FORMAT/DOS/DUP/RAMDISK IN 1 OPERATION› by ALEX PIGNATO, member of THE OL'› HACKERS ATARI USERS GROUP, Inc. NY›› BOTH of these programs will be found› on this disk!›› If you are like me, You hate to› have to do the necessary typing to› FORMAT a new disk, prior to using it.› Its a drudgery that must be done on› each new disk. Wouldn't you like to› FORMAT, add DOS.SYS, DUP.SYS, and› RAMDISK.COM to your disks all in one› operation, and at the same time, just› handle the disk once? Sounds too good› to be true? Here is how you can do› it, BUT, ONLY IF YOU HAVE TWO DISK› DRIVES!. ›› On this disk will be found a› program called FORMDOS1.OBJ, which› has all the commands to do the job,› simply and very efficiently. To use› it, load a DOS.SYS disk, and then› copy RAMDISK.COM on this disk. Then› type [E] (RENAME) and then rename› FORMDOS1.OBJ to AUTORUN.SYS.›› Now, before you load and boot the› disk with the new AUTORUN.SYS (the› renamed FORMDOS.OBJ) in DRIVE #1, put› in a blank unformatted disk in DRIVE› #2, then boot up the disk with the› new AUTORUN.SYS in DRIVE #1, then sit› back and watch the fun. Do not do› anything more at this point.›› The screen will quickly give you› a warning that this program is about› to FORMAT, add DOS/DUP & RAMDISK.COM› on DRIVE #2.›› The drive will go on and the› disk in DRIVE #2 will first be› FORMATTED, then DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS› will be added, then RAMDISK.COM will› also be added. This will all be done› without you doing any typing.›› Following the above, DRIVE #1› will automatically activate, and the› DANGER WARNING that the program is› about to FORMAT, add DOS/DUP &› RAMDISK.COM to DRIVE #2, will be› printed on screen. You now have a few› seconds to take out the disk in DRIVE› #2, which has been FORMATTED etc.› TURN IT OVER (be sure disk has been› NOTCHED), and insert (side 2) the new› blank unformatted disk in DRIVE #2.› DO NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE!›› Once again sit back and watch› the new disk being FORMATTED, with› DOS/DUP, and RAMDISK.COM put on the› disk, and all done without any typing› on your part.›› This process will go on as long› as you keep feeding blank unformatted› disks in DRIVE #2. When you want to› stop the procedure, all you do is hit› [RESET] when the DANGER etc. etc.› sequence comes on screen.›› Remember to keep the disk with› your new AUTORUN.SYS on it as your› Master Disk for whenever you want to› prepare a bunch of disks in advance› of your using them.›› Also on this disk you should› find a program called FORMDOS2.OBJ.› This program will do the reverse of› the above. It will work from DRIVE› #2, and format disks in DRIVE #1. You› must first load a disk with DOS/DUP› on it, then insert the disk with› FORMDOS2.OBJ, and rename it› AUTORUN.SYS using [E]. Then put this› disk with the new AUTORUN.SYS in› drive #2, put in a blank unformatted› disk in DRIVE #1. You should still› have DOS on screen. Now, hit [L] and› type "D2:AUTORUN.SYS", and the› process will once again start over as› outlined above.›› A final thought. I suggest that› you put FORMDOS1.OBJ on side 1 of a› MASTER DISK, along with RAMDISK.COM,› and put FORMDOS2.OBJ on side 2 along› with RAMDISK.COM, and then only use› this MASTER DISK whenever YOU WANT TO› FORMAT A WHOLE BATCH OF DISKS!› OF DISKS!