o=o=o=o=o=›› Editor's Message›› You know, there aren't too many› difficult decisions about content for› me to make as editor. But here's one› that I had to make, and I apologize› if it upsets any of you. In my› editorial I asked if those of our› members who use their 8-bits to› access the Internet would write a› short article describing their› experiences. Although I knew that› ONE of you, at least, would be› forthcoming, I figured that I ought› to cover myself, so I mentioned that› I was looking for such an article in› the CSA8 newsgroup. Well, BOB› WOOLEY, in his position as editor of› AC MAGAZINE, forwarded to me a pre-› publication copy of an article he had› received from our member, TOM› ANDREWS, on that very topic. I have› chosen NOT to include that article in› this issue of the OHAUG Newsletter› for two reasons. First, we made an› agreement with AC back when BEN› POEHLAND was editor of that magazine.› We agreed that if any of our members› submitted an article to AC and that› article was accepted for publication,› we'd hold off putting it into our own› newsletter until after its› publication in AC, and then include› it in our newsletter only with the› permission of AC and the author. I› think that's a fair agreement. The› community at large will have the› benefit of the article, and it won't› be delayed until a small segment of› that community, namely our user› group, has had a crack at it. I'm› pretty sure that neither Tom nor Bob› will object if the OHAUG Newsletter› reprints the article after it appears› in AC. Second, it would make no› sense at all to call for something in› one issue of the newsletter and have› that something appear in the very› same issue! So, although I know you› all want to see Tom's article, you› have a choice. You can wait until it› appears in the OHAUG Newsletter› (probably next issue,) or, you can› read it in AC. If you haven't› subscribed to AC, perhaps this will› be an incentive?›› Speaking of that editorial, I took› the liberty of reading it to our› local members at the last meeting. › I'm happy to state, as was reflected› in the December minutes, that the› local members showed interest in both› of the improvements I suggested. › There will undoubtedly be more said› on this topic in the next few issues› of this newsletter.›› Many of the programs we put into our› newsletter have come from the Pool› Disk, a CD-ROM of both individual 8-› bit files and "disk images." All are› public domain, shareware or freeware.› The Pool Disk was produced by Bo and› Ernest Schreurs in The Netherlands.› There will be a Pool Disk II, it will› be released shortly, and it might› even turn out to be a double CD-ROM!› What's more, it's cost will be much› less than the cost of the original› Pool Disk. When I know that it is› available and the price is announced,› I will ask the user group to buy it.› Pool Disk II promises to have some› rather rare, but very good, programs› on it.›› The "spacebar" program on Side 1 of› this issue of the OHAUG Newsletter is› OREGON.BAS. It's a text adventure› based on a ficticious pioneer journey› on the Oregon Trail, and probably› predates the well-known educational› program of that name. Also, look for› GTIAPAD.BAS, a drawing program that› uses the special graphics modes that› the GTIA chip introduced. The› program was modified to add Koala Pad› control to the existing joystick› control. Both the author and the› modifier have their names on the› title screen. Both programs came› from our copy of The Pool Disk.›› On Side 2, the "spacebar" program is› SMOKEY.BAS. It's a text adventure› that is based on the old "Smokey and› the Bandit" movie. Play is fun and› self-explanatory. You will also find› a machine-language program called› REPAIR.COM. This program solves the› problem of BASIC programs that RUN› but WON'T LIST, due to problems with› the disk (NOT DUE TO AN ALTERED› VARIABLE TABLE.) My advice is to› copy this file to a new disk that› also has the DOS files on it, run it› from the DOS menu, and READ THE› INSTRUCTIONS before attempting to use› it. There are several things this› program won't do reliably, and you› should try it on a COPY of your BASIC› program (not the original.) Finally,› on Side 2 is the maze game,› ICECAVES.BAS. The title screen lists› all the moves, so copy them down› before playing. All three of these› programs on Side 2 come from our copy› of the Pool Disk.›› o=o=o=o=o=››››