››****************************››For The Beginner››****************************›››BOOT WITHOUT BASIC›---------------››On the XL & XE Computers: (1) Turn on›your disk drive and TV. (2) Insert the›disk into the disk drive. (3) Hold›down the OPTION key on your computer.›(4) Turn ON your computer while still›holding down the OPTION key. (5) After›a couple of seconds let go of the›Option key.››On the OLD 800 Computer: (1) Remove›your Basic cartridge from your›computer. (2) Turn on your disk drive›and TV. (3) Insert the disk into the›disk drive. (4) Turn on your›computer.›››BOOT WITH BASIC›---------------››On the XL & XE Computers: (1) Turn on›your disk drive and TV. (2) Insert the›disk into the disk drive. (3) Turn on›your computer.››On the OLD 800 Computer: (1) Insert›your BASIC cartridge into your›computer. (2) Turn on your disk drive›and TV. (3) Insert the disk into the›disk drive. (4) Turn on your›computer.›› ›