*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*›› NEWSLETTER REVIEWS› by Alan Sharkis› OHAUG Newsletter Librarian›› Some people call this time of year› the "dead" of winter. Although I› know how the expression originated, I› think it's a misnomer in these times› of ours. There is much happening in› our Atari 8-bit world, as there is in› the natural world. Some of the› developments that affect our Classic› Ataris is hidden to us, as the› activities of deciduous plants and› hibernating animals is hidden to us› in the "dead" of winter. But if we› discover something new, and make it› known to all of our user group --› perhaps to the rest of the community› as well -- everyone will benefit.› Once again, I urge all of our members› to rejoin, and to add to their› checks, a little note containing› their name and their Internet or› FidoNet e-mail address. At this› time, I'd like to remind those of you› who didn't note it that mine has› changed. It's now:›› asharkis@erols.com›› and I'd really appreciate hearing› from you via e-mail if you use it.›› I'm going to ask Ron Fetzer, when he› promulgates the next member list, to› include e-mail addresses if he can,› even if it means typing up the list› at my house, on my PC, so that we can› take advantage of a smaller, but› still readable font. As you may› remember, I don't balk at using my PC› in service to the Atari community.›› With all that the Internet and BBSs› have to offer, there is still a lot› of 8-bit news that comes out of user› group newsletters, whether in print› or on disk. I allow the disk-based› newsletters to be reflected in our› minutes, since I demonstrate them at› meetings. Print newsletters are› reviewed here, as most of you know.›› SCAT President's letter for Autumn› 1997 -- The Suburban Chicago Atarians› welcomed Eric Cron as an 8-bit member› as well as a couple of new ST members› during the summer. It's nice to see› a user group grow when some groups,› including the heavy hitters, are› complaining about dwindling› membership. SCAT president, NICK DI› MASI seems to have some some of the› same beefs common to other user group› presidents. He seems not to enjoy› people who come to the meeting with› their own agenda, merchandise to› sell, etc., without first discussing› it with the president. Nick feels› that meeting time, limited as it is,› shouldn't be taken over by a surprise› "sale" of surplus equipment. But he› does plan to have a swap meet in the› near future. (Since OHAUG meetings› are on Saturdays and run long, we› don't have as acute a problem as SCAT› -- ed.) He also made a plea, similar› to mine above, for the members to› make their e-mail addresses available› to the club, to notify the club if› they aren't getting expected e-mail,› and to use the BBS as a means of› contacting the club and its officers› in the absence of e-mail access. A› list of ST DOMSs was enclosed. If› any of you owns and uses an ST, Mega› or Falcon, you might find this list› useful.›› LVAUG News for September/October 1997› -- There is an article on buying a› computer by CHUCK MELVIN (Newhouse› News Service.) It refers, of course,› to terminology you should have at our› fingertips if you are going to buy an› IBM-compatible computer. Much of it› is outdated, even in the short time› since it was written, but with a› little imagination you can extend› some of the specification numbers to› see what applies today. (I've› included this, even though it's not› Atari-related, since some of you› might want to buy a PC now or in the› near future to ENHANCE what your› Atari can do -- ed.) GARY CONDON's› Hartford Courant article discusses› the benefits, dangers, maintenance› and possible successors of the› computer mouse. There is also a list› of filename extensions used in the› LVAUG library.›› TWAUG Newsletter for› September/October 1997 -- DENNIS› FOGARTY had previously asked about› the TARI-TALK interface to enable him› to transfer files from his 8-bit to› his ST so that they could be backed› up on another platform. He couldn't› find one, but instead found an 850› interface. The story of how he used› it and a homebrew null-modem cable› with Kermit software to do the job› makes for a fascinating and very› complete article. Dennis raises› questions in the article, and they› were answered at the end of the› article. DAVID RUSSELL's excellent› series on graphics modes also› continues in this issue.›› (FR)ANTIC for October 1997 -- Editor› MANUEL GARCIA has included the Star› Trek/Microsoft parody I put into our› last OHAUG newsletter. Elswhere,› Manuel has also reprinted a version› of the famous Microsoft helecopter› story. (Knocking Microsoft seems to› be a common pursuit these days. I› know that the Atari 8-bit will never› represent a threat to the IBM-› compatible platform, but don't be› surprised if cloned STs do make a› dent, particularly in Europe. Read› on ... Ed.) Librarian RUSSELL STOWE› has asked the user group for thoughts› on putting together a Web page. A› Nybbles and Bytes article by DALE› WOOSTER and JOHN POWELL on adapting› Nintendo controllers for the Atari 8-› bit rounds out the issue.