› =>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>›› STAR NX10/NX1000 Files›› by JOHN McGOWAN››StarNX10/1000 files named in this›article, are in the OL' HACKERS A.U.G.›library, as one of 2 disks sent to us›by the JOHN McGOWAN. Thanks JOHN!››STARMAC.ARC: a collection of utilities›for TextPro and the StarNX10.››DD2NX10.ARC: contains a programme to›convert DaisyDot2 fonts to RAM based›NLQ fonts for the StarNX10 printer and›includes about two single sided sides›of preconverted fonts.››DD2NX103.ARC: contains a programme to›convert DD2 fonts to RAM based NLQ›fonts for the StarNX1000 and a utility›to convert the NX10 fonts over as well.›As the NX10 fonts are included here,›converted fonts for the NX1000 are NOT›included and you will have to convert›the fonts from DD2NX10 in order to›obtain fonts for the NX1000.››NOTE: The resulting fonts can be used›by any computer user with either of the›above two printers.››› ^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^