*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*›› NEWSLETTER REVIEWS› by Alan Sharkis› OHAUG Newsletter Librarian›› If I had to describe the weather on› Long Island so far this winter, I'd› have to say that it has been a› blessing for those who hate shoveling› snow and a bust for those who love› skiing or sledding on it. I know› that's not what's been happening in› other parts of the world. We hope› that the winter has been treating you› well, or at least that it has been› kind enough to allow you to pursue› what you wish to do with your Atari. › (Notice that I studiously avoided› those other stories that have been› occupying the news!)›› (FR)ANTIC for November 1998 -- The› AAAUA has announced the result of an› election and some of the officers are› new. We congratulate all. It also› seems as though AAAUA meetings are› taking place in AL BLOCKER's› residence form now on. RUSSELL STOWE› contributes articles on 1020 plotter› repair and on the care and ffeing of› disk drives. Finally, there's an› article, complete with screen shots,› of The Last Starfighter. This game› was never officially released by› Atari, but the beta version has been› making the rounds of late.›› LVAUG News for November/December 1998› -- There's a reprint of an article› from the CompuServe Atari8 about› adding resistance in parallel to the› console keys on a 130XE when they› fail to operate. Other articles› include one on Santa Claus in› cyberspace and advice to students to,› "Surf the Web With a Grain of Salt› (both from the Allentown Morning Call› -- authors listed.) There are other,› humorous articles and cartoons, and a› calendar of 1999 with meeting dates› circled.›› (FR)ANTIC for December 1998/January› 1999 -- Editor MANUEL GARCIA› questioned Hasbro on what they intend› to do with the Atari software rights.› He was interested particularly in› what, if anything Hasbro intended to› do with non-game and hardware-related› issues. They referred him to› for more complete› answers to his questions, but the› answer that Hasbro gave leaves little› room for doubt. Hasbro will› concentrate on games, as they run on› the Sony PlayStation, the PC, and the› Nintendo 64. At AGH, Manuel probably› saw the familiar name of JOHN HARDIE,› but got few hardware and/or non-› gaming questions answered. Also in› this issue are screen shots of Rodent› Revenge, a PD game by BILL KENDRICK,› hints on selecting graphics by number› when using The Print Shop, hints on› playing Ghost Busters, a reprint of› DAVID RICHARDSON's Exploring the Wild› FONTier, and a 1999 calendar with the› club's meeting dates boxed in.›› JACG Newsletter for January 1999 --› This is a packed issue. It starts› off with Part 2 of MARSHAL M.› ROSENTHAL's fine Atari history› article. JOE HICSWA does fine reviews› of New Atari User and the OHAUG› Newsletter. According to the minutes,› the JACG has voted to accept members› who own other computers. In an› article a little later in the issue,› SAM CORY takes issue with that stand› and sees nothing to be gained by the› change. (Of course, I would have to› remind Sam that my forays into the› comp.sys.atari.8bit back me up.› Emulating an Atari 8-bit on a PC› seems to get many former 8-bitters› interested in their old computers› again. The hours that my SIO2PC› interface and my null-modem› connection between the two machines› have saved me as editor of this› newsletter are somewhere in the› thousands! The two machines can› coexist and help each other› considerably. -- Ed.) The issue ends› with a humorous list of bumper› sticker slogans, a financial› statement for the JACG, and a list of› members with their names, addresses› and phone numbers.›› PACESetter for January 1999 -- Editor› WALT LEWIS starts off with an article› called, "ANTIC DISK HELP!" He uses› the ANTIC Magazine's list of› extenders to launch what is probably› the best-written article for› beginners on loading files from a› disk I've ever seen. (And Walt, the› device name "E:" stands for "screen› Editor." -- Ed.) The rest of the› issue is devoted to descriptions of› several disks from the club's› library. They're too numerous to› mention here, but please pick up a› copy of this issue and look it over. › Some of these disks are most› interesting and useful!›› IMAGE for January 1999 -- There is no› 8-bit-related news in this issue, but› there are two items of note. First,› NICK DiMASI, president of of SCAT,› has joined IMAGE. Second, Hayes, the› modem manufacturer that at one time› set the standards and command set for› all others to follow, has filed for› reorganization under Chapter 11.›› SCAT President's Letter for December› 1998/January 1999 -- This issue lists› a URL for the SCAT Website, which› I've visited and enjoyed› . It's› also significant that in thier last› election, former 8-bit librarian JOE› CHIKO was elected vice-president and› ERIC CRON was elected 8-bit› librarian. (Eric is a frequent› contributor to comp.sys.atari.8bit› and his Web site› › includes html versions of De Re Atari› and The 850 Operator's Manual, as› well as a .ZIP file of The Atari› Hardware Manual. -- ed.)›› The PACESetter for February 1999 --› This issue seems to be a music› issue. It includes reviews of the› Music Composer cartridge and Music› Construction Set by Editor WALT› LEWIS, the instructions for ANTIC› Music Processor by STEVEN LASHOWER, a› description of Music I, II, and III› from the APX catalog, and a› description of Bank Street Music› Writer by GLEN CLANCY of Mindscape.› Walt mentioned getting a year's worth› of OHAUG disks and printouts from JOE› HICSWA. (This is the obviously the› same package that Joe sent me and› which I showed at the last meeting. -› - Ed.) There are also articles about› how to keep junk e-mail out of your› PC and how to tell how fast your PC's› connected on line (both from the› LCACE News Journal.) Finally,› there's an article, reprinted from› the OHAUG Newsletter of 3-4/92 on› repairing and modifying and Indus› disk drive.›› XIO3 for January/February 1999 -- Our› member, JOHN POWELL, has joined yet› another user group. This time, it's› GCACE! GCACE, by the way, has had› another election. Many familiar› names are among the officers. Our› congratulations to all, and best› wishes to ROWLAND GRANT for a› contined speedy recovery from serious› surgery. ROWLAND still took time to› write two very informative columns --› his usual 8-bit affairs column and a› reivew of Pool Disk Too. Both cover› many interesting points and should be› "must reads."›› JACG Newsletter for February 1999 --› Edlitor TOM LASKOWSKI has obviously› been following the gaming scene. A› lot of former Atari employees have› been working on something called› Project X and something called Nuon.› These very secret projects are about› to bear some fruit. Read all about› it in Tom's column, in two press› releases from VM LABS also reprinted› in this issue, and from a column› entitled Pecking at the Scraps, by› DONALD A. THOMAS, JR. Also see the› final installment of MARSHAL M.› ROSENTHAL's "Thanks for the Ecstacy› Atari" column. JOE HICSWA is back as› president, and has a column called,› "From the Opal Office." Joe uses› this month's column to talk about› what the user group has done to› enhance his confidence. Joe also› reviews several newsletters,› including the November-December LVAUG› Newsletter and the December› PACESetter. SAM CORY raises some› very interesting points in a column› on the next-to-last page. There's no› title, but is name appears at the› bottom. Sam does a fine job of› explaining why Internet messages,› including e-mail are split into› packets which are then sent in many› different directions, and finally› assembled into the original at the› ISP of the intended recipient. You› didn't know that? You're used to› sending and receiving files _AS A› WHOLE_ while working with a BBS? Sam› will explain why packets, which look› like a more dangerous way to send› messages, actually improve the› efficiency of the Internet. He also› poses some questions for PC users. › Perhaps Sam is changing his mind› about the wisdom of JACG bringing in› PC users? Hmmm....››› *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*›››