›› IMAGE for November 1997 -- I seldom› include material from this› newsletter. The Indiana-Michigan› group supports all Atari products,› but there is seldom 8-bit news in it.› However, for those of you who got the› feeling that ST owners were suffering› a greater decline than we 8-bitters,› I'd advise reading this newsletter --› particularly this issue and the› next, which I will review in this› column. If you own a Jaguar, IMAGE› is also a reliable source of› information on that machine, too. › Editor ED BAIZ and President STEPHEN› ELEK, JR. are the most frequent› contributers.›› JACG Newsletter for November 1997 --› It is with great pleasure that I› welcome this newsletter back! It had› been missing for quite some time.› SAM COREY had done a great job with› it, but after some medical problems,› Sam switched roles and is now the› club's 8-bit librarian. Assuming the› editorship of the JACG Newsletter is› TOM LASKOWSKI. Tom reports that a› motion was made to disband the JACG› at their last meeting, and that the› motion has caused some soul-› searching. He also reports that› there is now a two-way race for the› presidency of the JACG. SAM COREY,› meanwhile, writes an article› explaining why he had proposed the› motion to end the JACG. In the› article, Sam speaks about stimulating› members to contribute their time and› talent to the club. It was not his› intention to see the club end, but› simply to redirect its focus and get› more member participation. Current› President JOSEPH HICSWA goes far to› explain why he doesn't want to see› the club disband. There are other› letters concerning the controversy› that Sam created, the coming› election, the club's not-for-profit› status in New Jersey, and a› particularly amusing letter from PHIL› GREENHUT regarding the new Pentium› machine in his house. There is also› a reprint of part 5 of DON THOMAS'› (Compuserve) article, "Did You Hear› Anyone Say Goodbye?", and a reprint› of parts of the Atari 8-bit FAQ that› deals with the features of the› 400/800 and te development team that› produced them.›› (FR)ANTIC for November 1997 -- The› AAAUA has elected a new slate of› officers. Congratulations to all. › It's good to see the user group› continue. The AAAUA has elected to› become a multiplatform club, and this› is reflected in their election of a› PC Vice-President. A rather long› article, concerning lack of member› attendance at meetings and a general› lack of enthusiasm for the Internet› as a communication facility is› reprinted from AELian Transmissions. › It was written by JAN D. WILT. The› AAAUA asks if the article fits their› group. (I might ask the same› question of OHAUG local members with› one or two exceptions. Seems as if› our out-of-town members are more› Internet active than our officers -› Ed.) Also in the issue are› photographs of some AAAUA members,› and an article by CRAIG LISOWSKI› describing the additon of an internal› speaker for the 800XL.›› XIO3 for November/December 1997 --› GORDON F. HOOPER continues the jabs› against the computer industry. No,› his target is not Microsoft this› time, but rather those "friendly"› tech support representatives you› speak to on the phone from time to› time. Elswhere in the article,› Gordon also provides a very humorous› dictionary of computer terms. DOUG› SKRECKY reports a mention of the› Atari name in the February 1986 issue› of Isaac Asimov's science fiction› magazine, in a story called,› "Salvage," Doug prints a synopsis of› the story, which describes a game› being played on an "ancient" Atari. › If you request this newsletter,› please read the article and try to› answer the question at the end. Doug› wants to know which Atari game was› being described in the story. On the› back cover, Doug also reprints› another Bill Gates joke. Although› there is little 8-bit news in it,› ROWLAND GRANT's Atari News and› Rumours column makes interesting› reading this month. He covers JTS,› the Jaguar, the loss of Compuserve's› Run Luks, and with him, the Atari› Forums and software libraries. He› also reports the obvious loss of› Current Notes. However, Rowland also› writes the 8-bit Affairs column, and› in this issue he discusses several› interesting developments and projects› for our 8-bits, including the return› of Austin Franklin to CSA8, STEVEN› (A.P.E.) TUCKER's interest in› developing another PC keyboard› interface for the 8-bits, the release› of STEFAN DORENDORF's Version 4.0› QMEG+OS chip, the development (in› Poland) of an 8-bit version of UNIX› (called ANIX,) ANDRE FACHAT's OS/A65› which can be ported to any 6502› machine, WILLIAM KENDRICK's release› of Gem Drop, and the release of› ABBUC's 50th Magazine.