of the international net› the costs have skyrocketed.›› CORRESPONDENCE:›› We received a letter from SAM› COREY, our member from NJ. He wants› us to send him a subscription form› for the new ATARI CLASSIC magazine.› Sorry SAM we don't have any but the› first issue is free and it will have› a form in it. He also wants to know› how he can help with the new "AC"› magazine. SAM is the 8-Bit librarian› of the JACG.› A letter from JOHN KASUPSKI the› editor of the POKEY NEWSLETTER of the› WEST NY. ATARI USERS GROUP. (If you› want to buy a good disk from our› library get a POKEY disk. They are› all fantastic.) He thanked ALEX for› the Kudos he received for the POKEY› DISK NEWSLETTER. He says that the› newsletter is a product of several› members and that he cannot take sole› credit for it. If you want to use› their BBS, "THE WIZARDS ATTIC" in› upstate N.Y. the SYSOP is JOHN› KASUPSKI and the number is 716-681-› 1654. If you are a member of the› OL'HACKERS mention it to JOHN for› preferential treatment.› ALEX replied that he enjoys the› newsletter and the articles that JOHN› writes. He said that we have photo› copied JOHN'S "BASIC101.BAS" series› of articles. It is a great series to› learn how to program in Atari BASIC.› A letter from FRANK CASTALDO to› ALEX. FRANK is a new Atari user. He› requested that if possible, time be› set aside for new members to be shown› how to operate and load files, ask› questions etc. ALEX set aside 45› minutes for NEW MEMBER at this and at› future meetings.› A letter to PATY RAYL, Co-Editor› of A.I.M. magazine by ALEX. He sent› her a copy of our newsletter for her› examination. ALEX granted permission› to use any article for the A.I.M.› MONTHLY DISK if she wants to.› A letter from JIM CUTLER our› member from England. He writes us› that he likes the newsletter very› much. He said he has written to› HAROLD PEGLER, Librarian for 5 disks› that he wants from the library. He› said he liked RON'S article on DESK› TOP PUBLISHING with the 1st XLEnt› word processor. He also thanked RON› for the article on BOB TERM.› Our new member BILL FORBES from› Indiana PA writes us that he may› write an article for our newsletter› sometime in the nearfuture. He says› he is a Professor in the Biology› Department of the Indiana PA› University. He says from the editors› standpoint he can understand the need› for articles for the newsletter. He› wants to know the list of PA members› and West Virginia members of our› group and also any FORTH programmers› in our group. He is the SYSOP of the› ELECTRONIC ZONE BBS and the WIGGLE› WORM BBS both of which are IBM only.› He said, he at one time had 8-Bit› stuff on his BBS but there was a lack› of interest. He said he has not run› into another ATARI 8 BIT person in› the past 5 years, we are the first to› come across his path. Thirst no more› BILL, you are one of THE OL' HACKERS› now.› Alex answered him by saying you› are no longer a lost 8-Bit soul. ALEX› welcomed him and said may the 8-BIT› bug continue to nibble on his heels.› ALEX wrote a letter to BEN› POEHLAND our member from PA. to› insert an ad. for the SWAP AND SHOP› section in the AC magazine for our› club. The adds will be free to› susbscribers.› CHARLES COLE our member from› Arizona writes us that he has already› submitted an article to the new AC› magazine. He also signed on as the› Hardware and Software editor of ATARI› CLASSIC MAGAZINE. He also had› articles published in CURRENT NOTES› on SPARTA DOS, SPARTA DOS X CARTRIDGE› modifications and some other articles› that have not yet been published.› CHARLES has quite a bit of 8-BIT› computer equipment. He has more than› ALEX, and that is quite a bit! His› library at the last directory› printing contained 4,820 files not› all PD but the majority are. I think› we can safely say that CHARLES has› practically everything that was ever› written for the 8-BIT.›› TREASURERS REPORT:› Ron Fetzer read the monthly› report. We are doing well and are in› the black. May it be ever so!›› BBS NEWS:›› Our club decided to donate› $30.00 to the LIAUG'S NEW NEST BBS› with whom we are affiliated (516 234-› 4943). Because the BBS is now the› host node for the International ATARI› Net (IAN) to Holland, Netherlands,› and Germany the costs have› skyrocketed. At the same time, our› members collected $10.00 more. RON› donated $20.00. We feel that the BBS› serves an invaluable service to us› and the whole ATARI community by› bringing us together. Besides all the› programs you can download, the BBS› serves as a conduit and communication› link to other Atari users. We would› not want to be without it.›› DEMOES:›› ALEX demonstrated WEDGE a› fantastic SPARTA DOS program, by ED› BACHMANN of LEHIGH VALLEY ATARI USERS› GROUP. The next program that was› shown was DOZWIZ.NXL (NXL=Need XL› TRANSLATOR). It is an old program so› you have to use a translator program› first. ALEX brought in a disk in› which the sector count was screwed› up. With DOSWIZ.NXL it was easy to› correct the count and save the disk.› An OLDY BUT A GOODY program. ALEX› used ULTRAFIX.OBJ. It is the BEST› translator program for the 8-Bit. It› even has a HELP section on screen.› ALEX also demonstrated› MENU2BIN.BAS. A great program to make› menues with. It will write a› description of the files on the disk› that appears upon boot up with the› menu, so that you know what the› program is all about, when you look› at it a few months later.› AIM disk MARCH 1992 has a great› math program for kids on it. ALEX› demonstrated it. It is for a high› school student level.› ALEX also demoed a German disk› that had all the music from the› various commercial programs on it. It› is called MEGA DEMO #9 in enhanced› density.› We saw MEGA DEMO #10. It has the› sound tracks of various game disks.› Also in enhanced density.› ALEX also demonstrated a disk› called JEWISH BASEBALL. A game disk› in which you answer questions on› Jewish culture, If right, you move› the player around the bases.› LOOK FOR THESE DEMO's IN OUR LIBRARY››DOOR PRIZES:›› RICK NEAL› HARRY TUTHILL› ALAN SHARKIS› BOB ULSCHMID› JACK GEDALIUS› AL ATKINS›› And as the sun went down in the› West, the meeting continued in the› parking lot. We just hate to have it› end!› TO ALL OUR OUT OF TOWN MEMBERS, WE› WISH YOU WERE WITH US!› Submitted by› RON FETZER›› >>>>>>>>>>>>>>END<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<››