› o=o=o=o=o=›› Editor's Message›› by Alan Sharkis› Editor, OHAUG NEWSLETTER›› On side 1 of this issue, you will› find a tremendous amount of material.› I wish to thank not only those who› contributed directly, but those who› are mentioned in the various articles› and in my newsletter reviews for what› they've done. Pay particular› attention to the minutes of the March› meeting, since it's the first in the› series of joint meetings with LIAUG. › Although the second such joint› meeting will take place before this› issue is mailed, it will be too late› to include anything about it here. A› full write-up will come in the› July/August 1997 issue.›› FRANK WALTERS has contributed two› items to this issue. His Area Code› program, newly revised for 1997 and› easily revised by YOU, if necessary,› is included on this side as› AREACD97.BAS. You can read about it› with the "I" selection from the main› menu. Frank has also written a› splendid article about printing with› TextPro and you can read that one› with the "J" selection.›› RON FETZER has taken a calendar› program from the latest ABBUC disk› and translated its directions into› English for you. This calendar› program does not fall victim to the› infamous "Year 2000" bug you've heard› about! You must have Turbo Basic to› run the program. To do so, you must› format a disk with DOS 2.5. Write› the DOS files to it. Copy your Turbo› Basic program to it. Rename the› Turbo Basic proram on the disk you› made to AUTORUN.SYS. Then copy the› files CALENDAR.TUR and CALENDAR.ARB› from side 1 of this newsletter disk› to that new disk. Read Ron's› instructions from the newsletter main› menu using the "K" selection (you may› (optionally) also copy the file› KALENDAR.TXT from this newsletter› disk to your new disk). If Turbo› Basic is not in your library, it's in› ours! Ask Harold Pegler about it.›› We have several new members, but one› stands out. He's RENE DE BIE,› otherwise known as SYSOP*TXG. Read› about Rene and his extensive Atari› equipment list using the "L"› selection from the main menu of side› 1.›› The BASIC program that runs from the› space bar on Side 1 is DOUBLE6.BAS, a› Backgammon-style game from the› October 1989 issue of A.N.A.L.O.G.› magazine that we had on our copy of› the Pooldisk. ›› On side 2, the BASIC program that› runs from the space bar is› HANGMAN.BAS, from the GAMES03_A› ramdisk image in the MISC. section of› our copy of the Pooldisk. This is› one of the best HANGMAN games I've› ever encountered.›› Additionally, look for MULTI.BAS and› run it from BASIC. This is a› multiplication drill program with an› interesting user interface. If you› wish to copy MULTI.BAS to another› disk, be sure that you also copy› MULTI.PIC to that disk. Both are› needed to run the program. The› program comes from ANTIC Magazine of› June 1990 and again, it was on our› copy of the Pooldisk.›› o=o=o=o=o=››››