›› LVAUG News for November/December 1997› -- A LEIF B. STRICKLAND (KNT News› Wire - Allentown Morning Call› 10/7/97) describes the way students› are taking term papers from the› Internet, rather than doing the work› necessary to produce their own› papers. The article raises some› interesting points, and is certainly› worth reading. Editor LARRY› TISCHBEIN has included some› interesting material. On page 5 of› this issue are come interesting short› anecdotes and cartoons that you› should also read.On the next two› pages he has reprinted some material› that he has obviously obtained on the› Internet regarding 8-bit Atari› computers. He has included a simple,› 8-line program to produce the famous› Atari rainbow. More cartoons and an› interesting frog story fill out the› issue.›› The PACESetter for December 1997 --› Another editor is giving up the› newsletter? Well, here's a› difference. JEAN BROKAW is doing it› with style and good humor. Just› check the first page of this› newsletter to see how she› accomplishes this. Jean expresses no› sadness at leaving, no bitterness› about the conditions that make her› leave; just thankfulness for the› experience, which, she admits, was› difficult but rearding. We welcome› WALTER LEWIS to the position. Walter› has a difficult act to follow and we› trust he'll do it well. (For those› of you that think I'm quitting too,› NO SUCH LUCK :-), Ed.) Jean goes on› to bring s some holiday-based web› sites, among other familiar features.› There is a reprint of a STEPHEN MANES› story from the December 1995 issue of› the JACG Newsletter. This story,› "Rip Van Digital's Software› Hangover," is certainly worth› reading. There's a message hidden in› it; see if you can tell what it is. › The series on PCs and Windows 95 tips› continues, this time concentrating on› the shift key and its hidden› functions. There is a review of an› old Atari 8-bit favorite, "Winter› Games."›› IMAGE for December, 1997 -- As› promised, I am reviewing this issue,› even though 8-bit material is scant. › I'm doing this to show that the ST› community, which we often consider› more disheartened than our own by the› PC's dominance, is making a great› comeback. There are manufacturers of› Falcon clones in Canada and Germany. › One particular machine, the German› Hades, uses a Motorola 68060› processor and has fantastic› capabilities. Editor ED BAIZ has› recently discovered a BBS in his area› that carries FidoNet. At Ed's› request, the BBS is now carrying both› the 8-bit and ST national echoes. › Now, I see Ed's messages several› times a week when I log on to another› FidoNet BBS that I call daily. › FidoNet's National Atari Echo, the 8-› bit echo, used to carry as many as› sixty messages daily. The average in› recent days has been one daily› message. The bulk of the remaining› 8-bitters prefer the› comp.sys.atari.8bit newsgroup on the› Internet. Speaking of the Internet,› Ed reminds us that a new Atari 8-bit› mailing list now exists. I've› subscribed, to find out that messages› can be in a great variety of› languages. Ours IS an international› community, after all. To subscribe,› mail a message to:›› majordomo@zwieracz.pse.pl›› and put the line "subscribe atari8-l"› in the body of your message, (not the› subject.) There is, as I stated› before, lots of news about the ST and› Falcon clones, but the major themes› seem to be Web browsers for these› machines and PC emulation on them.›› SCAT for December/Holiday 1997 --› President NICK DiMASI reports that› the group had an exceptionally good› year. They recently did a joint ST-› 8-bit demo showing how to transfer› files via null-modem connection› between the two machines. They used› XModem protocol because it's› universally available. (I'd advise› all 8-bitters to look into LARRY› BLACK's Atar-Z-Modem add-on or to run› ITAY CHAMIEL's Ice-T 2.72, if› possible, since both of these allow› for ZModem downloads -- ed.)›› JACG Newsleter for December 1997 --› The club's election has taken place. › RON CARLSON is the new president, SAM› CORY continues as 8-bit librarian,› and THOMAS LASKOWSKI is now editor. › JOSEPH E. HICSWA promises to be a› rather active president emeritus. › This month, the club will vote on› whether or not to disband. (Judging› from the material in this newsletter,› my money is on the JACG being a force› in our community for the next several› years -- ed.) Tom reports that he› stumbled across a web site put up by› B. and C. ComputerVisions, and there› learned that there will be an Atari› World 98 next summer in California. › Inside the issue is Part VI of DON› THOMAS' "Did You Hear Anyone Say› Goodbye." JOE HICSWA, as president› emeritus, is te same old Joe, part› cheerleader, part historian, part› diplomat. Read his column. He's› also an OL' HACKER! SAM CORY› contributes an interesting article. › I will simply quote the first line,› and then hope that it prods you into› reading the article: "Reality is› always catching up to Science› Fiction."›› *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*›››