##==##› OL' HACKERS PLANTING SCHEDULE!›› The planting of the below seeds will› guarantee that your club will grow and› bloom with friendship, while you gain› 8 bit EXPERTISE!›› FIRST, PLANT FOUR ROWS OF PEAS:› ..Presence at all meetings› ..Promptness at meetings› ..Prior home preperation of demos's› ..Perseverance with those that need› your help›› NEXT PLANT FOUR ROWS OF LETTUCE:› ..Let us obey club rules› ..Let us be courteous to› speakers› ..Let us be faithful to club› duties› ..Let us give a helping hand› without being asked›› THEN PLANT THESE THREE ROWS OF› SQUASH:› ..Squash unnecessary criticism of› those that are doing club work› ..Squash rumors that hurt the 8BIT› ..Squash pirating of programs›› FINALLY PLANT ROUR ROWS OF TURNIPS:› ..Turn up at all meetings with a› friendly smile ready to help› ..Turn up ready to do a demo› ..Turn up with new ideas› ..Turn up to volunteer when› something needs to be done› *****››